In the evening, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were studying mental power and discussing the murderer. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Among their team, Jiang Shixue's ability is "spiritual". Wang Tao can get some inspiration from discussing with her.

The two finally concluded that the strength of Yao Guodong's murderer was probably between level one and level three. The two of them are more inclined to be on the first or second level.

If he is a fourth-level awakener, then he can kill Yao Guodong instantly, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

Of course, there is also the possibility of deliberately concealing clumsiness and confusing the public... However, Wang Tao still feels that there is a low probability that the murderer is a fourth-level awakened person.

Because there is a lot of "preparation work" - waiting for Yao Guodong to drink, asking him to come out to use the toilet, etc., and his two wives are most likely still cooperating... The more steps, the easier it is to make mistakes, and as long as it is Anyone with a brain can see that Yao Guodong's death was not an accident.

If Wang Tao himself or Jiang Shixue attacked Yao Guodong, even if he did not use mental shock to directly kill Yao Guodong, but caused an accident like now, then this "accident" would definitely not be visible to anyone, and would not be so "rough"... …

As for the possibility that the murderer is a third-level murderer, Wang Tao doesn't think it's too big. After all, Yao Guodong is only at the first level. Although he has not awakened at the third level, he can still kill Yao Guodong easily. Similarly, he can also fake it into an accident, instead of looking like a problem like now.

Therefore, Wang Tao felt that the murderer was more likely to be a first- and second-level murderer.

"Perhaps we can find an opportunity to remind Gu Yun later..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and muttered to himself.

By narrowing down the scope of the murderer, the probability of finding the murderer will naturally be higher. However, the ability of mental power is too hidden. If the other party deliberately hides it and does not reveal it, it is still difficult to discover...

"Wang Tao, there is news!"

At this time, Han Rui suddenly came over with an information watch.

After Wang Tao came back, he took a shower and changed his clothes. He didn't wear an information watch or anything else.

"Yao Guodong's death information was was said that he was accidentally frozen to death..."

Looking at the news above, Wang Tao shook his head.

The news was announced faster than he expected. As for the fact that Yao Guodong froze to death, Wang Tao felt that many people in the city hall did not believe it. But they couldn't find the murderer, so that's all they could say.

But when Wang Tao continued to look down, his eyes suddenly froze.

"Eh? Gu Yun is the acting mayor now?"

Wang Tao was very surprised.

"Yes, Gu Yun has become the acting mayor! Although there is an additional word 'generation', it is equivalent to an 'evaluation period'. Once the period is over, he can be promoted to the real mayor!"

Han Rui's face was serious.

"In other words, after Yao Guodong's death, the biggest beneficiary was Gu Yun?"

Wang Tao frowned.

He just told everyone that looking back, who would benefit the most from Yao Guodong's death. The person who benefits the most will definitely become the biggest suspect, because this will have the motive to kill Yao Guodong.

But Wang Tao didn't expect that the person who benefited the most was Gu Yun...

It's not that he has a lot of contact with Gu Yun and has a good relationship, so he believes that Gu Yun is not the murderer. Rather, Gu Yun should not be the acting mayor, right? Aren’t there three deputy mayors?

According to Wang Tao's understanding, Secretary-General Gu Yun and the team of secretaries he leads specialize in helping leaders handle coordination matters. He is not responsible for specific affairs and does not have much real power. His main power comes from the leadership. The three deputy mayors are each responsible for all affairs and have great real power.

Even if we don't look at actual power and only look at status, Gu Yun is still half a level behind the three deputy mayors... So it stands to reason that the mayor should be promoted from these three deputy mayors, right?

Wang Tao had already listed the three deputy mayors as suspects, but he didn't expect Gu Yun to take over...

"I don't quite understand why Gu Yun is the acting mayor. Is it really planned by Gu Yun? Is it all part of his plan? But this acting mayor was approved by the committee with a high vote. Does he also have a lot of connections in the committee?”

Han Rui was also puzzled.

Han Rui would not be surprised if a certain deputy mayor was promoted to mayor or Gu Yun was promoted to deputy mayor. But this is the mayor of Changhe Base City!

