Doomsday Pavilion

: Sanmo's daily beep

There are many things I don't like to say over and over again, because they don't make much sense. However, given that there are more people who have been criticized recently, Sankan still chooses to explain.

the first:

I am not a full-time codeword. Even before I started working last year, I was not full-time. I am also doing other things to eat and drink.

What's wrong with part-time codewords? Not being full-time does not mean that my mind is not on the book. I start writing books from interest. I believe that most of the authors are like this. I think that few people open books. The original intention of the code word is that I want to make money, I want to be famous, and I want to be famous. Become a god? So don't put too much emphasis on part-time and full-time...

What's interesting is that in the eyes of a large number of people, codewords are not serious work.

Did Dianniang give you five insurances and one housing fund? Can codewords last a lifetime? Do you remember the fact that the mother-in-law asked a writer to transfer the copyright contract circulating on the Internet? Don't be a joke. I know more than one author who has had similar problems more or less.

How much can I earn by writing books?

Emmmm, this is hard to say. An ordinary diligent boutique author may have a monthly income of over 10,000 or more, and then it will be really meaningless.

How much is the house price in a serious county now? How much to consume? If you don’t have a provident fund, maybe you can only choose to eat the bones of the elders, right?

Sanmou's ability is limited. No matter what kind of consideration it is, it is not really pleasant to have a momentary pleasure. It is impossible to be full-time full-time again. No matter what the book grade subscription is, I will choose to keep a decent job first.



2019 is a bit special, buying a house and decorating to work involves too much energy.

However, in the year and a half before 2019, Sanguan updated a total of 2.6 million words, an average of 150,000 words per month, experienced various major events, illnesses, car accidents, etc., no matter what happened, at least two updates every day, from Discontinuous change, maximum two days off a month.

This update is indeed not much, and it is not comparable to many authors, but at least it can prove that I am not lazy, I have ulterior motives.

Take the code word speed as an example, well, the code word speed is not equal to the typing speed.

Sanguan Normally speaking, if the two thousand words and one chapter are smooth, the code will take one and a half hours, and it will not take more than two hours if the thinking is a little fuzzy, and Kawen is not counted.

Two chapters a day, three to four hours, excluding the time to go to work, eat, drink and wash, I have not slept before 12 o'clock in more than a year, and I can't even guarantee six hours of sleep. Playing with mobile phones before going to bed? Stop dreaming!

One day or two days is nothing, January and two months are just that, one year or two years, do you think you are bald?


This is not mine, it should be all the authors.

Frail and sickly, the commonality of the author of the starting point.

It's not because people who are frail and sick have come to codewords, it's true that they have been sick for a long time.

Halfway through the code, daring to put aside his thoughts, put down the keyboard, and go for a run and push-ups. After all, there are only a few big cows!


This time it's about myself.

First of all, I am at work, and secondly, I am preparing for marriage including decoration, and again I am preparing a new book, and the pineapple raised by my sister-in-law and I are hanging up.

I think these circumstances add up, and I can vowed to guarantee that the **** will not slow down the update is really the limit.

I am a human being and I can't do so many magical things.

Also, don't talk about persistence.

I know what persistence is better than many people. I wrote about 645 yuan a month (600 of which is full attendance).

Two years, more than three million words.

It's not that easy, at least not as easy as I type a few words to tell everyone.

What kind of grades I write is a question of my own level. I just want to understand Long live, and I want everyone to see what kind of author Sanguan is.

Is there any slacking, do you deceive readers, do you blame others?

This book is up to now, I am not afraid of losing popularity or caring about the manuscript fee.

I really can't guarantee my update, but I won't be an eunuch.

Just like when opening a book, even if it is written for yourself, it needs a normal ending, right?

Finally, although life is unsatisfactory in all likelihood, you should be well prepared.

But to be honest, I haven't lost much weight after two months of renovation. The pineapple has been gone for a week, and twenty catties of meat have already abandoned me and let it go. It's really not that easy to get out.

Moreover, Guan's wife needs more comfort than me.

In short, I really tried my best.

Well, future updates will probably keep the look like two days and one change...should...

Uh ...


I'll beep again for the last sentence!

Units like the Public Security Bureau...

Regardless of whether you are a clerical worker or a field worker, you have everything you need to do. Once the task is too normal day and night, at least the most basic things, overtime and duty, will not follow your mind at all.

So the question is, where does the time go?

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