There are three stages of corpse transformation.

Today’s shopping mall corpses can only be regarded as T virus variants.

They will become manic, full of destructive desire, and when they see any life, they will desperately pounce on it and tear it to pieces.

The second stage is the T virus contagion.

It is not only full of destructive desire, but also contagious.

Finally, there are zombies.

Possessing destruction, contagion and appetite at the same time, in a state of hunger, will eat the person who bites to death.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath of his cigarette.

My heart was full of doubts.

“The T virus contagion, which should not have appeared until five days later, was it my rebirth that caused the butterfly effect?”

If that’s the case.

Next, S City is afraid that it will be more chaotic, once there are too many infectious agents, Xiao Yu does not dare to go out to sweep up unscrupulously.

One bite can be contagious.

You can’t joke about your own life for the sake of supplies.

Of course.

I don’t dare to go out, but I have to be careful.

At this time, An Xiaoran handed Han Kexin a pack of straight tissues.

After taking a few more sips of water, Han Kexin’s mood calmed down a bit, and she said while taking care of her messy hair

“Thank you for saving me.”

“If it wasn’t for you, I might have been… By the way, my name is Han Kexin. ”

Xiao Yu only noticed at this time that this woman named Han Kexin had extremely exquisite facial features and a natural charm in her eyes.

Tall and graceful.

It belongs to the goddess-level beauty.

“What do you do?” Xiao Yu asked tentatively.

“I’m the general manager’s secretary.”


Goddess level.

Xiao Yu’s eyes lit up, this is a very perfect team object.

“Your name is Han Kexin.”

“Whatever I do next, don’t move, soon.”

Xiao Yu didn’t explain too much.

Directly pull up Han Kexin’s hands, and then open the captain’s team authority.

【Ding! Team matching…


[Name: Han Kexin].

[Occupation: female secretary].

【Comprehensive score 96, meet the conditions for team formation.】 】

【Ding! Han Kexin successfully joined the “Professional Goddess Team”. 】

【Ding! Clan members +1, you get rewards, full stats increased by 2 times. 】

It worked!

Today’s luck was so good.

The conditions for joining the professional goddess team can be said to be very harsh.

People with a comprehensive score of not less than 95 belong to the most beautiful women, where there are so many.

I didn’t expect to group two people so quickly.

With Han Kexin joining the team.

Team information has also changed.

[Professional Goddess Team].

“Captain”: Xiao Yu

“Team Members”: An Xiaoran and Han Kexin

“Team Attributes (2)”: All team members, full stats increased by 2 times.

“Class Attributes”: Female warehouse management (all team members, with 20 cubic meters of storage warehouse). Female secretary (2 times more mental strength for all team members).

“Vocational Skills”: An Xiaoran (Space Warehouse Lv.1). Han Kexin (Spiritual Charm Lv.1).

The changes are enormous.

The first is Xiao Yu himself.

He also gained a 2x increase in full attributes, and now his full attribute increase has reached 4 times.

After Han Kexin joined the clan, he activated the “Clan Attribute (2)”.

She and An Xiaoran can enjoy a 2x increase in all attributes, and Han Kexin’s profession is a female secretary, which can increase the mental strength of all team members by 2 times.

In the early apocalypse, mental strength is very important.

Because the higher the mental intensity.

The less likely it is to be frightened and collapsed when faced with ugly and vicious zombies.

Especially the sudden appearance of zombies.

Women are most likely to scream instinctively, and the screams will attract more zombies, which is fatal.

Han Kexin’s professional skill is spiritual charm.



By the way, skills are indeed closely related to the nature of the profession.

Xiao Yu immediately checked the effect of the skill.

“Spiritual Seduction Lv.1”: Unleashes a skill on a target that allows you to mentally control the target and act according to your own instructions.

Spiritual charm.

Too strong!

For Xiao Yu, it is a skill that sends charcoal in the snow.

The whole city is under martial law, and it is not allowed to leave the residence without permission, right?

I was directly spiritually charming.

Who can stop me?

At this time, in front of Han Kexin’s eyes, there was also team information.

Same as An Xiaoran.

There is a prompt at the bottom of the message.

[Kicked out of the team by the captain, or the captain dies, you will lose all your strength.] 】

Han Kexin’s heart was deeply shaken.

She looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief: “Captain, what’s going on?” ”

Xiao Yu sighed helplessly.

In the future, every time a person is pulled into the team, it will be explained, which is a lot of trouble.

“Xiao Ran, you can explain it to Ke Xin.”

“By the way, tell her about the end of the world.”

In the future, An Xiaoran will become her own spokesperson, and everything she can do will be entrusted to her.

Xiao Yu walked to the side, alone for a while.

He has now mastered the skills of “Space Warehouse” and “Spiritual Charm”.

As a born-again.

He knew very well that as the end times began, both zombies and survivors would evolve.


Only physical qualities have evolved, and there are no special abilities.

“In this world, only I and my players have special powers.”

“And I can share all my powers.”

It’s so cool.

After a cigarette was smoked, An Xiaoran had already explained it, and Han Kexin digested it for a long time before accepting all this.

She came to Xiao Yu.

Brushed the hair around his ear and said:

“Captain, we’ll be our own from now on.”

“I hope you take care of it a lot.”

“I will also fully cooperate with you to complete whatever you have assigned.”

[Ask for flower evaluation votes].

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