1414. 绗 琗 NUMX 绔 澶 鏂 楋 tribute paper level

绗 琗 NUMX 绔 澶 т tribute paper level

銆 婂 憙 锛 屾 槸 镄 勶 纴 鍙  槸 銆 婂 憙 锛 屾 槸 镄 勶 纴 鍙  槸 € 绔 犱 笁 钖 堜 竴 澶 х 珷 銆

杩 樻 浜  杩 囨  杩 囨  杩 囨  杩 囨 簨 鍑 簨 鍑 簨 鍑 簨 鍑 簨 鍑 簨 鍑 锛 屾 垨 锛 屾 垨 锛 屾 垨 锛 屾 垨 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 镄 勪 镄 勪 镄 勪 閮

镄 刢 轰 鍙 ︻ 煡 阆 揿 ス 鍙 ︻ 煡 阆 揿 lass

哻 lass, disease, and disease problems

How to do this

this time

竴 婊 竴 婊 竴 婊 鐝 犲 湪 绌 鐝 犲 湪 绌 鐝 犲 湪 绌 腑 灏 勫 悜 浜 嗛 噾 浠 腑 灏 勫 悜 浜 嗛 噾 浠 腑 灏 勫 悜 浜 嗛 噾 浠 腑 灏 勫 悜 浜 嗛 噾 浠 锛 岄 锛 岄欙 纴 鍗 存 映 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗗 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗗 澶 殑 殑 殑 锛 屼 豢

Reading and writing鐢 诲 儚 锛 屽 ammonia can be used as a guideline for this purpose.

If you do n’t know what to do, please follow these steps: NUMX-Star Evolver浜 monkey 纴 鏄 drama 劧 锛 岃 umbrella 鏄  竴 瀵 筶 evel 鍦 ╣old 绾 у 埆 镄 勮  澶 囥 €

How can I help you?

戜 殑 殑 殑  綋 渚 濈 劧 鎸  綋 渚 濈 劧 鎸  綋 渚 濈 劧 鎸  綋 渚 濈 劧 鎸  綋 渚 濈 劧 鎸 殑 殑 茅 茅 茅 茅 殑 殑 茅 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

杩 椤  鐩 剧 硗 鍐 新 篃 嶈 兘 鎺 ╃ 洊 嶈 兘 鎺 ╃ 洊     vel vel vel 锷 涙 墦 鍑 锷 涙 墦 鍑 锷 涙 墦 鍑 箣 钖 巊 箣 钖 巊 箣 钖 巊 箣 钖 巊 light light 锛 屼 豢 锛 屼 豢 锛 屼 豢 锛 屼 豢 涗 竴 涗 竴 尐 浜 嗘 墦 瑾 撹  鎶 ュ  锲 炴 潵 镄 刢 hild 銆

Please click here for details.

戜 鍏 冨 弻 鍏 冨 弻 鍏 冨 弻 鍜 岃 鍏 冨 弻 鍏 冨 弻 鍏 冨 弻 紶 寮 鍜 岃 鍜 岃 鍜 岃 鍜 岃 鍜 岃 揿 揿 鍜 岃 岋 纴 岋 纴 岋 纴 岋 纴 peripheral vision 岋 纴 嶆 嶆 嶆 忔 婊 婊 殑 鐩 殑 鐩 硗 硗 at at all 浠€ 涔 堥 棶 棰 樻 墠 鏀 Fear 銆

this 濂 充 汉 锛 岄 殢 Gallium 嬬 殑 鏀 诲 向 绔 熺 劧 杩 欎 箞 寮 猴 紒

 €€ %% ︹ 锟 @ 锟 濋 噾 浠 濋 噾 浠 鎯 呮 鎯 呮 ヤ 箣 嬭  浜 嗕 竴 鎺 ㄨ 嚜 宸 盋 unt unt € 锛 岄 偅 锛 岄 偅 殑 姘 殑 姘Deposit “Nickel Umbrella”

濂 篃 篃 篃

The following is an example of how to do this:

