Chapter 24 Chapter 024 Dinner? Discuss!

With his body moving, Link experienced it for a few minutes, but found nothing abnormal, so he could only give up.

There are 2 basic attribute points left, but he doesn’t plan to use it for the time being.

When the physique attribute is added, the health value will be increased to full value.

According to this, it is inferred that when the spiritual attribute is added, the spiritual energy value can also be full.

In this way, he was worried that the danger of running out of mental energy value would no longer exist-as long as you add some points, it will be filled up instantly.

Think about it three days after the first dark dimension anchored, the frequency of monsters appeared not high, most people heard about it.

After the second anchoring on the 7th yesterday, more than three ogres appeared in the civilian area on the 8th today, and even more ferocious Longtongue monsters appeared.

Delia was also collecting news about the monster and sent it to his mobile phone via SMS.

It proves that this situation is not a special case in civilian areas, other densely populated areas likewise frequent ogres, but there is no news of Long Tongue.

Perhaps the “evolution speed” of this doomsday will be exponential.

After the third anchoring on July 10, the situation may be even worse.

Because no one can be sure when oneself or the people around him suddenly become monsters, and cannot be stopped and guarded in advance.

Unknowable, uncertain, and high frequency, these three elements gather together, and social collapse is the inevitable result.

At that time, no matter the monsters that prey on humans, or the humans who lose their restraints, they are fatal threats to him.

Too low physique will limit physical stamina, mobility, energy, etc., which is not conducive to his “scooting” plan.

At 10 o’clock, the physique is not strong, but it will not be a hindrance.

After clearing his thoughts, adding more points, and feeling stable, Link started the afternoon hunting trip.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, Link threw out his bag, blocking the sight of the gangster in the opposite car, and a handful of Glock appeared in his hand.

Happiness! Three consecutive shots within a distance of five meters accurately blasted the heads of two gunmen in the car.

He stepped forward to pick up the satchel, his mental power swept across, put the two corpses into the game backpack, opened the door and got into the car, and galloped away.

Seeing the sporadic rain that keeps turning on the wiper, he sighed helplessly: “In this city, we can’t stay any longer, go home.”

Just now it was the fifth robbery I met this afternoon, and they all took a fancy to his shoulder bag, thinking that there was something good in it.

Three of them were shot directly, intending to kill him before licking the bag.

In this way, people in Chicago are more threatening than monsters.

Moreover, after nightfall, the range and accuracy of the firearm’s attack will be greatly affected, and it may be directly in front of the monster or under someone else’s gun.

Today, he had a good harvest of energy and materials, so he chose to retreat.

When he came to a wild woodland in the suburbs, he changed to the raptor pickup that stayed here, and the camouflage cloth got on the scooter he had just snatched, and Link got home safely.

When passing by the neighbor’s house, I saw a ray of light shining toward the roadside window. It should be the mother and daughter who were observing the situation.

Link ignored them for the time being, and waited until he finished handling personal affairs.

After opening the door and entering the house, he checked the monitoring and confirmed that there was no abnormal condition record after leaving home and the doors and windows were intact, so he relaxed.

From the coffee machine, give yourself half a cup of coffee, add a half cup of milk, two pieces of sugar, and sit at the dining table to drink up in one gulp.

After more than ten minutes, the tense spirit of the afternoon finally began to calm down.

Link went to the bathroom and took a shower, and came out to call Delia and the others: “Come over for dinner and talk about things by the way.” After that, he hung up.

Delia, who answered the phone over there, snorted: “It’s right to have dinner by the way when discussing things.”

Camilla heard this and started to walk towards the door: “Well, at least he didn’t let you talk about things and come back to cook for yourself.”

“Damn it! You can’t help it before people look at you.” Delia mumbled vaguely, but her body followed honestly.

Camilla, who came to the door, took out the P99C, opened the observation window, and scanned the room vigilantly, making sure that no one was there: “Safe. Well, what did you just say?”

Delia: “…Just let you be safe when you open the door.”

Five minutes later, the mother and daughter were sitting at the table at Link’s house, eating a lot of braised pork rice with Korean spicy sauce.

Perhaps it was the sourness that suppressed their dislike for the fatty pork, or the Link family made them feel more at ease, and the two women had a good appetite.

But today’s Link learned the lesson and chose the meal-sharing system they are most accustomed to.

No one spoke during the meal, because they all knew that this was not the point.

Ten minutes later, the three returned to the living room.

Delia naturally took out her notepad and started to report one by one according to the above record: “…The fifty thousand dollars you gave this morning have all been used up. The main reason is that I contacted the owners of two small supermarkets. They are tomorrow. Air tickets, rushing back home. So I used the remaining 48,000 yuan to buy their inventory.”

After a pause, she continued: “According to what you said, I paid Mr. Bi a 5% inventory share and asked him to help receive and guard the warehouse. However, he said that at most it will be guarded until tomorrow night. You are sure to be there. Before, to solve the problem of cargo transportation and inventory?”

Link hummed: “Yes, I will talk to him later.”

Delia did not ask, there were many things on the notepad: “My good friend, who is the one who manages the gas station in the Gulf, called me around 6 o’clock and said something wrong. I can’t get the two barrels of oil I ordered. arrive.”

Link narrowed his eyes: “Huh?”

Upon seeing this, Delia knew that he was very concerned about this: “So I expressed my understanding and did not ask for the advance payment of the five hundred dollars.”

When she said this, she carefully paid attention to his expression.

Link frowned: “Key point, talk about the key point.”

This kid is still so…upright? Seeing that he was not dissatisfied with her handling, Delia sighed with relief: “So Mr. Administrator was very embarrassed, and he called to apologize in person and told me an important news-he felt that the four guards wanted to bring them privately. He exchanged oil for supplies, and then fled Chicago. He couldn’t stop it, he could only tell me the situation.”

Link thought for a while and nodded affirmatively: “You did a good job of this.”

Delia smiled.

Link has supplies from a small supermarket, and it is absolutely feasible to use a small amount to change gasoline.

Oil is very important, but you can’t eat or drink.

A small amount of exchange is extremely time-consuming, and a large amount of exchange is guaranteed to be blackmailed, and the guards don’t have many choices.

Therefore, if only a fraction of the 48,000 supermarket inventory is taken out-8,000 yuan of goods, it should be able to exchange most of the barreled oil.

In this way, the price was lowered twice, and she bought back the supermarket goods with the normal price of more than 80,000 yuan and the gasoline of more than 50,000 yuan with the cash of 48,000 yuan.

Even if Link made a mistake in saying that the U.S. dollar would soon become waste paper, the deal still made a lot of money.

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