(The story takes place in an alternate world, nothing to do with reality!) )


Woma Mall.

Televisions in fast food restaurants are broadcasting current affairs news.

“Global Health News!”

“Good afternoon for the audience, according to the who released the news, a new T virus has appeared in Heizhou recently.”

“Infected people become violent and aggressive.”

“But the puzzling thing is…”

Hmmm… Yikes….

It may be that the signal is not good, the TV screen suddenly turns into snowflakes, and then it automatically switches to other channels.

The news didn’t catch the attention of the people in the dining area.

After all, the sanitary conditions in Heizhou are too poor, and it is normal for epidemics to appear.

But there was a young man who was striking.

His brow furrowed.

Look anxious.

People who are laid-back in the dining area seem out of place.

“The T virus was first detected in Black Island, but the first place to break out was in S City, where I am located.”

Young people talk to themselves.

His name was Xiao Yu, and he had just returned from being reborn from the end of the world half a year later.

Xiao Yu looked at the phone.

May 12.

“Just today, zombies infected with the T virus will appear in S City.”

“And there are a lot of them.”

“Thankfully, the full outbreak of the virus came ten days later.”

“I still have time to prepare.”

Xiao Yu silently calculated in his heart what preparations he could make in advance with his own ability.


Woma mall warehouse employees.

No car, no house, little savings.

“With my conditions, I can only buy some supplies that I need in the last days, and then flee to a remote mountainous area to hide.”

“However, it can only solve the urgent need.”

Because after the T virus fully erupts, zombies will continue to evolve.

Not only can swim.

Also punches holes.

Whether it’s hiding on an island or building a high wall, you can’t stop the evolved zombies.

Survivors cannot stay in one place.

Can only keep wandering and migrating.

“What should I do?”

Xiao Yu irritably lit a cigarette, and did not care about the anti-smoking signs of the mall, and smoked it by himself.




A voice sounded in my head.

[The “Professional Goddess Clan” binds the host Xiao Yu.] 】

[Kill a zombie to officially activate.] 】


Can killing a zombie officially activate it?

Xiao Yu immediately combed through the memories in his mind.

“At noon today, there will be two corpses in the Woma mall, and the first one will happen is in the warehouse!”

Xiao Yu is the shipping employee of the warehouse.

He remembers it very well.

Counting the time of the corpse change, it is almost this point.

Xiao Yu no longer hesitated.

Kick the glass of the fire box, take out the fire axe from inside, and then rush straight to the fifth floor in the amazement of everyone.

The fifth floor is the warehouse of the Woma Mall.

It is the size of a basketball court and stores a huge amount of supplies.

Just walked to the door of the warehouse.

Then I heard the screams of women inside.


“Manager Liu, don’t, you go away.”

Has the corpse changed?

Xiao Yu walked in quickly, and like the memories of his previous life, the warehouse manager who had turned into a zombie was chasing the warehouse manager.

The warehouse pipe is called An Xiaoran.

It is a childlike Giant X Lolita sister.

There is a face that can be blown apart.

And the proud figure with his head down and no toes.

Well-behaved personality, laughing very sweet and healing.

Any man who sees her will be aroused by criminal desire.

However, the figure that had always made him proud was now a burden because the weight was too large.

Because I can’t run fast.

An Xiaoran was thrown to the ground by Manager Liu, and she felt death coming.

Before that.

She witnessed another warehouse employee being bitten to death.

The mournful cry still lingered in the ears.

Now it’s your turn.


An Xiaoran closed his eyes in horror and screamed desperately to release the fear in his heart.

That’s when it happened.

She heard a click, like the sound of broken bones.

Then a man’s voice sounded:

“Get up, Xiao Ran.”

An Xiaoran slowly opened his eyes.

It’s Xiao Yu!

He was clutching a fire axe in his hand, and the axe blade had sunk deep into Manager Liu’s head.

“Xiao Yu… Woohoo…”

For the rest of his life, An Xiaoran was like a prostration, and he couldn’t help but cry.

Xiao Yu didn’t care about her.

Because in my head, the prompt sounded again.

【Ding! Kill a zombie and officially activate the “Professional Goddess Team”].


Finally activated the system.

Xiao Yu stepped on Manager Liu’s body and pulled the fire axe out of his head.


A strange message entered Xiao Yu’s mind, giving him a comprehensive understanding of the system.

According to the system introduction.

As long as you pull a professional person into your own team, you can activate class attributes and skills.

The more members of the clan, the stronger everyone becomes.

However, the system also has limitations.

Professional Goddess Team.

As the name suggests, it is a professional woman, appearance, figure, temperament, the comprehensive score must not be less than 95.

It seems that the system is a face control.

No one can join the team.

However, Xiao Yu already had the right goal.

An Xiaoran!

Her appearance is naturally needless to say, and she is also a warehouse manager in the mall, which is a professional person.

I don’t know if the profession of warehouse manager can be recognized by the system.

Give it a try and you’ll see.

“Xiao Ran, give me your hand.”

Xiao Yu didn’t care if An Xiaoran disagreed, directly grabbed her hands, and then activated the captain’s team authority.

【Ding! Team matching…


[Name: An Xiaoran].

【Occupation: Female warehouse manager】

[Overall score: 95].

【Ding! In line with the conditions for team formation, An Xiaoran successfully joined the “Professional Goddess Team”. 】

【Ding! Clan members +1, you get rewards, full stats increased by 2 times. 】

It worked!

An instant.

A mysterious force erupted from Xiao Yu’s body, and his full attributes were increased by 2 times.

And this increase is far more than his own.

It should be calculated according to the standards of professional fighters.

Check out the squad information.

[Professional Goddess Team].

“Captain”: Xiao Yu

“Team Member”: An Xiaoran

“Team Attributes (1)”: All team members, full stats increased by 1x.

“Occupational Attributes”: Female warehouse management (all team members, with 20 cubic meters of storage warehouse).

“Vocational Skills”: An Xiaoran (Space Warehouse Lv.1: 1 million cubic meters of space can be opened up at any time to store materials. )


1 million cubic meters.

Xiao Yu couldn’t calm down for an instant.

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