"Automated defense facilities?"

Wang Tao was a little curious, but he didn't ask any more questions.

The two cars headed towards the gate under the command of He Jijun.

He Jijun said that there were several gates in this base, and the one he led Wang Tao to was naturally the closest one.

Wang Tao also tried to contact the military base using a military walkie-talkie, but there was no reply and he did not know whether the other party had received the message.

The two cars walked cautiously around the perimeter of the military base for a while, and then finally saw a security entrance.

"Oh My God……"

But after seeing the situation here, Wang Tao and his party all looked ugly.

The entrance was almost blocked by abandoned vehicles. A large group of zombies were wandering here, and it was obvious that some zombies were wearing military uniforms.

The door to the security checkpoint has been opened, and you can vaguely see the grass taller than a person inside and the zombies in the grass.

"The military base... fell?"

He Jijun's eyes were a little dazed. Although he was mentally prepared for this, he still felt very uncomfortable when he saw this scene.

But Wang Tao shook his head.

"No! The military base has not fallen!"


He Jijun looked at Wang Tao with some confusion, and Wang Tao explained:

"Military bases have always had airdrop planes. They have been doing airdrops for several months since the outbreak of the virus. The most recent airdrop was just the day before I met you!"

"What? There are still airdrops? Or just recently?"

He Jijun couldn't believe it.

Seeing He Jijun's reaction, Wang Tao knew that he had never seen an airdrop before.

So Wang Tao gave a brief explanation.

After listening to Wang Tao's explanation, He Jijun was a little confused.

However, there was no need for Wang Tao to joke about this kind of thing. He quickly said:

"If there are still people alive in the military base, then it shouldn't be possible to leave it alone..."

"Perhaps it's because there are fewer people in the military base and they can't manage such a large base, so they have reduced the scope of defense?"

Wang Tao frowned.

"It's possible... we have to go in and take a look!"

The two cars couldn't get in for the time being, after all, there were too many abandoned vehicles outside. So Wang Tao parked the two cars in a hidden spot in the woods. Several people got out of the car and put on their armor. Wang Tao took out two bottles of wine and prepared to walk there.

Since he didn't know what was going on inside the military base and whether there were particularly powerful zombies, Wang Tao took out a few bottles of concealment potions and handed them to a few people just to be cautious.

"This is a concealing potion..."

Wang Tao briefly explained.

He Jijun knew about the hidden crystal core, but this was the first time he heard about the hidden potion, and he was suddenly surprised.

Soon, everyone except Jiang Shixue and Wang Tao were injected with the concealing potion.

Jiang Shixue didn't use it because she had a zombie body and naturally didn't need it. Wang Tao doesn't use it because Wang Tao has spiritual abilities that he has integrated before and can control some low-strength zombies. He can shuttle among these zombies without much problem.

It was still raining heavily at this time, and the raindrops made a crackling sound when they fell on the ground.

The zombies wandering around the gate of the military base seemed a little agitated and roared from time to time.

Wang Tao and others were caught in the rain and quickly passed through the zombies.

Under the influence of heavy rain and concealment potion, several people arrived at the gate smoothly. The door was only open through a gap, so Xu Xiaojun reached out and forced the door open.


There was an unpleasant friction sound, which immediately attracted the attention of many zombies. Wang Tao and others quickly got in.

The heavy rain greatly affected the perception of the zombies, and with the presence of the concealment potion, the zombies who noticed the movement only roared a few times and then slowly dispersed.

"It feels so desolate..."

Yang Changhong killed a zombie with an axe. She looked at the scene in front of her and muttered to herself.

Everywhere she looked, there were weeds taller than her. It didn't look like a military base at all.

Wang Tao is tall, so he can see clearly in the distance.

"There are buildings over there..."

Then he looked at He Jijun.

After all, he was unfamiliar with this place and didn't know where there might be survivors.

"Let's go over there!"

He Jijun pointed in the direction Wang Tao was looking.


