Outside Cuizhu Community, Jiang Hui drove over slowly in a dilapidated car.

A dim street lamp was on at the sentry box in the community, illuminating the large rusty iron gate. There were two security guards in thick clothes sitting inside the guard box. After seeing the car, one person came out.

"Which family are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"

The man said in a loud voice.

"We are in Building 4, 802."

Jiang Hui, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, spoke immediately.

Hearing this, the man came over and patted the snow off the license plate. After seeing the license plate clearly, he took out a small book and flipped through it, and then nodded to the security guard in the guard box. The two of them went over and opened the door together.

There is no Building No. 4 in this Cuizhu Community. Each building only has a maximum of 6 floors. There is no 802... This is just a code to enter.

This car was the one Qiu Rong used to buy medicine, and it had been registered in advance.

If the password and license plate number match, they will let you go.

As for the people in the car, they naturally do not need to be inspected, because basically the people who came here today have their identities hidden.

"The street lights in Building 4 are still on. If you go forward, you can see..."

The car slowly entered the community, and one of the security guards pointed the way to Building 4.

It was dark inside the community and nothing could be seen.

Except for Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue who were very calm, Jiang Hui, the policewoman and Qiu Rong were all a little nervous.

The two policemen were naturally nervous that they would be able to catch the big fish soon, while Qiu Rong was subconsciously scared because it was her first time visiting this place. This dark environment made her subconsciously afraid.

The roads inside the community are quite spacious, and the snow must have been removed, so they are not as difficult to walk as outside.

After a while, a faint light appeared in the dim environment in front of him.

You can see a street lamp of the same style as the sentry box in the community hanging under a building not far away.

Wang Tao looked up after getting off the car. Although everything except the lamp was dark, Wang Tao's night vision ability could clearly see the words "Building 8" on the 6-story building. .

Under this building, there are many dilapidated modified cars parked. These people obviously concealed their identities on purpose. But driving this kind of car is not an easy process.

"So many people came under such extreme weather..."

Jiang Hui's face was very serious.

Wang Tao just told him about "health medicine" and did not say what specific effects the medicine had. But Jiang Hui was not stupid, and he immediately thought of new drugs. Looking at it now, people can risk their lives to buy medicine, which shows how addictive this medicine is!

"let's go."

Wang Tao and others got out of the car one after another.

Qiu Rong's body was still weak, and now the effects of the medicine were taking effect again. She felt a little dizzy after getting off the car. Wang Tao asked the policewoman to support her, and then he observed the surrounding situation.

Before coming to this community, Jiang Hui had already investigated it. The population of this community was not large, and there had been no movement of people recently. So those people from the Twilight Church should have rented a place here. After all, the place is not fixed and it is impossible to stay in a certain place for a long time. Changing a place after using it can prevent being discovered.

Wang Tao didn't find anything wrong elsewhere for the time being, and the focus must be on this building.

Under the dim light outside the lobby on the first floor, you can see a cross-shaped sign painted here.

Jiang Hui was about to push the door when the door suddenly opened from the inside.

It was still dark inside, but it felt obviously much warmer. The person who opened the door was a man wearing a mask. He was very tall, half a head taller than Wang Tao. He gave people a great sense of oppression when he got closer.

Wang Tao could tell at a glance that he only had second-level strength, and it was just a silver pewter spear tip, which was useless.

However, Qiu Rong was still startled. If the policewoman hadn't been holding her up, she would have taken several steps back.

The big man glanced at everyone. Facing Wang Tao, who was of the same size, he passed him by and then focused on Jiang Hui.

Under normal circumstances, people with superpowers can perceive the general strength of others. The big guy could tell at a glance that Jiang Hui was the strongest among Wang Tao's group.

He looked at Jiang Hui and said in a deep voice:

"Which family are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"


Jiang Hui said very calmly.

This is also a code. If this is mentioned on the eighth floor, it would be wrong. This transaction is on the third floor, just pick up a room on the third floor.

"Oh, it's on the third floor. The lights here are broken. I'll take you up."

