The supermarket is closed in 20 minutes.

Xiao Yu quickly retrieved the key to the freezer from a warehouse manager.

“Xiao Ran, don’t be stunned.”

“Hurry up and move the freezer first.”

The freezer is filled with vegetables and fruits, as well as a variety of raw meat, and food is the most important thing in the end times.


The notice of the supermarket broadcast, like a scoop of boiling oil, poured on everyone’s heart.

Instant fryer.

“What’s going on, Lao Tzu just came in, and he hasn’t had time to buy anything yet.”

“There are a lot of biting maniacs in the city, and the supermarket closes immediately, and I must have received the above news.”

“It’s certainly not easy this time.”

“Never mind, grab a bag of rice first.”

So many bites have occurred.

Everyone vaguely feels that there will definitely be big things happening, originally this was just speculation, and now the practice of the supermarket undoubtedly confirms everyone’s anxiety.

Some radical people began to rob food on a large scale.

If someone takes the lead, someone follows.

The supermarket was a mess of porridge, and the security guards who were forced to come to maintain law and order were directly trampled by the crowd.

This also bought Xiao Yu time.

If it weren’t for the commotion in the supermarket, these security guards would have rushed to the warehouse as soon as possible.

“Xiao Ran, the speed is speeding up.”

Xiao Yu and An Xiaoran had already emptied the raw meat, vegetables and fruits from the freezer.

Now outside to carry tobacco, alcohol, tea candy, rice flour grain and oil these materials.

One by one, large shelves, along with goods were collected into the space warehouse, An Xiaoran wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, frequently opening the space power, which was a great drain on the spirit.

But the thought of harvesting so much supplies.

My heart is full of harvest.

During the two men’s sweep, in the supermarket’s security room, a security guard was calling the police.

“Hurry up.”

“How to keep busy.”

“Keep fighting!”

The security guard dialed the phone again, and this time someone finally answered.

“Hello demon spirit, I want to call the police.”

“I’m here at Yonghui Supermarket, and now there’s a riot in the supermarket, and customers are frantically robbing goods.”

“There were also two thugs, a man and a woman, who rushed into our warehouse, injured the warehouse employees, and unpluged the surveillance line.”


“Are there any dead people?”

“There are no dead people for the time being, and it is not ruled out that no one will be trampled to death in a while.”


“No dead people are not serious, let’s deal with it ourselves?”

The phone was hung up.

The security guard held the mobile phone, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

In such a serious robbery accident, the other party actually said that no one was dead for the time being unable to mobilize the police force.

“I wouldn’t have been a fake demon, would I?”

I don’t know.

A large number of zombie bites have paralyzed the police station system.

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Ten minutes of time.

With the full cooperation of Xiao Yu and An Xiaoran, the warehouse of Yonghui Supermarket was emptied.

The harvest is enormous.

However, compared with the 1 million cubic meters of space warehouse, this material is only the tip of the iceberg.

“Let’s go, let’s go downstairs first.”

Xiao Yu pulled An Xiaoran and stunned more than a dozen thugs before finally squeezing out of Yonghui Supermarket.

The situation outside is even more grim.

Soldiers were already appearing in the streets, and military vehicles were whizzing by.

There are also armored vehicles shouting with horns:

“Please go back to your homes and don’t go down the street.”

“I hope you will cooperate.”

“Repeat, please all the citizens…”

The military headquarters and the police station jointly dispatched to start martial law in the whole city, everyone was armed with live ammunition, and everyone looked very serious.


A solemn atmosphere hung over S City.

“Xiao Yu, what should we do?”

“Do you want to move on to the next supermarket?”

This, is Bai Na addicted?

Xiao Yu touched An Xiaoran’s head: “What do you think, didn’t you see that the military headquarters and the police station were in full swing, in broad daylight, we didn’t have a chance to do it.” ”

“Now go home and rest.”

“Replenish the depleted spirit and come out again at night.”

Every time you open a space warehouse, you need to consume energy.

An Xiaoran did feel a little tired.

“Okay, when there’s action at night, you call me, and I’ll come to you when the time comes.”

Xiao Yu shook his head and said:

“No, you’re going to be with me.”

“Then the whole city will be under martial law, and all communities, hotels, guesthouses, and urban villages will be blocked.”

“If you go back, it’s hard to come out again.”

An Xiaoran did not expect that the martial law in the whole city would be so serious.

She had never experienced it since she was a child, and naturally could not imagine what kind of decisions the high-level would make about this matter.

“So where do we live?”

“Even if you live on the street, you will be driven away.”

Xiao Yu thought about it and decided to live on the outskirts of the city.

In his previous life, he experienced nine deaths before escaping from the city, which was a lesson of blood and tears.

The population density on the outskirts of the city is low.

It is easier to escape S City after a full-blown outbreak of the T virus.

“Let’s go to the Golden Lake Hotel.”

The Golden Lake Hotel is located on an artificial island in the center of the lake on the southern outskirts of the city, with only one bridge leading to the island.

Even martial law.

It is also only a checkpoint for the bridge into the island, but the lake is so big that at night, if you find a place to launch the water, you can row to the opposite shore.

“Go, let’s go now.”

[New book period, ask for flowers and evaluation votes].

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