Wang Tao turned on his perception to the maximum to prevent being attacked by zombies.

The military base is very large, and Wang Tao and the others walked for a while before arriving near this building.

"There is another line of defense here!"

There is another high wall on the periphery of this building.

There are a lot of zombie activities under the wall, and the wall is covered with caltrops, and there are even arcs flashing!

"It's still powered on!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

"But there's no one on duty at the tower..."

These high walls had towers at regular intervals, but they were empty inside.

But these are not the point. The point is how to get in.

Wang Tao looked at Nie Siyan.

Nie Siyan has the ability to jump. Although the wall is high, she should be able to get in if she steps on the wall and does a double jump.

But the question is, if this barbed wire fence has electricity, are there other defense measures? For example, what Jijun said before, those automatic shooting weapons. If there was one inside, wouldn't Nie Siyan become a target if she jumped in...

Nie Siyan's heart suddenly tightened when she saw Wang Tao's gaze.

She probably knew what Wang Tao was thinking, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could only look at Wang Tao with a pitiful expression, hoping that Wang Tao would not let her become cannon fodder.

Wang Tao thought for a while and said:

"Kill these zombies and throw them in for a look!"

Although this is somewhat unethical. But at this time, if we are still talking about morality and immorality, we should first make sure it is safe inside. And Wang Tao will kill these zombies to ensure that they don't run around inside.

After receiving Wang Tao's order, Xu Xiaojun walked directly towards a few ordinary zombies and killed them in three strokes.

Then under Wang Tao's command, he threw the first zombie body towards the high wall.

Wang Tao wanted to test the power grid, so Xu Xiaojun threw the zombie body onto the iron caltrops.



The zombie body was instantly attracted by the high-voltage electricity, then trembled and ignited. Soon it became a black, charred corpse.

Seeing this scene, Yang Changhong and others shuddered. If they are attacked by this net, even the bodies of superpowers will definitely die!

Xu Xiaojun continued to throw the second body, and this body was thrown over the wall.

Everyone pricked up their ears, and apart from the bang after the body fell to the ground, no other sounds were heard.


Wang Tao looked happy.

However, for safety reasons, he asked Xu Xiaojun to throw a few more corpses.

There was still no movement inside.

"Haha! It's safe! Then we--"

Wang Tao was about to ask Nie Siyan to bring them all in, but his expression suddenly became stern.

"Get ready for battle, a big guy is coming!"

Boom, boom, boom——

As soon as Wang Tao finished speaking, everyone felt that the ground seemed to be shaking, and then they saw a huge figure emerging from the grass and appearing in front of everyone.

"Holy shit! Such a big dog?"

This is a zombie dog!

It was two stories high and more than ten meters long. It was rotten but very fat. Judging from its appearance, it looked like a big wolf dog.

[HP: 100000/100000]

[Blue amount: 40000/40000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

A third-level lord with 100,000 blood!

Seeing this attribute, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a fourth-level zombie, everything is fine.

Although one hundred thousand blood is a lot, Wang Tao has 110,000 blood and is not afraid of it!

"Changhong, Xiaoxue and I will attack it. Lao He, you, Xiaojun, and Nie Siyan will stop the other zombies!"

When this zombie dog came, it also brought many other zombies with it. Although Wang Tao is strong, he is not arrogant.

Among this group of people, he, Yang Changhong, and Jiang Shixue had the highest attacks. Others have slightly weaker attacks.


Everyone responded.

A wide bone knife instantly appeared in Wang Tao's hand, and he rushed directly towards the zombie dog. As he sprinted, the iron tree roots wrapped around his wrists began to squirm, and in a moment they surrounded his entire body.

At this time, Wang Tao also rushed to the zombie dog. He jumped up high and stabbed the zombie dog on the head.


But this blow was blocked by the zombie dog with its mouth full of fangs!