It is very difficult to do this by using the following methods: Shouldering

椤 峰 埢 涔 嬮 棿 锛 屽 凡 埢 涔 嬮 棿 锛 屽, 崄 婊, 纾,  湪 濂, 殑,  墠 銆

戜 鍏 冧 篃

浠 栫 殑 鍙 岃 哕 鍐 嶆  诲 埌 浜 诲 埌 浜 鍓 嶅 悎 鎷  纴 Han 鍓 嶅 悎 鎷  纴 瀵 瀵 瀵 浘 鐗 屼 簰 鐩 浘 鐗 屼 簰 鐩 浘 鐗 屼 簰 鐩 浘 鐗 屼 簰 鐩 娆 娆 娆 娆 纴 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗘 竻 鑴 嗙 殑 澹 纴 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗘 竻 鑴 嗙 殑 澹 纴 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗘 竻 鑴 嗙 殑 澹 纴 鍙 戝 嚭 浜 嗘 竻 鑴 嗙 殑 澹 煶锛 屼 竴 入 锛 屼 竴 Trma 茅 ngth 浠 庝 笂 闱  紶 鏉 ワ 纴 浠 ラ 噾 浠Brief introduction

 € ¢ 滈 槻 ¤

浠 庝 箣 鍓 嶉 噾 浠 入 鎷 鎷 鎷 嚭 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 浘 鐗 屽 紑 濮 嬶 纴 姘 浘 鐗 屽 紑 濮 嬶 纴 姘 浘 鐗 屽 紑 濮 嬶 纴 姘 浘 鐗 屽 紑 濮 嬶 纴 姘 墽 浜 嫔 墽 浜 嫔 墽 浜 嫔 墽 浜 嫔 墽 浜 嫔 粬 镄 刢 粬 镄 刢 粬 镄 刢 粬 镄 刢 粬 镄 刢 鐚 鐚 鐚 鐚 祴 锛 岀 幇 鍦 ㄧ 湅 鍒 皌 祴 锛 岀 幇 鍦 ㄧ 湅 鍒 皌 祴 锛 岀 幇 鍦 ㄧ 湅 鍒 皌 His鏉 ヨ 嚜 浜 庨 腑 缁 鏉 ヨ 嚜 浜 庨 腑 缁 睙 闾 镄 勭 镄 勭 镄 勭 镄 勭 浜 敤 鍑 敤 鍑 敤 鍑 敤 鍑 敤 鍑 敤 鍑 阒 阒 Jian 阒 阒 insert skill

尽 Insert all keys 呭 彧 鏄  竴 岖 岖 鍨 婨 volver 镄 勭 粺 er 纴 浠 栦 撴 撴 撴 撴 浜 庨 槻 浜 庨 槻 浜 庨 槻 浜 庨 槻 浜 庨 槻 纴 鍦 ㄨ浠 栬 嚜 浠 栬 嚜  繘 鏀 荤 殑 鑳  繘 鏀 荤 殑 鑳  繘 鏀 荤 殑 鑳 lass 銆 乻 kill 鐢 氲 呖 bloodline 锛 屼 篃 鍏 ㄩ 儴 锛 屼 篃 鍏 ㄩ 儴

姣 斿  鐩 涘 锛 屽 锛 屽 ammonia 锛 屽 umbrella crepe 岖 鍨 嬬 殑 Evolver 銆

尽 Insert the key, the umbrella, the lass, the picker, and the key, and then press the key, and then press the key, and then click the key.笉 镒 Side

杩 欑  浜 杩 欑  浜 疄 鍦 ㄦ 槸 澶 ︷ 毦 缂 狅 纴 鏁 翠 疄 鍦 ㄦ 槸 澶 ︷ 毦 缂 狅 纴 鏁 浜 浜 turtle shell镄 剆 kill and so on

鐗 格 埆 鏄  偅 浜 涜 翻 绋 婨 volver 锛 屼 竴 镞 ︽ 敾 鍑 taboo Thinning

姘 存 墽 浜 嬫 湰 鏉 ユ 墦 瀹 氱 殑 娉 ㄦ 剰 鏄 墦 瀹 氱 殑 娉 ㄦ 剰 鏄 o it quickly

绌 棿 闅 忔 椂 鍙  兘 浼 棿 闅 忔 椂 鍙  兘 浼 穿 穿 冿 纴 濂 冿 纴 濂 冿 纴 濂 冿 纴 濂 冿 纴 濂 冿 纴 濂  鎻 愬 墠 鍑 槻 槻 囦 竴 銆 囦 竴 銆

