This is a vast plain with no high-rise buildings or zombies, only a straight railway. And at the end of the railway, there is a survivor base that seems to have no edge!

"Is that the Changhe Base..."

Everyone on the train widened their eyes.

Changhe Base is still some distance away from the train, but even so, you can feel the hugeness of Changhe Base. What if it is so close?

And the most important thing is, there really is no zombie tide here!

"This is Changhe Base!"

Duan Xuchang, wearing a suit of power armor, walked over. The threat has not been completely eliminated yet, so he naturally has not relaxed.

He said to Wang Tao again:

"Wang Tao, you should have noticed just now that those zombies are a little different, right?"

"You mean the crystal core?"

A blue crystal core appeared in Wang Tao's hand.

"Yes! Most of the crystal nuclei no longer have the previous ghost! According to our research just now, it seems that there is no superpower in this kind of crystal nucleus. I just had someone try it, but this kind of crystal nucleus cannot be fused. Already..."

Duan Xuchang's face was a little serious.

He doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but it will obviously become a headache for many people.

"I have also killed a lot of elite zombies, but only the crystal nuclei in some zombies have superpowers. The other crystal nuclei have no superpowers..."

Wang Tao shook his head.

He could see the properties of the crystal nuclei, so he could confirm that most of the crystal nuclei indeed had no superpowers. But he didn't know exactly what was going on.

Fortunately, only the crystal nuclei in the zombie bodies changed. The crystal core he carries is still good.

The two communicated for a while, but still had no clue.

"It seems we can only count on the Hope Research Institute..."

Duan Xuchang sighed.

If this is the only change, that's fine. I'm afraid there will be a chain reaction...

The two said nothing more.

As the train got closer to Changhe Base, other vehicles began to appear around the train.

"There are survivors!"

Looking at the modified vehicles running alongside the train outside the train, Nie Siyan stretched out her hand to say hello to them. However, the train has single-pane glass, so those outside can obviously not see it.

Those survivors were very curious about the train, and from time to time they would stick out their heads and make strange noises.

Wang Tao looked at these survivors and raised his eyebrows.

Basically, they are all second- and third-level superpowers, and their strength is not weak.

Slowly, there were more and more vehicles around the train. Some of them were obviously vehicles coming out of the base, but after seeing the train, they turned around and followed the train... It felt like they were very interested in the survivors in the train.

Seeing this situation, Duan Xuchang explained:

"In addition to being curious, these people may want to get you to join the gang. There are many organizations and forces in Base City... To put it nicely, it is called relatively free; to put it worst, it is a mixed bag of good and bad. So I suggest you not to join any force casually. , there are so many of you, just wait for the top management of the base to make arrangements..."

"I see... I understand." Wang Tao nodded to express his understanding, and then asked, "Is the situation in the base city relatively chaotic?"

Duan Xuchang explained:

"Some places are really chaotic. After all, you know, many people will not be willing to be lonely once they gain strength. Now many people have become powerful superpowers, so... But you don't have to worry too much. Overall Speaking from the outside, our base city has many rules and regulations, and everyone will abide by them."

This was within Wang Tao's expectation.

Now if a large base like a utopia really appeared, he would think there was something wrong...

The train is getting closer and closer to Changhe Base, and the 20,000 survivors on the train are getting more and more excited.

"What a big base!"

Ding Yuqin and his party were also increasingly surprised.

They can no longer see the entire base. All they can see is the towering wall that seems to have no end!

When the train finally arrived at the base gate, everyone including Wang Tao was shocked.

From this position, when they looked up from the window, they couldn't see how high the outer walls of the base were!

"This high wall... feels like it can stop giant zombies!"

Wang Tao murmured to himself.

"Yes, the highest giant zombie we have seen so far is more than eighty meters high. And our outer city wall is more than one hundred meters high!"

Duan Xuchang nodded proudly.


Everyone gasped.

No wonder you can’t even see the end from this position, it’s more than a hundred meters high! This is at least equivalent to a high-rise building with more than thirty or forty floors!

The previous outer wall of the Bauhinia base was only about ten meters high, which could block a large number of zombies. If the fourth-level Night Demon zombies hadn't destroyed the wall, it could have blocked it for a long time! You can imagine how powerful the defensive power of this city wall more than 100 meters high is! After all, if you want to build such a high wall, you cannot have only height without thickness. Its thickness must be extremely amazing!

Wang Tao also looked amazed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that someone could build such a tall city wall in the apocalypse!


The train came slowly, and the gate of the city wall slowly opened.

This gate alone is taller than the previous outer wall of the Bauhinia Base!

And when the door opened, it was so dark inside that it seemed like there was no end in sight.


Dim yellow lights lit up inside the gate tunnel.

"Let me go! How thick is this wall! Open the door and it turns out to be a tunnel!"

