"Let's continue driving the meteorite, are you coming?"

Wang Tao looked at Qu Shilin.

"Then let me try again?"

Qu Shilin's eyes lit up.

Wang Tao stepped aside and allowed her to continue driving.

As a result, the second meteorite and the third meteorite each produced a fourth-order garbage crystal core...

"If I don't open it, I won't open it. If I open it again, you'll be at a loss!"

Qu Shilin waved her hands quickly.

Wang Tao's fourth-level meteorites are all of high quality, and the crystal nuclei used are also high-quality crystal nuclei. The cost of opening a meteorite is almost 100,000 crystal coins. And the value of these two fourth-order crystal cores is only one or two thousand crystal coins... This is a loss for the blood mother, so Qu Shilin said nothing and said nothing, she felt that her good luck might have run out.


Wang Tao picked up the crystal core and opened it himself.

But I don’t know if he really ran out of luck. After opening several meteorites, Wang Tao didn’t get anything good. They were all crystal cores. Although some crystal cores were okay, they still lost money.

"How about waiting and opening again?"

Everyone asked with some concern.

This thing is indeed a bit mysterious.

"It's okay, I don't have much money."

Wang Tao didn't care. While he was talking, he opened a meteorite.

"Eh? Look, isn't this a profit!"

A black shadow emerged from the meteorite. Everyone thought it was a Zerg monster and immediately became vigilant. But Wang Tao had no intention of fighting because this was not a monster.

"Huh? It's an iron beetle!"

Everyone soon discovered that this was not a monster, but a fourth-level weapon, the Iron Beetle!

They were relieved instantly. It was no big deal that they had been losing money. They finally made money again!

Wang Tao quickly received the iron beetle in his hands. The price of this thing can easily be sold for more than one million, and it is basically priceless.

Wang Tao has a total of 30 level four meteorites, even if the cost is 3 million. Now that he has released a Zerg monster and an iron beetle, he can be considered to have made back all the cost. The things that are opened later, even if it is just a junk crystal core, are still profitable. So everyone felt much more relaxed instantly.

Wang Tao continued to activate the fourth-level meteorite.

He actually wanted to bring out the Zerg monsters. After all, he could easily deal with the fourth-level Zerg monsters, and the Zerg monsters might yield good trophies, such as [Magical Consciousness], so after killing the Zerg monsters, The feeling of checking out the trophies is incomparable to anything else.

But unfortunately, until Wang Tao opened all 30 level 4 meteorites, Wang Tao could not open a second Zerg monster.

"I'm not feeling very lucky today..."

Wang Tao shook his head helplessly, he would have known better to let Qu Shilin go.

Of course, just because there are no Zerg monsters, it doesn’t mean that Wang Tao won’t make money. Later, an iron beetle, a few good crystal cores, and a few mediocre pieces of equipment were released... Overall, I still made a lot of money.

Unlike Wang Tao's helplessness, others are quite happy. After all, they don't have high requirements - if you don't lose, it's a victory, if you can make a profit, it's a big win!

"Do you want to continue?"

Since no Zerg monsters appeared later, the 30 crystal cores were opened very quickly, much shorter than they expected.

These fourth-level crystal cores have been opened, but Wang Tao still has fifth-level ones in hand, so someone asked Wang Tao if he wanted to continue opening them.

Wang Tao shook his head rationally.

"Forget about the fifth level for now. Let's wait until your injuries are healed."

After Wang Tao's battle during this period, he found that the strength gap between the fifth-level lords is also quite large. If the black fog zombies have the combat power, Wang Tao will naturally not be afraid. If the giant hammer zombies come out, then he may It's fine, but others are out of luck. So it's better to play it safe.

When Wang Tao was sorting out the loot, he saw the eggs of the Night Demon parasite in the space backpack.

He also has more than a hundred Night Demon parasite eggs in his hand, including more than 90 fourth-level eggs and more than 40 fifth-level eggs, all of which can be used.