姘 存 墽 浜 嬭 韩 揿 紑 濮 嬫 揿 紑 濮 嬫Mustard

韩 Han white 镄 勯 镄 勯 琚 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 笂 寮 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 竴 浜 涙 贰 鑹 姳 绾 姳 绾 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 鍓  簯 鍓  簯 鍓  簯 鍓  簯纴 鍗 帮 纴 鍗 村 拰 white 镄 勮  瀛 愰 潪 定 璋 冿 纴 璋 冿 纴 镣 箇 ill not 绐 佸 厐 銆


姘 墽 浜 嬩 璧 简 简 简 鍙  鍙  锛 屾 锛 屾 锛 屾 锛 屾 锛 屾 曚 笂 鏄  竴 鍙  曚 笂 鏄  竴 鍙  曚 笂 鏄  竴 鍙  曚 笂 鏄  竴 鍙  曚 笂 鏄  竴 鍙  浜  殑 浜  殑 浜  殑 浜  殑 浜  殑 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 锲 涘 潡 锲 涘 潡 锲 涘 潡 卞 卞 e e e lue gem 锛 岄 殢 镌 € 濂 walking women’s gallium屾 妸 濂 归 兘 鏄 犵 收 鍦 ㄤ 简 鍏 朵 腑 銆

Read the book, read the book, and go to the awarding ceremony.濂 闅 闅 闅 紶 锛 屼 笅 紶 锛 屼 笅 娆 $ 殑 鏀 诲 娆 $ 殑 鏀 诲 娆 $ 殑 鏀 诲 娆 $ 殑 鏀 诲 涔 熷 繀 灏 咵 arthshaking 锛 屼 粬 璧

浠 栨 妸 や や や 鐩 鐩 鐩 闾 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳

︷ 潪 € ︷ 潪 ︷ 潪 ︷ 潪 Ning Song  寮 傜 殑 鍦 櫙 锛 岃 兘 忓  缁 忓  缁 櫙 锛 岃 兘 忓  缁 忓  缁 嶆 槸 瀹 炰 綋 锛 屽 嵈 鑳 嶆 槸 瀹 炰 綋 锛 屽 嵈 鑳 嶆 槸 瀹 炰 綋 锛 屽 嵈 鑳  鎸  鎸Pick

“I’m really good at defense, but I’m not a defender.” Jin Zhongyuan proudly said in his non-standard Chinese. His free hands didn’t stop. Instead, he pulled out a bottle of unknown liquid from the middle of his space and poured it. Apply it on both hands and then apply it like hand cream.

At this time, the deacon on the water side was ready, the attack began, and the glorious raindrops trembled slightly, and then moved towards Jin Zhongyuan.

Jin Zhongyuan’s hands now became silver white.

The raindrops were coming at once, hitting this energy wall, under the control of the water deacon, the raindrops did not touch the two shields hanging on it.

The sound of pā pā pā kept coming, and the wall of energy kept darkening.

But when they were about to collapse, the two shields shuddered, and the energy wall lit up again.

Deacon Water was anxious.

She knows nothing about Jin Zhongyuan. His class, bloodline, and skill are all zero, especially the kind of liquid that painted his hands with silver white. It is a very powerful thing at first glance. If he launches an attack, Deacon Water also runs the risk of being defeated.

The huge money of the five-ring money was strong, and the cloud patterns on the white robe suddenly floated out of the body, like a myth, hanging above the deacon of the water.

“Bafang wind and rain!”

Deacon Water whispered softly in his mouth, and the whole body began to rotate. The clouds above his head and the fog under his feet merged with the rotation. Then, a drop of rain began to fly out of this cloud of fog, moved towards Jin Zhongyuan shot.

“it is good!”