"What a quick response!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

In his impression, larger creatures would have slower reactions, especially since this zombie dog was very fat and did not look like a flexible zombie. But its actual response was unexpectedly fast.

But while it blocked Wang Tao's attack, it meant that Yang Changhong and Jiang Shixue's attacks were effective!

Jiang Shixue, like Wang Tao, sprinted over and jumped up high, pointing her two paws at the zombie dog's head.

The zombie dog had just bitten Wang Tao's knife. He couldn't dodge the blow and was directly scratched on the head by Jiang Shixue.



Two strokes of seven thousand blood!

When Jiang Shixue uses the Dark Claw, her attack is higher than that of many third-level power users.

At this time, Yang Changhong's attack also arrived, but she didn't have the jumping ability of Wang Tao's Jiang Shixue, so she sprinted up along the zombie dog's legs, and then aimed the ax at the zombie's head.


This ax uses high-frequency vibration, and the damage is not low.

The zombie dog was attacked three times in a row and suddenly became angry.

It let go of the bone knife in Wang Tao's hand - mainly because it couldn't bite it - then opened its huge mouth and bit Yang Changhong.

Jiang Shixue scratched her two paws and fell to the ground. After the zombie dog let go of Wang Tao's bone knife, Wang Tao also fell to the ground, so the zombie dog could only bite Yang Changhong.

Yang Changhong prepared to retreat after the attack. But the zombie dog's attack speed was very fast, and it turned directly to Yang Changhong who was jumping down from his shoulder.

Yang Changhong didn't expect its attack speed to be so fast. She was in the air at the moment and couldn't change direction at all. When she was about to be bitten by the zombie dog, she suddenly felt something wrapped around her waist. , and then yanked hard.



The zombie dog bit the whole thing in one hard bite, making an uncomfortable grinding sound.

And Yang Changhong appeared in Wang Tao's arms.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Yang Changhong quickly thanked her in shock. At that moment, she was already wondering whether the armor on her body could withstand the bite of the zombie dog.

Wang Tao retracted the iron tree vines and rushed over again.

But this time, Wang Tao no longer only had a bone knife in his hand, but a reinforced concrete sledgehammer in the other hand!

He first hit the zombie dog's head hard with a hammer. The zombie dog was still very fast, and as expected, it bit the sledgehammer directly. Wang Tao's bone knife slashed hard on the zombie dog's head.



One sword kills eight thousand blood!

This zombie's defense is not high.


The zombie dog seemed to be angry when it discovered that it had been deceived. Its eyes glowed red, its muscles swelled, and it bit Wang Tao. This blow was even faster than before. After Wang Tao felt that he could not dodge, he resisted this blow.



Suddenly, Wang Tao felt as if he had been hit by a truck. Although he was not injured, he was somewhat dizzy.

"Such high damage!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the damage number popping up above his head.

The zombie dog actually bit him off with this bite - oh no, to be precise, it bit off three thousand pieces of blood wrapped around the roots of the tree!

This is equivalent to 1.4% of his total blood volume!

If there were seventy or eighty bites, wouldn't he bite him to death?

But Wang Tao didn't panic. He forcibly escaped from the zombie dog's mouth. When he landed, a shock wave hit the zombie dog's head.


The shock wave is a range attack, and the zombie dog is not easy to dodge, so it is easy to hit. But the power of the shock wave was much less than that of high-frequency vibration, and it only knocked out 5,000 of the zombie dog's blood.

The zombie dog saw that Wang Tao was fine after being bitten by him, and was still attacking him. It seemed to be even more angry.


The zombie dog roared and bit Wang Tao wildly.

Wang Tao could only see its afterimage.

But Wang Tao didn't panic. He would dodge if he could. If he couldn't dodge, he would use the bone knife to block it. If the bone knife couldn't block it, he could only use the entangled tree roots to resist.

I have to say that the attack speed of this zombie dog is really fast, and the attack frequency is too high. If Wang Tao slashed at it, he would be bitten by it several times. Even if he could only bite Wang Tao once, it would still be scary enough.

