Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 38 Good times and auspicious days

Are you going to die?

Gao Yun frowned and did not agree to the other party's conditions immediately.

According to the information fed back by the terminal, Jiang Yuanhua is only 64 years old. Among Class B superpowers with an average age of about 200, this age is only equivalent to a young man.

That's right, I encountered a famine when I was young. I didn't notice for a while and the famine eroded my vitality. Over the past few years, I can feel that my vitality has declined significantly. I'm afraid it will take another three or four years. Years ago, I couldn’t even walk.”

As Jiang Yuanhua spoke, he told Gao Yun about the small famine he encountered when he was young.

At that time, Jiang Yuanhua was only a D-class hero, not even a superhero. But at that time, he was extremely unlucky and encountered a small famine.

The desolate entity named Blood Demon sucked his life force from him. If the president of the Hero Association hadn't saved him at that time, I'm afraid he would have been sucked into a mummy, and now he would have turned into a handful of dust. .

Disasters and superpowers cannot be easily defeated directly with firearms.

Perhaps some famines appear as individuals, but most of them are a phenomenon.

Just like fairy tale famines that appear regularly in slums, the Heroes Association classifies them as large-scale famines that are harmless for the time being.

However, an individual D to C-level famine occurs once a year, especially if it does not cause any damage to the city and only kills tens or hundreds of thousands of slum residents. This is already a large-scale famine with minimal harm.

When he heard about the fairy tale disaster, Gao Yun immediately turned gloomy. Although he knew in his heart that what happened back then could not be changed even by the A-class superhero coming here, he was still not happy.

“A fairy tale famine is a large-scale famine?”

Gao Yun raised his eyebrows. The information told by the other party made him feel a little big, but from his records, didn't large-scale famines always end with the collapse of the city?

Yes, the Hero Association once specifically investigated the fairy tale disasters that occurred in the slums, and found that all the famine individuals were caused by a phenomenon, and all the individuals that appeared were only an insignificant part of it. However, for some reason, the fairy tale factors only appeared. In the slums, only the residents of the slums are infected.

conspiracy? Or is there something else going on?

The Heroes Association is completely unaware of this. Every in-depth investigation is hindered by various departments in the city, making it difficult for the heroes to conduct in-depth investigations. Although Jiang Yuanhua also suspected that this was the handiwork of the city's powerful people, he is stronger than others. Under the circumstances, he could only let it go.

So think about it carefully. You can make decisions before starting a large-scale exploration plan. Just reply to me in time.

After saying this, the little old man sighed, stood up and walked outside.

As for Gao Yun, he frowned and said nothing, and finally sighed and walked towards the association.

Floor 299, training room.

In the few hours he had been eating, many additions had been made to the training room.

The number of weather balls on the ceiling has increased from twenty to fifty. Below the weather balls, several lenses have concentrated almost all the sunlight into one place. In an area of ​​less than three centimeters, the entire room has been concentrated. Nine out of ten for light and heat.

Even the sunlight emanating from it looks like two different worlds from other places, and it will burn your eyes if you open your eyes.

The central temperature is 170 degrees, and the floor is actually 900 degrees. Gee, an F-class hero lying here will be dried out in less than four or five minutes.

Feeling the strong light and heat brought by the focusing of the lens, Gao Yun opened his arms happily.

This feeling of constant inflow of power made him feel very happy, which was several times better than the feeling brought by X climax.

The rolling warmth continued to surge in his body, and the sense of fulfillment brought by strength also continued to enrich his heart.

Yes, that's it. As long as my true strength reaches the B-level level, I will go find the real culprit behind the deprivation of my super factor. As long as I reach the B-level, no one in the entire Minghua City can stop me!

At this moment, Gao Yun's eyes seemed to flash with red light.

As for the group that can strip away his super factor, it is no surprise that they are the powerful people in Minghua City.

As for the fairy-tale famine in the slums, they probably wouldn't be much different.

The dignitaries represent the top power of Minghua City and are also the ruling power of Minghua City.

In addition to the single-digit B-class superheroes owned by the Hero Association, other B-class superheroes and mainstay heroes are members of various urban departments, and the other side also has hundreds of aircraft that can temporarily increase the power of C-class superheroes to B A super mecha.

If he had the power now, it would not be enough to overturn all of this.

Still need to grow

Just as Gao Yun was soaking up the sunshine in the training room, a major piece of news on the Minghua City LAN made the whole city boil.

A new B-class hero joins the Hero Association and becomes one of the major forces protecting the city.

This news, whether it was the lower-class residents or the upper-class dignitaries, were very shocked and unbelievable.

Especially the top floor of the core tower in Area A.

The secretary-general with gold-rimmed glasses was kneeling on one knee at the moment, bowing his head in a very low posture to apologize to the shadow that covered half of the floor.

A B-class hero focuses on all aspects of the physical body. Why can you let him directly join the Hero Association?

The sound of the urn was ringing, and an extremely heavy voice came from the shadows. The tone was full of accusations and dissatisfaction with the Secretary-General's careless work.

Jiang Yuanhua's strength has strengthened again. How long will it take for the plan of the Imaginary Heroes Association to succeed? Jianfeng Technology is already very dissatisfied.

The Secretary-General was questioned by the voice, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and he did not dare to shirk any questions.

Mr. Mayor, I have found out about this B-class hero who has recently joined the Hero Association. He is just a slum dweller who has got bad luck. He usually only has the strength of a C-class hero. He will only act under certain circumstances. Exploding the power of a B-class hero”

The threshold for B-level heroes is also B-level. You don't know the power of comprehensive focus. Since he only has the strength of a C-level hero, find a way to get rid of him! Then kill Jiang Yuanhua! Other B-level heroes of the association have reached an agreement with us. The consensus is that as soon as Jiang Yuanhua dies, they will leave the Heroes Association. By then there will only be a few C-level heroes, and it will be easy to evade the association.

Hidden deep in the shadows, the mayor conveyed his will to the secretary-general, and then continued:

I think the large-scale exploration plan in one month will be an auspicious day. Then you can send them on the road together.

Yes, Mr. Mayor, I will make arrangements right away.

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