Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1211: Ship new technology

Regarding the poverty of Uncle Warlock, all Mingguang people think that this is not sudden, how to put it, it is probably a gradual progress, uh...

No, it is a continuous process.

Don't talk about anything else, just think about it, the more than 10,000 wallets that the Uncle Warlock once lost are already a very staggering number.


Moreover, Master Warlock has now found a new way to store wealth and open the ship.

For example, if you put your own money in Lin Chou's place, Bao Erquan will buy anything you need to buy, without your own hands.

This ingenious strategy made Master Warlock's understanding of poverty deeper and deeper.

We must know that in the past, his old people had to prepare eight wallets with them when they went out to eat, and divide the money in the eight wallets into 16 parts and hide them in various hidden places in the wallet and body, so good, if the Uncle Warlock successfully used these today Money fills up his stomach, then he may randomly teleport in the next few days and lose his own arms, legs or head and other insignificant parts - or it may be blown up by a considerable experimental explosion.


Uncle Warlock cleared his throat and said mysteriously,

"Lin'er, Er'er, you made it!"

Lin Chou: "..."

Zhao Er: "..."

Can your old man speak well?

"I, Warlock, will soon become a rich man!"

Zhao Er reacted for a while and said cautiously,

"You... is your old man finally ready to explode Mingguang..."

Warlock: "???"

Nonsense, after exploding Mingguang, the uncle Warlock must be the only rich man remaining on the Mingguang site.

The warlock was too lazy to deal with Zhao Er's nonsense,

"What do you know, didn't I just say it, oh, I was interrupted by this big cat before I could say it-my experiment! There is! Breakthrough progress!"

The sorcerer was full of ghostly joy written on his face, and he sprinkled the huge and incomparable \\(^o^)/~ as an emphatic sentence,

"I have mastered a technology that can make people immortal!!"

Cold field, directly cold field.

The warlock scratched his head,

"I said, you can give me some reaction, I am a super powerful technology for the benefit of all mankind, hello? Hello! Are you two disconnected??"

Lin Chou clapped his hands vigorously,

"Oh yeah! Good! Great!"

Warlock: _(:з」∠)_

"I can't talk anymore, let's go!"

Zhao Er hurriedly grabbed the Warlock. At this moment, he was not afraid that the Uncle Warlock would be infected with Baolai’s unlucky attributes.

"Wait, wait a while, didn't I fail to react for a while, this is too scary, immortal? Uncle, you are not kidding..."

The warlock yelled,

"What are you kidding?"

"What a joke!"

"Let me tell you, do you know how much I paid for this technique? You look at my dark circles, ah? You look at my eye zone, ah? You look at my wrinkles, huh?!"

Zhao Er looked at him, and he got nothing.

The warlock said excitedly,

"The Snowman and I studied the little girl ghost—hey don’t you know how precious this little girl ghost is? I’m telling you..."

In short, the two of them had been popularized by science for a whole back and forth. In the vast years of Uncle Warlock's life, they had never seen a native ghost like this in Mingguang.

"Business, say business!"

"Ah yes yes..."

"By studying the little girl ghost, Snowman and I discovered something very, very magical. She actually came from before the cataclysm. Do you know that she is not even an awakened person? The awakened person has such a powerful spiritual power. Isn’t the chance of becoming a ghost much greater than that of ordinary people?"

"But it's not like that, knowing Fa, it's just so unreasonable."

"According to the statement before the cataclysm, she is an earth-bound spirit. She even exists in a physical body, but I don’t know where to stay at the foot of Yanhui Mountain. I use the Soul-Separation Technique and the Soul-locking Array to get her out. Of course, Yan Huishan’s **** did not succeed..."

"Say! Right! Thing!"

"Using her as a medium, plus the abilities of me and the snowman, and a lost catalyst, the spirit of the living person, which is the soul, can be stripped away. The body will not be destroyed, and the soul will not be destroyed. In a sense, this is eternal life. Immortal!"

"Isn't that the same as the way to rebel against the party?" Zhao Er asked with wide-eyed eyes, "I said, Uncle Warlock, your so-called'catalyst for a loss' is not to grind Liu Renjun into powder for medicine. Right!"

Uncle Warlock was shocked,

"Fuck you look stupid, how did you think of it? I thought about it for a long time..."

"Anyway, the batch of boys with strong regeneration ability will not hang up no matter how to cut the meat. The waste is used."

"I’m immortal, and it’s completely different from the way of rebelling against the party, okay? People who leave their souls are almost indistinguishable from normal people. They can walk, jump, eat and drink. I can simulate their physical bodies with spells. Ah, it’s just that I don’t have the ability to awaken. I can even sneak away all their “bad” thoughts. In the words before the cataclysm, what is this called utopia! It’s all beautiful! It’s all happiness! Hey!"

"You said, let them use all the'before death' of their wealth in exchange for this chance of immortality, would they? In short, your uncle warlock has made a fortune!"

Zhao Er couldn't help shivering.

"Your thoughts are really scary, do you know..."

The warlock cast a black question mark,

"Why is it terrible? Why is it terrible!"


Zhao Eryi was speechless,

"It's terrible anyway, I... I don't understand for a while!"

Zhao Er usually watched the utopian movies and novels in various senses before the cataclysm. In short, the result is either you destroy or I destroy or everyone destroys together. Among the 800 endings, there is no one that is slightly more reasonable and legal. -Is this fair?

The warlock shrugged,

"I don't really understand your thoughts of pure material creatures. I know that with a good example of rebelling against the party, no one can accept this kind of high-tech. Oh, genius is always lonely. Fortunately, the uncle Warlock was prepared..."

"Dangdangdang~ Look, what is this!"

Uncle Warlock poofed out from his sleeves a transparent luminous object the size of the drought-preventing barrel before the catastrophe. As soon as this object appeared, lightning flashed around, and the lightning drew in all directions like a whip. With a particularly dazzling color light.

In the transparent crystal barrel, the silver flame beauty is wearing a brand-new S... er... leather suit, with the whip in her hand crackling, and the poor little ghost is hanging upside down on a steel pipe, sweating. Make a gesture of spreading her wings to fly-wings are her two legs.

Warlock: ヾ(??﹏?)??

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