After the code was matched, the big guy turned around and walked away, holding a yellowed flashlight in his hand.

Jiang Hui immediately followed.

After entering, he discovered that there were four big guys inside, all with second-level strength! The strength of the Twilight Church is not weak. After all, Jiang Hui himself is only at the second level, and the policewoman he brought is only at the first level... If Wang Tao hadn't been there, he would not have dared to go deep into the tiger's den like this.

It was still dark in the hall, and a few people could only follow the big man closely. However, Wang Tao clearly saw that the windows inside were sealed. I guess it's similar upstairs.

Sure enough, just as Wang Tao guessed, the room became much brighter immediately after going upstairs. However, there was no one on the second floor, and several rooms were tightly closed.

The group continued to go upstairs. The route to the third floor was not through the original stairs, which were blocked, but through a small door hidden in the darkness. The Dusk Church is very cautious.

When I arrived here, I could faintly hear some noises coming from upstairs. After going upstairs, I saw a large group of people in the hall.

They were either covering their faces or wearing masks, and they were all communicating excitedly. There are many large fire pits here, with firewood burning inside, and the temperature is very high. Many people have taken off their heavy coats and are wearing single clothes, but their faces are still covered.

There was a waiter walking around carrying a tray with some wine and cockroach ointment for everyone to eat.

Qiu Rong sniffed hard, her face looking a little excited under the mask. She smelled the holy medicine! The thought of drinking the holy medicine later made her tremble with excitement.

Wang Tao glanced at Qiu Rong and felt that her spirit seemed to be much better instantly.

Obviously, this should be the factor of the so-called holy medicine, which probably made Qiu Rong smell it.

Wang Tao took a closer look at himself and Jiang Hui, and was relieved after seeing no signs of poisoning.

He was afraid that he would be poisoned by the medicine once he smelled it, but luckily it wasn't that outrageous.

Then he observed the other people. They were basically ordinary people and first-level superpowers. There was not even a second-level superpower. Jiang Hui's strength was actually the strongest here... And among these people, Not everyone is poisoned, and some people are normal. I guess he's new here?

"The distribution time of the holy medicine will be half an hour later. During this time, you can move around freely, but you are not allowed to run around. You can only stay on the third floor. If you violate the rules... you know the consequences!"

The big guy said a few words and then went downstairs. The stairs to the second floor and the fourth floor were also guarded.

Wang Tao and others felt a little hot, so they took off some clothes. Wang Tao used his mental power to detect it. He saw that there was no one on the second floor. It seemed to be used as a warehouse. But there are people on the third floor. Those people don't seem to be guests, but people from the Twilight Church.

Wang Tao's mental power is very strong, and he can easily penetrate masks and other things. However, after observing around, I didn't find anyone familiar on the fourth floor.

"The holy medicine will be distributed in half an hour. It is estimated that the person who distributes the holy medicine has not arrived yet... Just wait a little longer."

Wang Tao felt that the person who distributed the holy medicine should be the deacon, and most likely one of the three deputy mayors.

Then Wang Tao used his mental energy to look at the disguised customer in front of him, and suddenly raised his brows.

Not to mention, I actually saw a lot of familiar faces. Wang Tao often runs to the City Hall recently. Some of these familiar faces are from the City Hall, and a few are from the police station. Although some of them are poisoned and some are not, no matter what, the Twilight Church has infiltrated the city hall and the police station, and it needs to be taken seriously.

Among these people, there are many more women than men. There are dozens of people in total, and the ratio of men to women is about 3:7.

As for who these women were, Wang Tao recalled carefully. He had never seen most of them, but there were two women who seemed familiar to him. He should have seen them at the previous banquet... So, these people should be those officials. Family members?

This is obviously a conspiracy!

Wang Tao glanced at Qiu Rong subconsciously.

If the Twilight Church makes all the officials' families drink the holy medicine, and then assassinates them like Yao Guodong... then it will be troublesome. It's a pity that it was discovered early...

While Wang Tao was observing them, there were naturally others observing Wang Tao.

Several people came over to strike up a conversation, saying that they were all from Twilight Church and wanted to make friends or something.

