Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1190: Mingguang Diplomacy

Mingguang Great Northwest, Wolf City.

Adhering to the sturdy and fierce style of Northwest Wolf City, the architectural style of Wolf City has always been very different. The overall shape looks like a group of abnormally twisted plant roots, but each of its rhizomes have sharp teeth and claws, not curved. Crooked.

In other words, the shape of Wolf City looked extremely similar to the hideous spike on the warlock mount.

This has led to the fact that there is no way in Wolf City to build straight roads extending in all directions like Mingguang half of the city, all of which are twists and turns to spiral up the ladder-probably very suitable for guerrilla warfare in the city?

Such an architectural style may cause inconvenience to the people of Werewolf, but if you want to be so reckless, you should have very low requirements for happiness in life.

"Papa Papa~"

There was a sound of heavy footsteps from the top of Wolf City, the so-called Outer Wolf Mountain by the people of Wolf City.

"No, it's not good, Mingguangren has hit the door!!" The visitor breathed quickly.

Obviously, climbing this dark hall that almost towers into the clouds and connects with Huang Yun is still not easy for a qualified Wolf City warrior.

"Bashful mother! Tiba! How many times have I told you not to enter the conference room with bare feet! Come on! I chopped this bastard's feet to Lao Tzu!"

Tieba blinked, her **** feet trembled, turned her head and ran.

"Anyway, Mingguangren is here to hit the door..."

The old man with a cane stick in his hand and vivid oil paint on his face painted with dynamic pictures walked out of the hall at a slow pace as heavy as walking towards his own coffin.

"Niang Xipi..."

After mumbling a few words, the old man with the stick finally recovered. He rummaged in the hidden corner at the entrance of the hall for a while, and took out a worn-out balance bike with few pieces of patent leather.

"Squeak squeaky~"

Sorrowful voices spread far and wide.

At the foot of Wolf City, Mr. Gungun brought 23 chefs and the Mingguang specialty beef jerky that originally brought ten tons but only 500 kilograms of beef jerky to visit as a meeting ceremony.

"Oh oh ah!"

With a wave of his paw, Lord Kuungun, several Wolf City warriors standing on the wall looking at each other were smeared by the high-intensity light pollution, one hundred and twenty-eight times.

The latest high-tech diplomatic letters produced by the scientific research institute projected the subtitles that constantly change colors like a marquee. In short, the main idea is to consider that the future lord of the wolf city, the little iron egg, will live in Mingguang. The thieves are even planning to build a wolf city The embassy in Mingguang facilitates cordial and friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. In order to show respect for Northwest Wolf City, Mingguang dispatched important figures who are important in Mingguang’s social status to open a new chapter of diplomacy between the two sides. The two sides are a little bit confused on some unshakable fundamental issues. However, the war between the two countries has not been cut to make it more so that our ancestors are all five good youths of China, so in this very important and profound historical significance. During the month-long visit, we will leave the food, drink, and safety issues to you, and hope that Wolf City and Mingguang will work together to create a beautiful new future...

The Lao Li Lao Zhi Hu totaled more than 20,000 head characters, so even if I read it 128 times, the poor Wolf City fighters still hadn't read this surrealist diplomatic letter.

The anger of Master Gungun is reading the article-

It's too shameful, it all saw bamboo growing in the city, so why don't you let it in!

The old cane stick squeaked on the balance bike, the cane stick that never left the body was clamped under the armpit, seeing the scene of the confrontation between the two sides and the large dazzling subtitles on the spot, he was blinded: "???"

It is very precious to give the balance scooter to the people at the gate of the city to charge it.

Billowing: "Ooooooo!!!"

The old cane stick pointed to the ten-ton diplomatic envoy with the cane stick, which felt like opening the door to a new world.

"This one... this one... this... what... it was sent by Mingguang... what is it?"

The wolf city warrior on the city gate said tremblingly while resisting the rolling and wanton spread of the sixth-order coercion,

"It should mean this in the subtitles. It requires going up the mountain."

"Bullshit!" The old man cane stick did not come up in a breath, his face was green with anger and he pretended to be amiable, "Well, who is in charge of you?"

The twenty or so cooks behind him all looked at the big black-and-white guy in front with a blank expression.

Billowing: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Old Cane Stick: "..."

It is the person who has experienced the big scene, the old man cane takes a deep breath.

"So, there is always a translation, right?!"

What's a joke, would the old man with a cane stick who can give Lin Chou a cubic meter of standard source crystal not have such a restraint?

It’s not too bad to give one cubic meter to the heart...

A certain daring cook unloaded the cauldron he carried on his back and put it on the ground.

"It's the hen~ Translate? You have to translate! Nangmeng are all cooks..."

Isn't it a cook?

After going back, everybody has 150,000 circulation points. It is absolutely safe to follow Tier 6 bosses!

If there is an accident, one of the immediate family members will be selected for the job.

Hey, as soon as the words come out, okay...

There are a few scumbags who are not up to date, and the old guy who is over sixty years old can't wait to mention that he shovels the shovel and knocks the gates of the city of Wolf City to you, and gives his little bunnies a chance to live and work in peace and contentment!

With the actions of the first cook, the chefs gradually became noisy, and the unloading screamed and yelled, in short, it was as if they had arrived home.

"Who saw my chili oil... the chili came from Xue Laona, don't lose it."

"Master Gungun has eaten two barbecues in a row. Now I have to drink soup. The weather is too hot and it will get angry!"

"Beep beep, wait for Lao Tzu to raise the fire first."

"Where is the water, there is no water source around here?"

The old man with the stick wanted to say that there were many pearl-like hot springs and boiling springs at the foot of Wolf City. That was the pride of Great Wolf City. However, after a certain grandson surnamed Lin came here once, what happened.. .

Zhu Ge Tiexin, who has died once, gritted his teeth bitterly beside him.

"How to do?"

The old man cane took a deep breath.

"What do you mean."

"Mingguang deceives people too much, it deceives people too much!!"

The old man cane gave him a strange look.

"Then you go and kill it."

Zhu Ge's face turned green.


The old man cane chuckled,

"Before you failed to attack Mingguang, I can stew it into a pot now. Who will let you defeat?"

Zhu Ge Tiexin's complexion changed from green to blue, changing again and again.

"Then...Is it really going to let this sixth-order strange beast enter the city..."

"Why let it enter the city? Do you know it?"

Zhu Ge was stunned,

"But...then it doesn't say that it is Mingguang..."

The old man cane rod smiled,

"Who said that? Do you know Mingguang's words?"

"Yes, it said..."


Zhu Ge Tiexin clutched his face and plate that was bruised by the rattan stick, and insisted in one bite.

"I don't know, I forgot!"

The old man cane stick still maintains a kind and aging smile.

"Go, send them a few buckets of water, ask them what else they need, and open up the supply."

Zhu Ge Tiexin: "..."

The sturdy man with his body wounds decorated with skulls and bones turned around for a long time, and said in a daze.

"Good, good..."

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