The position of mayor of Changhe Base City and the mayor before the end of the world are completely different concepts. The current mayor is the highest administrative officer of the entire base and the head of the city hall.

Although there is a committee above the mayor, the committee is only responsible for general matters and does not care about most things. After all, there are more than 20 of them, and it is impossible for them to have the same ideas, and they have to vote on everything they do. Voting will certainly be more cautious and reasonable, but it will also waste more time...

In order to improve efficiency, the committee will only take the initiative to intervene in some important matters in the general direction. The committee will not have much involvement in other matters and will directly hand them over to the city hall for resolution.

The city hall is led by the mayor, and how it is implemented depends on the mayor's personal abilities.

It is even said that if the mayor feels that the policies formulated by the committee are too outrageous, he does not have to implement them!

The premise is that this mayor is not afraid of being voted out of office by the committee.

Anyway, the position of mayor is very important. A person like Gu Yun, who is not of high status and has no real power, theoretically, it is not his turn to be the mayor...

"By the way, do you have any information about the three deputy mayors?"

Wang Tao suddenly asked as if he thought of something.

"Yes, here..."

Han Rui rummaged through her information watch and found the City Hall page.

The current page is all gray and white, and the information on it has been updated. The mayor's avatar has changed to Gu Yun, but there is an extra bracket after his name with the word "generation" written inside. Below him were the portraits of three deputy mayors. When Wang Tao saw these three portraits, he suddenly understood.

"I know why it's Gu Yun..."

"How to say?"

Han Rui was a little curious.

"These three deputy mayors, I saw them at the crime scene today. All three of them are first-level superpowers. And Gu Yun... is a third-level superpower."

Wang Tao had thought of a question before - if the mayor is so easy to be plotted, are other ordinary people and weak superpowers qualified to hold important positions?

The answer is now obvious - no.

These three deputy mayors have certain real power and are personally very capable, but their own strength is too weak!

If they were put in Yao Guodong's position yesterday, they would also die!

Wang Tao is not yet sure what the purpose of killing Yao Guodong was. Was he just trying to kill Yao Guodong, or was it because he wanted to kill the mayor of Changhe Base?

If it's the latter, then when these three deputy mayors come to power, wouldn't it mean that one of them will die. After all, people can kill Yao Guodong at the first level, and they can also kill them at the first level!

Even if the murderer just wanted to kill Yao Guodong himself, there are still two. When everyone discovers that killing the mayor doesn't seem too difficult, will anyone take action against the newly appointed mayor?

Yes, definitely!

After all, there are quite a few superpowers in the base, and it is easy for people to lose themselves with their power...

If this really happens, it will be troublesome in the future.

To put it bluntly, it is a small matter if the mayors die, but it is a big deal if it affects the operation of the base!

For example, after Yao Guodong died this time, the work at the city hall that was finally on track was disrupted again! It may even be due to issues such as unreasonable division of labor, uneven distribution, conflicts of work content, waste of resources, etc., that more people will freeze to death in these days!

For example, Wang Tao has nothing to do at home now. If there are survivors outside who are affected by the disaster, he is willing to help them. But the problem is, Wang Tao doesn't know who is affected or where the disaster is! Some places are so busy, but Wang Tao is very busy here - this is also possible.

Therefore, the death of mayor Yao Guodong had a great negative impact on the base. Especially during this time of heavy snowfall, low temperatures, blocked roads, and communication problems...

In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future, it makes sense to let a strong person become the mayor.

Although Gu Yun's combat power is not strong, he is a solid third-level warrior after all, and he has some defensive power. If according to Wang Tao's speculation, the murderer is a first- or second-level person, then he is looking for death when he confronts Gu Yun. You may even get backlash, because mental attacks are also dangerous to yourself, especially when your mental strength is not as good as the other party...

Wang Tao expressed his analysis, and Han Rui nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, I think what you said makes sense. I didn't expect my own strength... In the end of the world, strength is king after all! But speaking of it, haven't these three deputy mayors been promoted? With their abilities, Shouldn’t they all be the first level?”