If it weren't for the entangled tree roots, Wang Tao didn't know if his body could withstand its attack. If I were bitten, it would definitely hurt.

Moreover, when this zombie dog was attacking Wang Tao, it was also slowly approaching other people. It didn't care about Jiang Shixue and Yang Changhong's attacks at all, as if it recognized Wang Tao.

But at a certain moment, it suddenly let go of Wang Tao and rushed toward the others!

And his target is none other than He Jijun!

He Jijun was currently dealing with other zombies with a crossbow. Regardless of whether he can kill instantly or not, his arrow skills are very accurate and he can hit the zombie's forehead every time. He also didn't expect that the zombie dog would give up attacking Wang Tao and others and attack him instead.

"This zombie dog is so smart!"

Wang Tao was a little shocked. This was the first time he saw a zombie that knew how to strategy!

He immediately used entangled vines to catch the zombie dog.

Wang Tao's position was a bit far away from He Jijun, and the iron tree vines could not reach He Jijun.

But after the vine wrapped around the zombie dog's leg, it only held the zombie dog for a second before it broke!


The iron tree vine with 10,000 blood dropped directly to 5,000 blood!

"Lao He, hide quickly!"

Wang Tao roared.

Although He Jijun is an athlete and capable of running, he is still at the first level after all. Now he is facing a third-level zombie with 100,000 health. These first-level abilities are simply not enough!

Seeing the huge figure of the zombie dog rushing towards him at the critical moment, He Jijun was surprisingly calm.

He knew he couldn't run away, so he didn't run. Instead, he suddenly took out a huge pancake from his backpack and threw it into the distance.


The zombie dog was stunned for a moment after seeing the big cake thrown by He Jijun, and then immediately changed its direction and pounced towards the big cake.


Wang Tao and others were a little confused, not knowing what kind of ability this was.

The zombie dog was very fast and bit into the pie thrown by He Jijun in the blink of an eye.

With the size of the zombie dog, the big piece of cake was not enough for it to fit between its teeth, and it was swallowed in an instant. However, it didn't seem to want to eat the pie, so when the pie was swallowed by it, it seemed to be stunned for a moment.

Then looking at He Jijun...



Everyone was confused.

What's happening here?

"He was a military dog ​​and that's his nature."

He Jijun explained.

"Doesn't this mean we can control it?"

Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

It would be a bit cool to be able to control such a big guy!

But He Jijun looked melancholy and shook his head.

"No, it has no intelligence, this is just its instinct."

He also had a good partner a few months ago, but unfortunately...


As if to prove He Jijun's words, after the zombie dog was stunned, a violent look appeared in its eyes again.


But now that He Jijun is out of danger, Wang Tao has no worries. Several people rushed over again.

After knowing that this is some residual instinct of the zombie dog, it becomes much easier to attack.

He Jijun threw a few more cakes, two of which worked.

But Wang Tao went even further and threw three reinforced concrete sledgehammers. I wonder if the zombie dog regarded this thing as a bone, and then heard a "click".

The reinforced concrete was chewed directly by the zombie dog! But it itself lost blood.

Wang Tao and others seized this opportunity and directed all their attacks at its head.

After a few moves, as Wang Tao swung his last knife, the zombie dog's health bar was cleared!




The zombie dog collapsed to the ground.

Wang Tao skillfully pried open its head, got the crystal core, and collected the exploded loot package.

"Hmm? Its teeth fell out?"

Wang Tao discovered that the zombie dog had four teeth with names, so he immediately put them away.

[Obtain: Sharp canine teeth*4]

"Woof woof woof!"

At this time, another group of zombie dogs appeared, but they were all second-level elites, and they were not so big.

Wang Tao saw that there was a large group of zombies behind these zombie dogs. He had no time to check the loot and immediately said to several people:

"Since there is no danger inside, let's go in first and talk!"


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