However, the insect eggs must be parasitized by zombies, and it is best to have a night devil nest, otherwise the probability of birth of a night devil will be much lower...

"We will observe more in the future to see if there is a nest of Night Demons. I just don't know if the Night Demons have mutated..."

Wang Tao thought silently.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was already dark.

"Do I want to use it now?"

Qu Shilin held the [Magical Consciousness] and looked at Wang Tao expectantly.

"Just now."

Wang Tao nodded.

Qu Shilin couldn't wait to put [Magical Consciousness] in her mouth, and then she fell asleep.

It was already three hours later when she woke up.

"I-do I have hidden attributes?"

Qu Shilin was still a little dizzy. Seeing a group of people standing around her, she asked subconsciously.


Wang Tao suddenly smiled and said.

[HP: 82874/100000]

[Blue amount: 35000/35000]

[Level: Level 3]

[Hidden attribute: spiritual element]

[Spiritual Element: Memory is stronger than average people]

Qu Shilin has obtained a hidden attribute called "Spiritual Element". According to this introduction, it can increase memory. It is a very good hidden attribute, especially for a scientific researcher like her.

"Haha, I finally have hidden attributes!"

Qu Shilin laughed happily.

With hidden attributes, it represents the qualification for awakening, and no one will be excited.

However, Qu Shilin didn't know what her hidden attributes were. She just had a vague feeling that she seemed to have changed a little bit, but she couldn't tell exactly what had changed...

"Wang Tao, do you know what my hidden attributes are?"

Qu Shilin immediately looked at Wang Tao again. Wang Tao knew so much, so he should know it, right?

"Based on my experience, it should be a hidden attribute that can increase memory."

Wang Tao said.

"Enhance memory? Let me try!"

Qu Shilin immediately turned on the information watch and moved her lips slightly, as if she was calculating something. A few seconds later, she looked at Wang Tao with surprise.

"It really increases memory!"

If you don't know your hidden attributes, it will definitely be troublesome to find them. But after Wang Tao reminded her, she experimented a little and soon discovered that her memory had indeed improved.

For her, this hidden attribute is of great help. Although there are computers that can help memorize some important data, it will be a bit troublesome to retrieve the data after all. If she could keep these data firmly in her mind, she would feel that her efficiency would increase by at least 20% when working in the future!


Qu Shilin sincerely thanked Wang Tao again.

Wang Tao smiled and waved his hand, then asked curiously:

"How does it feel when you gain hidden attributes?"

"How does it feel..." Qu Shilin frowned and thought about it carefully before saying, "I feel like I had a dream. In the dream, I appeared in a gray space in a daze, and then I don't know what happened. I fell asleep and saw you when I woke up..."


Wang Tao nodded.

It seems that Qu Shilin was in a similar situation to when he obtained the hidden attributes, but perhaps it was due to the difference in strength. He remembered it more clearly, while Qu Shilin was a little confused.

Wang Tao waved his hand.

"Okay, let's assign the people on duty, and then everyone else can go to rest."

Apart from opening the meteorite and Qu Shilin gaining hidden attributes, nothing else happened today. There was not a single zombie around.

Everyone had a good rest, and their physical condition was recovering well. It is estimated that they will be almost ready in a day or two at most.

But the actual situation was better than Wang Tao expected——

After a good night's rest, everyone's injuries recovered. After a burst of blood boost from Lan Yulian, they were all full of blood soon!

I have to say that this kind of thing would be difficult to imagine before the end of the world.

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to break the muscles and bones, and some people have broken legs and broken hands. If it were before the end of the world, it would probably take more than three months to recover. But now, it’s just one day and two nights.

Moreover, they did not leave any sequelae and were truly restored to their original state! Among them, there are naturally reasons for their strong physical fitness, but the most important thing is that Lan Yulian is there.

Wang Tao can guarantee the upper limit of this team, and Lan Yulian can guarantee the lower limit of this team! With her here, the team's continuous combat capability will at least double!

It was also the first time that Qu Shilin felt the power of a "super big breast" so intuitively. I have to say, it was ridiculously strong!

