88. Chapter 88 Powerful Ghost Gold

Chapter 88 Powerful Ghost Gold

This stréngth is very violent, like a volcanic eruption, wherever lava flows, passing Ye Zhongming’s body red, and can only fall to the ground to relieve pain.

The violent stréngth gradually disappeared after wandering freely in his body for two laps. Ye Zhongming, who was slowly sitting up, was soaked, his lips were bitten, and his blood smelled.

I found a bottle of water and took a sip, and the cold liquid slipped into the body, which made him feel better.


Ye Zhongming moved his right arm holding the water bottle and seemed to be hurt.

He got up and jumped, and sure enough the injuries that day had recovered.

Ye Zhongming has never eaten Goat Treasure before, because Dread Goat is rare in the danger-zone, and many Dread Goats have become high-level mutated lifeforms later. Hard skin and strong flesh are fast and very difficult. Kill, there are not many chances to get Goat Treasure. Even if it can be obtained, it cannot be divided into Ye Zhongming’s previous-life status.

And Goat Treasure, the lower the Evolution Level is, the better the effect will be. Few powerhouses above 5-Star are dedicated to dealing with Dread Goat, because they eat Goat Treasure and have no effect at all.

But Ye Zhongming is now a 1-Star Evolver and taking Goat Treasure of Level 2 Dread Goat, the effect is naturally excellent.

The body recovered, and the physique also increased a bit. Ye Zhongming tried it casually, and felt that it was almost close to the average eight-nine times of ordinary people.

In addition to these very obvious changes, Ye Zhongming also found that his spiritual power has increased significantly.

Before, Ye Zhongming estimated that his spiritual power was more than 200 points. The increase in this time has exceeded 300 points, which is close to 350 points!

Because of having two classes, Ye Zhongming’s spiritual power has always been inadequate. Often, the physical control of the body is caused by the exhaustion of spiritual power. Now adding so many spiritual powers will undoubtedly greatly alleviate this situation.

And Ye Zhongming is a person with Low Level coagulation. It is a skill that calculates the formidable power and duration according to the sum of the carrier and spiritual power. The increase of spiritual power can be said to increase the formable power of this skill from the side. Let Ye Zhongming control the use of this skill according to the war situation when fighting.

Goat Treasure has made these three changes in the body, Ye Zhongming is very happy. As for the legend, Goat Treasure can let people have some special abilities and not at all after taking it by himself. He does n’t think it is apocalypse anymore. Things often happen, but not all of them fall on you. Ye Zhongming understands this.

The physical recovery of spiritual power increased, and Ye Zhongming was full of stréngth when he worked. He put Dread Goat skin, Ape Turtle Crocodile eggs, hiking potion formula, gold cloth, Class Promotion Scroll, Helldog summon card, and Man-Eating Flower seeds. Put in the space crystal, Ye Zhongming only left the last thing in his hand, Ghost Gold.

Such a large piece must not be used all at once, Ye Zhongming thought about it, and felt that anyway, the spiritual power is sufficient now, and I just used Gathering to deal with Ghost Gold.

This Glory-Artisan Class skill, which consumes a lot of spiritual power, was really difficult to deal with. After consuming a large part of spiritual power, Ghost Gold also divided the hundred shares that Ye Zhongming wanted under this skill!

This made Ye Zhongming have a fantasy. If his spiritual power has 100 million points, just touch those Ghost Gold chains on Iron Locked Prisoner, then all Ghost Gold is his own.

Ye Zhongming glanced at the gloomy sky outside, and felt that he was no longer daydreaming.

One hundred copies of Ghost Gold, about ten grams each, Ye Zhongming decided to test the effect.

Use a copy of ten grams of Ghost Gold for the experiment. If you let the previous-life Artisan know, Ye Zhongming will definitely be scolded. Ghost Gold is usually used one by one.

But who makes Ye Zhongming have more hands now, so he doesn’t care too much about the problem of waves and waste.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Zhongming ran to a remote street outside again, found a car, and used forging.

The rays of light flashed, and the car turned into a viscous liquid. Under the catalysis of the last Level 2 Magic Crystal on Ye Zhongming, it constantly changed its shape. Ye Zhongming launched Ghost Gold and the innate skill at the right time. The kind of bone needle was put in as a material to add additional attributes. After a while, a silver long knife similar to Moon’s Edge in Ye Zhongming’s hand appeared in front of him.

Ye Zhongming relaxed. Fortunately, he succeeded. He always feels slightly pitted at this 50% chance of failure.

“Moon’s Edge (Ming): base sharpness 20. Attribute 1: stréngth + 10. Attribute 2, penetrate + 10.”

“Ghost Gold adds the full strength of the skill: the user fully swings the weapon with a blade one third sharpness that increases the blade glow by 5.”

Ye Zhongming’s body shook, and he almost didn’t hold the freshly baked Moon’s Edge.

The last time the Moon’s Edge was forged, because of the previous white machete addition as a template, the final attribute Ye Zhongming was quite satisfactory, base sharpness 10, basic toughness 5, and two attribute sharpness 10 and stréngth 3 were added.

It can be said that the previous Moon’s Edge is completely a weapon that can compete with Level 2 and even Level 3 Evolved Lifeform.

But after joining Ghost Gold, this time forging, the new Moon’s Edge turned out to be amazing!

The addition of Ghost Gold not only increases the fixed base sharpness on the design to 20, but also adds two additional attribute stréngth and penetration to terrifying 10.

This number does not seem to be big, but Ye Zhongming already has a deep understanding. Not to mention the penetration effect on sharpness, just say that stréngth + 1 0this attribute is enough for Ye Zhongming to use this blade, the formidable power of the blade More than doubled,

Among them, there should be the role of Level 2 Ziyun’s bone needle, but Ye Zhongming believes that the decisive factor is Ghost Gold!

The most incredible thing is the additional skill added by Ghost Gold, blade glow! This is the Bladesman Main Class won’t get the class skill after reaching the Grandmaster Rank! It is a sign of whether the close class has reached a very high level!

Classes go through the development process of Apprentice, Low Level, Middle Level, High Level. In apocalypse, the Class Level owned by the survivors of the absolute majority are concentrated at this stage. The Grandmaster Rank, Scholar Level, and Transcendent Level above this process are the existence of as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Generally, survivors will mark the person who has reached the Transcendent Level with the word “God”. The god Bladesman refers to the other Bladesman of the Transcendent Level, and the artisan refers to the Artisan of the Transcendent Level. This is true of other classes. The Grandmaster Rank and Scholar Level, because they are closest to the Transcendent Level, are often used to be called sub-gods.

In the close-combat class of Grandmaster Rank, class skills such as sharpness will appear, so it will become a sub-level mark.

Ghost Gold’s this additional skill turned out to be this iconic ‘mountain’! How can you not excite Ye Zhongming!

Perhaps this formidable power is not as powerful as the sub-level and level-class class holders, but once again adding sharpness 5 to make the blade glow light on the sharpness item, it has reached 25! This value plus the penetrating 10, Ye Zhongming feels that it can cut the skin of Level 4 Iron Locked Prisoner!

Ghost Gold is so powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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