From the outside, you can't see an inch of land on the small island, but you can see all the green and dense tree crowns.

Have to say, this is weird.

"Well, did you find anything?"

Su Ye asked the Golden Tree Demon King.

This guy has closed his eyes, and seems to be sensing something.

Soon, it pointed to the other side of the island: "Go over there and have a look."

Su Ye patted Blazing's head, and the latter understood, turned around and flew towards the direction pointed by the Golden Tree Demon King.

Soon, Su Ye and the others reached the other end of the laughing path.

Here, Su Ye saw something unusual.

It was a tree, a surprisingly large, remarkably large tree.

It stands on the edge of the island.

The huge canopy swayed gently with the sea breeze.

The huge tree trunk is more than ten meters in diameter.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be the entrance:."

The Golden Dryad King pointed to the big tree.

Su Ye turned around and entered: it was a tree but there were no other clues at the moment, so Su Ye had no choice but to order Chi Lie to go down and have a look.

With his blazing wings closed, he took Su Ye and the Golden Tree Demon Dynasty to fly towards the big tree.

"It may be dangerous, be careful."

The Golden Dryad King reminded.

Sure enough, when the blazing dropped to a certain height.

The ghost vine has appeared again.

These guys seem to be everywhere on the island.

At this moment, it climbed up from the canopy of the tree on the small island, and rushed towards Blazing.

Fortunately, Chi Lie had already prepared, and when he opened his mouth, he would breathe out the dragon's breath.

Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, scorching dragon breath swept across, setting a lot of vines on fire.

Then it found the opportunity to get close to the big tree and landed.

This time, the main force that attracted more ghost vines.

Densely packed, like tarsal maggots, towards the blazing, Su Ye crazily pounced.

Su Ye had no choice but to open the Fearless Domain.

In an instant, Blazing's strength doubled, and the power of the dragon's breath also doubled.

The ghost vines approaching were all forced to retreat by the dragon's breath.

Su Ye found the right time, dragged the Golden King and jumped off the burning back, pointing at Fang's big tree and said, "Where is the entrance?"

The Golden Tree Demon King didn't speak, just walked to the big tree on his own, compared his eyes, and then began to mutter something.

Not long after, a bright light bloomed on the big tree trunk in front.

Immediately afterwards, a portal appeared.

"This is the entrance: lord, are we going in?"

The Golden Dryad King pointed to the teleportation doorway on the tree trunk.

Su Ye was overjoyed, and nodded abruptly: "You're here, of course you have to go in."

After all, he took back Blazing into the arm ring.

Then, together with the Golden Tree Demon King, they rushed into the portal.

With a whoosh, the two figures disappeared

Wait a minute: when the moment appeared, Su Ye had already appeared in another world.

It's a jungle, a very dense, very dense jungle.

The surrounding air is even more incomparably fresh, and taking a breath makes one feel refreshed.

"This is the secret of plants"

Su Ye murmured.

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the Golden Tree Demon King sounded beside him: "Leader, be careful!"

As he said that, the vines on the crown of the tree suddenly became thicker and longer, wrapped around Su Ye, and pulled towards him.

The next moment, a thorn stabbed out from where Su Ye was standing just now.

It then retracted back into the ground.

Su Ye's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked, "What is this?"

The Golden Tree Demon King looked around and said, "This is a thorn of thorns. It is the root of a kind of plant. It can walk underground. When it finds a target, it will stab out from the ground at a very fast speed. impale the target."

The corners of Su Ye's eyes twitched, shit, just came here and got off his horse.

It seems that there is something in this plant mystery, ah! "I summon Blazing, let it take us into the air!"

Su Ye said.

But it was stopped by the Golden Tree Demon King.

"Leader, please don't do this. Don't summon Blaze unless it is absolutely necessary. In the plant secret realm, there are hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of plant-type troops. They are all over the secret realm and have very sharp The perception system, once the animal units appear here, it will instantly attract their attention, and then launch an attack."