Wang Tao originally planned to go out tomorrow, but since their injuries are all healed and there are no sequelae, they can go out today.

"Then let's go out today. Do you have any questions?"

"no problem!"

After confirming that everything was alright, Wang Tao and others packed up the temporary camp, including the cameras and other equipment.

Wang Tao and the others' target this time was those groups of corpses. The groups were all far away from the next three groups of corpses. If they went to the next group of corpses, they would have to find another place to live.

After finishing cleaning up, the crystal energy car made a slight noise and drove away from the school.

It was still snowing heavily outside and visibility was very low. Wang Tao and his team carefully observed the surrounding situation to prevent sudden encounters with zombies.

Wang Tao hoped to encounter zombies, preferably fourth- and fifth-level lords, but they went from morning to afternoon without encountering a single zombie.

"There aren't even any zombies..."

Everyone was speechless. They were all ready to fight, but in the end they didn't even have a chance to do it.

Wang Tao suddenly smiled and said:

"Think about it from another perspective. There are no zombies blocking the road, which makes us go much faster. There is a third group of zombies in front of us."

"Yes, I hope there are a lot of zombies here - no, don't have too many, we can't deal with them if there are too many... It's best to have just the right amount for us to deal with without too much danger!"

Before they even arrived, Qu Shilin had already started making wishes.

Wang Tao smiled and said nothing more.

As we got closer to the corpses, the car began to slow down.

However, Wang Tao and others did not see any zombies appear when they walked cautiously to the location of the zombie group.

"It's strange, there are no zombies here?"

Everyone didn't quite believe it.

According to the information given by the city hall, there are more zombies here than in the first two places!

"Let's go down and search!"

Wang Tao immediately led everyone out of the car.

This is a dilapidated town, with many houses collapsed by the snowstorm. The car had just walked around the town and didn't see any zombies.

Wang Tao and his team got out of the car and searched carefully.

An hour later, everyone regrouped.

"No zombies found..."

"We didn't find it either..."


"But we found some traces of zombie activity..."


After a careful discussion, everyone came to a conclusion - it turned out that there were zombies here, but these zombies left, and within a short period of time, all the zombies left, and not a single one was left!

This result made everyone frown a little.

"Why are the zombies leaving? And in such a big town, not a single zombie is left? This..."

Wei Zhenguo murmured to himself.

This doesn’t feel like the behavior of zombies!

When we encountered a zombie wave before, a large number of zombies followed the zombie wave, but there were still zombies in other places because some zombies did not follow.

But now, these zombies are all gone, and they left in a short period of time, not a single zombie is left behind... This situation does not look like zombies, but more like humans!

Because Wei Zhenguo saw an "organized and disciplined" situation...

"I have a bad feeling..."

Xiang Hongbin looked ugly.

Zombies are inherently numerous and powerful. The reason why humans can survive under the threat of zombies is because zombies have no brains.

And now this situation seems to indicate that... the zombies have brains!

Strong zombies are not scary; strong zombies with large numbers are a bit scary; strong zombies with large numbers and brains are really scary!

"Not all zombies have become smart. The evolution speed of zombies is not so incredible... I speculate that a lord with a certain intelligence may have appeared and took the zombies away..."

Wang Tao spoke at this time.

Everyone thought about it. They had encountered a lot of zombies in the two days since they came out, and those zombies were still very stupid.

If zombies really evolved intelligence on a large scale, then the zombies they encountered before would definitely become smarter, but obviously not...

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Tao continued:

"But we don't rule out that there will be some unexpected situations... So, my suggestion is that we go to the next zombie group to see the situation before it gets dark and see what the situation of the zombies there is. That place is not far from It’s not too far here, you should be able to catch it.”


No one had any objections, so everyone got in the car again and headed towards the location of the fourth group of corpses.

Still haven't encountered any zombies along the way. When it got dark, everyone came to the location of the fourth group of corpses.

"My God, there are so many zombies! Aren't all the zombies from the previous zombie group here?"

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