Xiang Hongbin said to himself in disbelief.

This gate should not be opened often. The vehicles that followed the train before entered the base through other small gates. Of course, although it is said to be a small door, it is actually very tall, and it can even run on a train.


As the train entered the tunnel behind the door, everyone also saw the thickness of the two doors. It can only be said that no one with super powers can open this door, right?

The sense of security is overwhelming!

After a moment, everyone felt their eyes light up. The train finally passed through the wall tunnel and officially entered the Changhe Base!

"Everyone, welcome to Changhe Base!"

Duan Xuchang had already taken off his power armor and put on a straight dark green military uniform.

It was only then that Wei Zhenguo and others discovered that the epaulettes on his military uniform were different from those on them.

Duan Xuchang seemed to have seen the doubts of several people. He pointed to his shoulder straps and the badges on his chest and said with a smile:

"Changhe Base City went through some reforms earlier. Now there is no official government and no official army. All previous identities are invalid. We are now affiliated with the Third Army."

Only then did Wei Zhenguo and others suddenly realize.

When they heard that there was no more government and government troops, they felt a little melancholy for no reason, but it was not too surprising.

After all, there are now a large number of people with superpowers, and it is impossible to follow the same routine as before.

Even if this base was built by the government army before, they would give up part of their power after seeing the civilian superpowers getting stronger and stronger...

"Who is the ruler of this Changhe base now?"

He Jijun suddenly asked.

Before, they all thought that this place was ruled by the government or the government army, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Changhe Base City is too big. It cannot and cannot be ruled by a certain force or person. If you are referring to the highest authority in the base city, it is the Changhe Committee..."

"The committee..."

Wei Zhenguo and others subconsciously looked at each other. When they were at the Shuize base, they had also set up a committee... This was indeed a more appropriate system.

Amidst the exchanges between several people, the train slowly stopped.

"Everyone, we're here."

It was a huge train station and it was packed with people. In addition to some melon-eating people, there was also a group of heavily armed soldiers.


Car No. 2 opened the door first.

Wang Tao and his party left the train under the leadership of Duan Xuchang.

As soon as he got out of the car, Wang Tao saw a burly middle-aged man guarded by a group of soldiers. The middle-aged man laughed and said:

"Welcome to Changhe Base! I am Hou Zhiyuan, the commander of the Third Army."

Hou Zhiyuan is a third-level superpower with 100,000 health and has no hidden abilities. Wang Tao felt that with the fighting power of his men, he should have the ability to awaken. Unfortunately, he had no hidden ability and could not meet the conditions for awakening...

"Hello! I am Lan Yulian, the former leader of the Bauhinia Base. Thank you very much for your rescue!"

Lan Yulian walked at the front with Wang Tao. After she introduced herself, Wang Tao continued:

"Hello, Commander Hou, I am Wang Tao, the person who contacted you at the military base before. Thank you very much for your help!"

"Haha! Don't say any polite words. We survivors should help each other! I have prepared a place for you to rest. Why don't you let the 20,000 survivors settle down first?"

Although this was Hou Zhiyuan's territory, he did not act too tough, and even had a consultative tone towards Wang Tao and his party.

"Then thank you very much, Commander Hou!"

Naturally, Lan Yulian would not refuse.

After she agreed, Duan Xuchang began to open the doors of other carriages one by one.

Hou Zhiyuan immediately waved, and multiple military trucks drove over.

The survivors who got off the train were very excited, but also a little reserved. They subconsciously glanced at Lan Yulian and Wang Tao, and after seeing them nodding, they followed and got into the car. Before getting on the bus, another check was conducted to ensure that no one was carrying the zombie virus.

The eyes of those who were watching outside the train station shone brightly when they saw that there were so many survivors inside the train. But after seeing that these survivors were picked up by the people of the Third Army, most of them shook their heads and left with disappointed faces. Only a few people did not give up.

"I'm trying to get you newcomers to join the gang. Don't pay attention!"

Hou Zhiyuan waved his hand, then rubbed his temples.

"I feel relieved to see that you are all back safely. But today the zombies have evolved and there have been some changes. I still have a lot of things to do. Let Duan Xuchang lead you to familiarize yourself with the base. These two I’ll take some time to treat you to dinner!”

"You're busy!"

Lan Yulian said quickly.

Hou Zhiyuan left in a hurry.

As for the arrangements for everyone, he didn't go into details. He even failed to mention such a huge contribution to rescuing 20,000 people.

Wang Tao felt that Hou Zhiyuan must have sincerely wanted to help the Bauhinia Base when he sent troops to save so many people, but he must also have some goals of his own.

Now that he has arrived at Changhe Base and knows the general situation here, Wang Tao feels that Hou Zhiyuan may want these survivors to join their army!