Jin Zhongyuan also completed the preparation at this time. His hands, which had completely turned into silver white, re-held the shield, exerting a little force to bring the shields together, and his body rolled up.

He wasn’t tall, and he shrank. People were completely blocked by the shield. This guy pushed the shield and moved towards the front.

At this time, the raindrops also arrived, crackling on the energy wall moving with the shield, and it was broken in only two seconds.

The pair of shields did not continue to dissipate energy to maintain, but instead rushed away by their own defense moved towards Water Deacon.

While raindrops are flying out like water jets, while they are advancing against these raindrops, the two sides are constantly approaching in this attack and defense.

Whoever can hold on to it may win the final victory.

People watching the game lost the image at this moment, and the light curtain in the monitoring room lost its effect. David and the others could no longer know what was happening in each small space. They could only rely on the changing values ​​on the energy display. Guess the war situation.

Decreased, it must be someone on their side who lost. Suddenly the energy increased sharply, and that was winning.

This feeling is not good, there is a kind of restless waiting for trial.

Each step of Jin Zhongyuan is very difficult, he is teeth clenched to move forward.

Each of these raindrops is not as big as the former formidable power, but these raindrops are very dense. Before his shield, it was a downpour, and now the stréngth he was under, shocked his entire body.

But he was prepared for this situation, what was his pair of hands that turned into silver white? Just to support these two shields!

From the perspective of Jin Zhongyuan, it can be seen that he has only been holding the hands behind the shield with both hands, his body has not leaned up, and is completely supported by his stréngth with his hands.

It was just that a crack had appeared on the silver that was just symmetrical on both hands, and the arms began to tremble, bloodshot in the eyeballs increased, and blood even leaked from the corners of the mouth.

Jin Zhongyuan’s situation is not good, but he is very confident, because he is only 2 meters away from Deacon Shui, and after taking two steps earlier, he can touch this woman.

At that time …

Moreover, he did not believe that this woman could continue this crazy attack for too long.

Sure enough, the density of raindrops began to drop, and the rotation of the water deacon also slowed down.

At the moment when Jin Zhongyuan was close to Deacon Shui, the giant of five rings of money stopped from attacking.

“Come to me!”

Jin Zhongyuan furious roar, the shield hit the deacon Shui straight.

If it is just the collision of the shield, even the shield of gold, it is not a problem to rely on the physic of the water deacon 8-Star Evolver, and it will at least suffer some minor injuries.

But this pair of shields changed at this moment. Two cold glows flew out from above, piercing the deacon.

With other people, Deacon Water’s Happo wind and rain just solved the battle. The storm-like raindrops attacked the formidable power extremely, and naturally worked in the same way as the world of Yan Wangshu. This powerful, persistent attack is what Evolver fears most.

But it happened to be Jin Zhongyuan who had gold defense equipment. Even if the internal organs were obviously injured by the shock, for Evolver of this level, this was at best a minor injury.

Now, Deacon Water has encountered the biggest crisis in these years.

This pair of shields not only has a powerful defensive power, it can even attack!

Deacon Shui flicked his hands, and a water barrier appeared in front of her.

Two cold lights, then stabbed on top.

Obstructed by the condensate barrier, the speed of the cold light became slower, and the deacon of the water could see it clearly. It turned out that the weapons of the two door gods on the shield were stabbed!

In addition, the condensate barriers clearly could not stop the attack of the two weapons, but they just burst apart after insisting for a while.

Deacon Shui retreated quickly, and at the same time the silver bracelet on his wrist flew out. When the wind got bigger, he hit two weapons.

After two beeps, Jin Zhongyuan’s trend finally stopped, and Deacon Shui was groaned, his body floated to the rear, and a few drops of bright blood fell on the white robe, very conspicuous.

After receiving the smaller bracelet, Deacon Shui wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and felt distressed after seeing two cracks on it.

This bracelet is a very good auxiliary equipment. When she uses class skills, she can release rays of light to increase the attack power of raindrops. When defending, she can also block attacks.

Now the above cracks are so obvious that it should be completely destroyed if you can’t persist for a long time.

Although it is not gold’s equipment, this is also a good thing for the blue level. The most important thing is that it is very suitable for her.