When Su Ye heard it, she felt it made sense.

After all, when I landed on the island before, I have already verified this setting.

"Then how do we move forward"

Su Ye asked.

The Golden Tree Demon King shook his long vines, and smiled: "Leave this to me, I can temporarily block your breath, so that they can't find you."

Su Ye shrugged, well, that's the only way to go.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the Golden Tree Demon King, he slowly walked towards the depths of the plant mystery.

According to the Golden Tree Demon King, such things as the spirit of the land can only be found in the secret realm of plants.

And in the plant secret realm, it is not easy to find this kind of thing.

Still need to find it slowly.

Until you find a special plant, you can find the spirit of the land under the plant.

This special plant is named 【Tangling Flower】.

A troop plant with no attack power.

It has only one function, that is, it can explore and perceive the specific location of energy.

, For example, discovering mineral deposits, discovering the spirit of the land and so on.

Therefore, the first step for the Golden Tree Demon King and Su Ye is to find this kind of spirit-exploring flower, and then proceed to the next step.

With a goal in mind, the two began to wander in this plant secret.

I have to say, this plant mystery is really beautiful.

It is more beautiful than all the secret realms that Su Ye has been to before.

All kinds of plants, growing in the jungle, bright flowers, peculiar shapes, and various fruits

Chapter 379: The Spirit of the Land and the Spirit Corn (Second watch for subscription)

Beg for flowers, beg for votes, beg for everything! However, the more beautiful and eye-catching things are often the more dangerous.

Walking in the secret realm of plants, Su Ye has verified this truth many times.

That is to say, he was protected by the Golden Tree Demon King, covering his aura.

Otherwise, if he appeared here as a human, he might attract dozens, or even hundreds of plants to attack in an instant.

At that time, it will be dangerous.

The two moved forward all the way, although the speed was not fast, but it was still safe.

Although the two are also moving, they will also attract the attention of plants.

However, the Golden Dryad King is also a plant, and he is also the king of plants.

The aura it emits blends with the surrounding plants, which can lower their vigilance.

Secondly, in the plant secret territory, some powerful plant arms can originally move.

Therefore, when a tree moves in the plant's secret territory, it is not really a strange thing.

On the contrary, it is quite normal.

The two of them kept walking forward together for an unknown amount of time.

Finally, in the soft cry of the Golden Tree Demon King, the two stopped.

"Leader, look quickly, it's the Spiritual Exploration Flower."

Su Ye's expression changed, and he followed the direction pointed by the Golden Tree Demon King.

Sure enough, this little flower grew in the jungle ahead.

Strangely, the color of this little flower is not only one, but colorful, which looks extremely weird.

"We went quietly."

The Golden Dryad Dominion.

Su Ye nodded, and the two guys approached Tan Linghua quietly.

In the end, the Golden Dryad King managed to cover the little thing under his canopy.

Take root here.

Countless emerald green vines hung down, covering Su Ye's figure.

In this way, from the outside, the plants would not be able to detect Su Ye's breath and existence.

"Dig from here, and you should find something."

The Golden Dryad Dominion.

Su Ye nodded, sat aside and waited.

Watching the golden tree demon king stab his roots into the ground, then dug out the soil and piled it around.

Soon, a big pit appeared.

Then, the Golden Tree Demon King expanded and deepened the pit.

After fighting for twenty minutes.

The Golden Tree Demon King suddenly shook the tree, and immediately pulled out a stone from the ground.

It is the size of a millstone, and it is stained with a lot of dirt.

The exposed part is crystal clear and looks extremely extraordinary.

"Spirit of the land, this is the spirit of the land."

The Golden Tree Demon King let out a soft cry, and there was unconcealable ecstasy in his words.

Su Ye walked over and threw an energy test at the big stone.

Soon, information about this big rock appeared in his mind.

【Spirit of the Land】Description: A kind of rich and strange stone, buried deep in the ground, can continuously release energy and change the surrounding soil quality. Using this soil quality to plant crops will more than double the crop yield.

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