Han Rui was a little confused again.

Wang Tao can probably understand this problem.

"If you want to be promoted, in addition to crystal cores, you also have to kill zombie monsters. They obviously have never gone out to kill zombies..."

Promotion requires a maximum blood volume, which means you need to go out and hunt zombies. After all, these three deputy mayors all hold real power and have many things on their hands. The development plan of the base requires them. They may not have much time to go out.

If they were timid and didn't dare to go out to kill zombies and thought that becoming a first-level superpower and improving their physical fitness would be enough, then they would even less go out.

But Gu Yun is different. He doesn't manage specific things. He goes wherever there is need and often runs out of the city. In order to save his life outside, he must improve his strength...

"But there's another problem..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and said.

"Is the murderer's plan to 'let someone with stronger power take over'? If it is, then Gu Yun is indeed very suspicious. If not, it means that someone has been busy for a long time and instead did it for Gu Yun Wedding dress..."

Thinking of this, Wang Tao suddenly frowned again.

"No! Assuming that the murderer is very smart and all this is taken into account by the murderer, then the ultimate beneficiary may not necessarily be Gu Yun! Because many important positions in the base are currently held by ordinary people. If the murderer wants to Other places have taken over, so I did this..."

Wang Tao felt that his head was a little big.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore! No matter how much you think about it, it's just speculation. If the murderer is not caught, the truth will never come out... Anyway, your own strength is the most important thing! As long as you are strong enough, there is no conspiracy or conspiracy. Come and kill the other one!"

Wang Tao shook his head, and then took out his information watch.

"Let me send a congratulations to Gu Yun..."

It should be no surprise that Gu Yun becomes the mayor, so congratulations in advance.

Not long after Wang Tao's news was sent out, Gu Yun called directly.

"Hey, it's still early to become the mayor! It's hard to say, it's hard to say! And you may not know that I have become the biggest suspect!"

"I'm so convinced! I didn't know that the committee actually appointed me as the acting mayor! I am a team leader who serves the leadership. If I really had the ability to speak up in the committee, I would have been the deputy mayor long ago. , can you still run errands for the leader?”

"Oh, by the way, do you know why I bought the iron beetles from you and didn't let you sell the iron beetles to others? I just want to gain political achievements! One of the deputy mayors is old and will most likely retire. , I just wonder if I have the chance to be a deputy... I really don't dare to think about the position of mayor. After all, Mayor Yao's work ability is obvious to all. I, including several deputy mayors, are very convinced... "

"If I didn't have some sense, I would have resigned..."

Wang Tao could tell that Gu Yun was excited and helpless.

Being the acting mayor is definitely a good thing. But it's hard to be the biggest suspect.

Being the acting mayor and the biggest suspect is a bit annoying. Wang Tao could imagine how he would be discussed. If the murderer cannot be caught, he will never be able to get rid of the suspect's hat...

"Then just investigate carefully and try to remove yourself as a suspect. I believe you have the ability."

Wang Tao encouraged with a smile.

He also felt that Gu Yun was suspicious, but Wang Tao's mind had been opened. Gu Yun was not the biggest suspect in his eyes. Of course, Wang Tao had no answer for the time being as to who the biggest suspect was.

But as soon as Wang Tao said these words, Gu Yun said helplessly:

"I was originally leading the team investigating Mayor Yao's death, but since I am now the biggest suspect, I have just been kicked out - I will not be able and dare not intervene in this matter from now on, otherwise I will really say no. It’s clear…”


Good guy, if you leave the task of clearing your innocence to others, it will be a pain in the ass.

After the two chatted for a while, Gu Yun ended the call.

He is very busy. After he finishes complaining, he still has to work. There is still a lot of mess for him to clean up later. Moreover, he is not sure that he can do better than Yao Guodong, so he feels very uncomfortable...

But just as Wang Tao ended the call, someone called again.

"Mr. Wang, do you have time? Mayor Yao's wife wants to see you..."

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