“Dead, die.” Jin Zhongyuan’s mouth made such a sound, the shield smashed to the ground, the two portraits of the door gods came alive, and turned into figures wearing ancient Chinese armor and appeared in space.

After the door god fell, his body moved quickly, wielding a weapon and moved towards Deacon Shu.

The water deacon was snorted, with both hands moved towards the ground while waving, one by one energy hit the ground, forming a water moor for each and everyone.

As she receded, these water moorings grew more and more, and the ones that were close together soon joined together to form a slightly larger pool of water.

With the deacon of the water, these water moors have become water giants of each and everyone. They are about 2 meters in height, but they are fat and thin. The larger the water moor, the bigger the water moor and the smaller the moor. Yes, just be thin.

Since two door gods are chasing the water deacon, some of these water giants appeared behind them, and some in front.

These in front blocked the door god, and the water giant in the back divided a few heads to attack Jin Zhongyuan.

Each of them was surprised by their own means, their faces were more cautious than ever.

Don’t look at the water giants, they are composed of water elements, but their strength does not seem weak. The weapons that can not be blocked by the condensation barriers are only stabbed to penetrate them, but they are not flesh After stabbing, it is not fatal, and it cannot even affect the actions of the water giants, making them smaller at most.


In the face of the rushing water giant, Jin Zhongyuan didn’t know whether to cheer himself on or gave orders to the two door gods. In short, he and the door gods launched an attack together.

He threw his shield out of both hands and hit two water giants. He didn’t know why. The two water giants were immediately smashed into a puddle of water.

Then silver’s hands waved, fiercely smashed another water giant. Those silver things were washed away by water droplets, fell into the body of the water giant, and then spread out. The water giant, which was originally flexible, moved along with these silver materials. On, the action began to become hard, and finally the whole body was a bit silvery, and was directly smashed by Jin Zhongyuan who had retrieved the shield.

On the other side, the two door gods also started a more intensive attack.

The armor on their ancient armor was slightly splayed, and there was a strange smell on it. After smelling this aroma, they began to take furious roar like a stimulant. In conjunction with the roar, the weapons in their hands fell down. Spiked out, the formidable power is obviously much larger than just now, and some strange light is also carried on it.

At this time, the water giant was a bit overwhelmed when facing such a door god. When the roar came out, they were a meal, and their body was also hard. After the weapon stabbed, it broke like glass.

Deacon Water fell to the ground and saw that the water giants from his summon were killed and finally calmed down.

She is aggressive Evolver, and her defense is very good, but now she has used most of her tactics. Whether it is a raindrop attack in several ways, or a summon water giant, or a condensate barrier and a light halo bracelet, this kind of ability is sufficient in ordinary battles, but who can think of it? Killed him, and even fell into the wind.

Looking at the space that has been shaking a little, Deacon Water decided the final blow, winning or losing, it depends on this move.

After she summoned out the four giant water giants again, she folded her hands together, and issued a ray of light beam on her silver headdress, hitting her hands, and then, incantation from her mouth. Spit it out, the white robe floated slowly with incantation.

Jin Zhongyuan noticed the situation over here, he yelled, rushed forward with the shield, rounded his arms after a similar distance, and threw the shield out.


Just when Jin Zhongyuan and Deacon Shui decided to win, Ye Zhongming also welcomed his second opponent.


If Guan Chengcun is the first one.

The Shahai Caiwa boss, who just killed the ogre chain giant, is wearing a murderous aura, and the pride of the world.

The giant of the ogre chain is not easy to deal with. His victory is somewhat lucky, but more, it is his control of the situation and war situation, and the sudden outbreak.

After his victory, he was ready to be moved out of space.

Even with Alamos in mind, this is the rule of space, there is no way.

But he was indeed moved, except that the place of movement was not outside the space, but in the small space of Ye Zhongming.

Space button seized by spinning, Ye Zhongming eyes narrowed looking at the West Asian.

previous-life The understanding of West Asia is limited to that Janandra who has reached 9-Star. When he got Elf of the Star in this life, he played against the powerhouse of the previous-life and almost killed him.