If he really had this idea, Wang Tao wouldn't be disgusted. On the contrary, I was somewhat pleased to hear it. After all, this is equivalent to not only saving such a survivor, but also giving him a job! This is naturally a good thing!

"You guys, come with me!"

Duan Xuchang led Wang Tao and his group into a minibus. There is a device in the car that detects impurities in the body, which should be specially prepared for Wang Tao and the others.

Everyone checked in turn and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, the vehicle slowly left the train station.

Seeing that Wang Tao and his group didn't even come out of the station, they just took the bus and left. The remaining people outside the train station sighed.

"Alas, there is no hope! We can't bring them into our organization now, and it will be even harder later!"

"This Third Army Corps is really nosy and can't let the survivors move freely!"

"Are you a fool? These survivors were obviously rescued by the Third Army! Do you think they will leave these hard-working survivors to your organization?"


"Is it possible that...the Third Army wants to absorb all these 20,000 people! They can eat it!"

"It shouldn't be enough to absorb them all. After all, there are assessments for joining these legions. They don't want everyone. But they definitely want to absorb some people... In the last operation, the Third Legion lost some people. , this time I guess I can replenish a wave of fresh blood..."

"Damn, why are we not so lucky! We have been outside for so many days and we haven't met many survivors. We also lost a lot of manpower last time. If we don't add more manpower, our organization will exist in name only... …”

"Hey! There are so many people in our base! There is no need for you to keep an eye on the newcomers!"

"Ahem, isn't it true that newcomers are cheap and easy to fool..."

"Freshly baked cockroach ointment! A must-have product for home and outings! Don't miss it when you pass by..."

"A short knife made from the claws of a third-level night devil, it blows hair, breaks hair, and cuts iron like clay! This is the only one in the base city! Sale with 30% discount!"

"There are only three finely decorated houses left near the University of Superpowers, available for rent or sale! First come, first served!"

“Juwu BBQ’s grand opening offer! Get as much as you charge!”

"The mutated rats that can fight with you have been trained, for the price!"


In the minibus, watching the survivors coming and going on the broad streets, and listening to all kinds of strange hawking sounds, Lan Yulian sighed:

"This is what a real base looks like!"

Everyone nodded in sympathy.

Compared with other survivor bases, the biggest difference between Changhe Base is its popularity.

The bases they had stayed in before were simply "gathering places where survivors struggled to survive."

But now in Changhe Base City, it is not only a survivor base, but also a human society!

When in other bases, no matter how safe the base seems, they will not feel that it is truly safe in their hearts. They are all thinking about killing zombies, improving their strength, and surviving...

But after coming here, let alone a sense of security, the first thought in their minds now is not how to kill zombies to improve their strength, but how to live a good life in the base!

I used to think about survival, but now... I think about life!

Seeing everyone's exclamation, Duan Xuchang said loudly:

"There are many good places in the base city. You can go back and visit more. I believe you will like it here!"

"Thank you! But we already like it now..."

Lan Yulian sighed.

Duan Xuchang deliberately led a group of people around the street to feel the smell of fireworks in the base city, and then asked the driver to drive the car to an area protected by soldiers.

"This is one of the sites belonging to our Third Army. The families of some senior non-commissioned officers live here. We will temporarily arrange for you to live here, and you can move out at any time. However, I personally suggest that you wait until you are familiar with the base. After determining your future development direction, it is not too late to move out..."

Listening to Duan Xuchang's words, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"Future development direction? Do you think we have anything suitable?"

"Haha, of course I hope you can join our third legion! But I also know that this is unlikely... As for my suggestion, there is no suggestion for the time being. Because you outstanding superpowers come to the base Finally, the higher-ups will definitely give you some preferential treatment or something. You should wait and see what the specific situation is, and then think about what to do..."

Duan Xuchang explained with a smile.

He knew that generally those with powerful abilities were unwilling to join the army, because the army was a place with the strictest rules, even in the apocalypse.

After all, soldiers fight as a team, and they do not represent themselves, but a team. If one person has a problem, it may even affect the entire army! So it must be strict.

And for many people with superpowers, how can they do it if they finally have such powerful power and have to abide by such strict discipline?

Therefore, most people with special abilities are unwilling to join the army.

Of course, there are exceptions for those who are soldiers themselves, such as Wei Zhenguo and the others... Duan Xuchang really wants to recruit them.

But Duan Xuchang just said that we must first see how the superiors will allocate and treat Wang Tao and others. Then he would see if he could get someone to join the Third Army...


Wang Tao smiled and nodded.

I have to say that Duan Xuchang is quite sincere, and Wang Tao has a great impression of him and the entire Third Army.

Duan Xuchang took Wang Tao and his party to briefly visit the room prepared for them, and then said to them:

"Next, let me introduce you to some common problems in the base city..."

A new volume has begun~

There will be one update today and tomorrow. I will sort out the plot behind it~

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