Among them was a plump woman wearing a white mask. She came to Wang Tao's side, looked at Wang Tao's burly figure, and her eyes were a little bright under the mask.

"Handsome guy, how about we go have a drink together?"

She extended a warm invitation to Wang Tao.


Wang Tao nodded.

Seeing that Wang Tao agreed, the woman was immediately very happy, and then she directly took Wang Tao's arm. Wang Tao suddenly felt a softness.

Jiang Hui opened his mouth. Can he get such benefits while performing a mission?

Qiu Rong subconsciously wanted to follow Wang Tao. She was still a little scared in this strange environment. When she bought the holy medicine before, she always bought it as soon as she came. She didn't meet so many people. She just saw the deacon. The situation was completely different from this time...

Wang Tao gave Jiang Shixue a look before leaving. Jiang Shixue immediately grabbed Qiu Rong, and then took Qiu Rong to a corner to sit down with the policewoman.

Jiang Hui waited for a while and found out that no woman had asked him to go for a drink. He immediately shrugged. Although he was asked to go out by someone, it was very disappointing that no one asked him out.

"Is it because I'm too short or too thin?"

Jiang Hui shook his head and went to Jiang Shixue's place.

On the other side, Wang Tao followed this plump woman to a corner.

The reason why Wang Tao came here had no special purpose, he was just out of curiosity.

Because this woman happened to be someone he had met at the New Year's party before, and her husband was a department leader. When her husband took her to the party, this woman was very introverted and easily shy. She would blush whenever she talked to other men. Often hiding behind her husband. However, she and her husband have a very good relationship and are a model couple in the eyes of everyone.

The two men are handsome and the woman is beautiful, they match each other very well, and everyone is envious of them. What I envy is not only their good relationship, but more importantly, their relationship as husband and wife was not formed after the end of the world, but a couple who received the certificate before the end of the world. To be able to make it all the way to this point and still be so loving is naturally enviable.

But now...

Why is she still introverted and shy?

But when he took a closer look at the woman's poisonous properties, Wang Tao suddenly understood. Her attributes are different from Qiu Rong's!

[Poisoning: Common toxins with certain addictive properties. Long-term use can lead to an increase in certain desires. If not taken within 30 days, the poison can be detoxified]

She won't die from the poison, but the condition for being released is that she doesn't take it for 30 days!

Is this another medicine? Or is there a mutation?

Wang Tao fell into deep thought.

The woman pulled Wang Tao to sit on the sofa, and the two were very close to each other. She gently squeezed the muscles on Wang Tao's arm, and her tone was a little exclamatory:

"Wow, you have such a great figure! I feel like you are much better than those big guys downstairs!"


Wang Tao thinks she is quite discerning. After all, those big guys are very vain, but he is the real deal.

The woman took the initiative to chat with Wang Tao. After chatting for a while, the waiter brought the drinks.

“This wine is pretty good!”

The mask on a woman's face exposes her mouth, so there is no need to take off the mask when drinking.

However, she seemed to be holding the wine glass unsteadily, and the wine suddenly spilled.

Originally, the glass of wine would have fallen on Wang Tao, but Wang Tao happened to touch her arm, causing the wine to spill directly on the woman herself.

The clothes on the woman's chest were instantly wet, and the originally thin clothes turned translucent.

She didn't know that this was Wang Tao's intention, and thought she had made a mistake. She immediately looked at Wang Tao with resentful eyes.

"You made my clothes wet..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Wang Tao looked apologetic.

"I'll forgive you if you clean it up for me."

The woman bit her lip and looked at Wang Tao.


Just a little effort.

There happened to be a piece of tattered clothing on the sofa, so Wang Tao wiped it for her.

Before Wang Tao wiped it for a few times, he noticed that the woman was breathing heavily and making some strange sounds from her mouth.


Wang Tao felt that the poison was a bit powerful. He didn't do anything and she was like this. If he wanted to do something, how could she bear it?

This kind of medicine must not appear in the base! Otherwise, I don’t know what trouble will happen...

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