He has no impression of this person in front of him.

This means that he knows nothing about this person.

Putting away the space button, Ye Zhongming was going to ask about Alamos, about the operation.

Guangcheng Village knows too little.

But Palmer was obviously not prepared to do so, and when he saw Ye Zhongming’s immediate, he decided to do it.

This is recognized as one of the most powerful Evolver in the country.

Palmer was wearing a leather armor with no level. He had previously covered his aura with some equipment or secrets, which made people not notice him.

But now, a strip of white cloth with heavy energy began to stick out of the gap in the leather armor, quickly surrounding him all over.

This process is extremely fast, almost like the face-changing in Sichuan opera. Those cloth strips protrude from many places of the body and immediately turn Palmerke into a mummy.

Even the head was entangled in these cloth strips, revealing only a pair of eyes and mouth.

Ye Zhongming was interested. To be honest, he is now facing adversaries, and most of the skill class bloodline is also clear. The apocalypse data book he wrote is just circulating inside Genting, and the objects that people have admired have been thrown into the ground.

But this is limited to the country.

In other Country regions, Ye Zhongming doesn’t know much.

Now that I have seen a foreigner I haven’t seen before that uses an ability that I don’t understand, Ye Zhongming has a sense of excitement.

Palmer started the attack after completing the transition from human to mummy in an instant. These cloth strips on his body suddenly stretched and moved towards Ye Zhongming. At the same time, he jumped forward with his hand, enough to jump over The distance of several meters.

Ye Zhongming took a break, and he was more cautious in the face of the unknown.

But these cloth strips did not catch him, but directly covered the space where he was located, and did not know what they were made of. Above Above Heavens and Under the Earth were paved, as if endless.

Palmer came to Ye Zhongming not far away at this time, his mouth suddenly opened, and a whistle made a ghost, and a green poison qi sprayed out.

At the same time, his eyes flashed, emitting two white rays, and when his hands were grasped, sharp claws with gloom were pierced from the cloth.

All this happened at the same time, in a flash, all proved that, in addition to some special forms, Palmerk is an excellent close-combat class holder … still a poisonous class holder.

“Well, yes.” A heartfelt admiration, Ye Zhongming didn’t evade, but crossed his left right hand, and immediately shot a lot of rays inside.

Ling Xiao cutting!

How powerful is Ye Zhongming’s current spiritual power, he himself is not quite clear, and the recovery speed is extremely fast. Even if he exhausts the spiritual power, it only takes one night to recover.

The sky cut requires a lot of spiritual power, and the formidable power of the skill is also related to this.

Ye Zhongming’s this time attack used 20% of the total spiritual power.

These thin lines flew towards him, and immediately disintegrated Palmerk’s attack.

The only thing that wasn’t stopped was the poison qi, but before he got close to Ye Zhongming, he had lost the trace of the King of Genting.

Taking a few steps back, Ye Zhongming looked at the marks left by Ling Xiao’s cut on this West-8-Star Evolver, nodded, with some appreciation.

This terrifying Palmer was furious.

Are you elders playing with juniors? Also with thumbs up! ?

Regardless of the minor injuries he had just suffered, he struck his stréngth suddenly, all the white cloth strips in the entire space stabbed Ye Zhongming frantically!

The king of Genting raised his head, and his hands were swinging in the air. The wind and thunder twins appeared, watching the cloths pouring down. This powerful weapon from Bruce Secret Realm waved constantly beside Ye Zhongming, and those cloths were continuously No cut can approach Ye Zhongming.

After a while, the ground around Ye Zhongming was full of rags.

Palmer’s powerful attack was thus resolved.


In anger, Palmer was within the body to excite the energy, all the rags flew over his double fists, and instantly became as big as two basketballs. He jumped to Ye Zhongming’s side and smashed his fists.

Ye Zhongming laughed, two elements Elf appeared on his shoulders. Elf of the earth pointed at one hand and jumped to launch gravity. Palmer immediately felt the body sink, and the star of Elf was also the same. At the foot of Ye Zhongming, as the owner moved, skill brilliantly launched.

(End of this chapter)

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