Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 94 The Bright Red Killing World

You said it! Haha! You said it!

Suddenly, the shadow of the woman in front of Linda burst into laughter.

After a while, she stopped and said to Linda with a sigh:

I'm sorry to tell you that I didn't let you tell him about it just now, but you still told him through other methods, so you will die and I will come, but I don't want to come.

As she said that, the woman stared at Gao Yun for a while, as if she wanted to see clearly the existence in his body, and then she looked up to the sky mockingly.

He said some incomprehensible words to Linda.

He's going to die.

Even apostles die.

Linda, give your body to me, we only have one chance now.

In Gao Yun's perception, the aura of a super-large disaster was getting thicker and more intense, as if something was about to rise from the depths of the wasteland at the next moment.

It is just like the Thorn King City in the sky, but the moment this existence comes, it will leave indelible traces on the present world just like the super-large famines that occurred in the past.

‘The bright red kills the world. ’

The aura was obviously very stable just now, why did it suddenly...

Gao Yun frowned. Could it be that just asking a question and getting an extremely vague answer could lead to the agitation and arrival of a large-scale famine?

If this is really the case, then a super-large famine would be too outrageous.

It doesn't work to record it, it doesn't work to perceive it, it doesn't work even to dream about it, and now even asking a relevant question will bring it back to the present world.

I really don’t want to stay in this bullshit wasteland for a second.

And just when Gao Yun was worried about whether he should throw the changing Linda in a certain direction, the sudden change in the other party surprised him.

I saw Linda Meier's body blooming with a bright red light, and then in this light, Linda's already proud figure became more plump, and there was even an extremely alluring and strange feeling from it.

Especially the exquisite clothes that the other party was wearing disappeared directly and turned into the bright red hooded cloak that Gao Yun had seen before.

Your Highness Green, this should be our second official meeting, this time in this woman's body.

As soon as the woman appeared, she began to introduce herself, but was interrupted by Gao Yun before she could finish speaking.

Are you the representative individual who appears in the 'Bright Red Killing World'?

In the federal introduction to super-large disasters, super-large disasters are not an individual existence, but a huge composite concept. There are many famine individuals in it, but there must be a representative core individual. .

Your Highness Green, you can call me Little Red Riding Hood. I am not an individual of the 'Bright Red Killing World'. The 'Bright Red Killing World' is just the expression of my essence. Your Highness Green must be very clear about where I come from.

The woman who called herself Little Red Riding Hood gave Gao Yun a feeling of wildness and boldness. Feeling the temperament brought by her, Gao Yun even had a special feeling.

But now he is not in much mood to pay attention to how attractive and beautiful this woman's figure is. He only has a few questions that he wants to ask.

Since when have I been a Grimm?

Your Highness Greene, you have been Greene from the beginning to the end. I have not said when. But I think you don't want to come, and you don't want me to come, so I suggest that you directly give the order and prohibit me from coming here. Can.

The woman smiled and seemed to be coming with good intentions.

But Gao Yun vaguely felt that the other party was hiding something.

As long as I give you orders, this super-large disaster that is coming will listen to me?

Gao Yun asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Yes, Your Highness Green, as long as you give the order, all fairy tales and nursery rhymes will obey your will. Your will is the meaning of our lives! Please give the order! Your Highness Green.

As she spoke, the woman made a slutish expression on her face that was very similar to Linda Meier's, but more mature and alluring.

Of course I will give the order, but I have one more question before that.

Gao Yun thought about what was hidden in the other party's words, and asked something that he wanted to know the answer to from just now.

If I put on that red cloak, would you still show up?

After this question was asked, Little Red Riding Hood remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, she gave a vague answer:

Your Highness Green, who knows this? Maybe no one except you will know what will happen when you put on the red cloak, but at least you are still yourself now, right?

The Riddler?

Gao Yun was a little unhappy, and directly used his mental power to grab the other person's delicate neck and lift it up. With just a little force, the other person's face turned red.

Under his measured strength, it was very difficult for Little Red Riding Hood to breathe, but in this almost suffocating situation, not only the woman's cheeks, but also her skin turned slightly red.

Are you still enjoying it?

When your torture of others becomes their enjoyment, then the torture will be meaningless.

The next moment, Gao Yun gave up pinching the other person's neck and let her continue to enjoy it.


After coughing twice, Little Red Riding Hood seemed to be feeling the pleasure of approaching death, and couldn't help but reach out and touch her cheeks, which were still full of crimson.

As expected of His Highness Green, even the punishment is so enjoyable.


When the other party showed a crazy look and wanted to continue talking nonsense, Gao Yun interrupted the other party's estrus, and then seriously began to order to the other party:

I command you!

Before she finished speaking, Little Red Riding Hood's eyes shone brightly, as if she thought her plan was about to succeed, but Gao Yunyu's words made her eyes widen suddenly.

You are not allowed to come to Minghua City, you are not allowed to leave Minghua City, you are not allowed to use the power related to the famine, and you are not allowed to do anything against my will without my consent!

One sentence and a series of commands made Little Red Riding Hood's face freeze.

Then, as if these words really had some magic power, the super-large famine 'Bright Red Killing World' that had become increasingly fierce disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

After Gao Yun finished speaking, waves of pain kept coming from his head. It seemed that something wanted to influence his will, but he was resisted and blocked by his superhuman strength.

The next second, Gao Yun immediately grabbed Little Red Riding Hood's neck, the redness in his eyes surging, as if heat vision would spurt out at any time.

Chapter 15 has been updated and will be updated at least three times a day. Readers are also requested to support me.

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