Doomsday Armored Vehicle, get unlimited ammunition at the start

061: Escape From The Deep City, The Mysterious Metal Room

Yu Weiyang cried for a long time and blamed herself for a long time.

She wanted someone to talk to.

He took out his mobile phone, and now only Tingting's phone can still be connected, but there are zombies everywhere, and sending messages has almost become a tacit understanding among the survivors.

Unless you want to kill the other party.

Otherwise no calls will be made.

【Tingting, where have you been? 】

[Tingting, I am so sad now, there is a little boy who looks like my brother, he died. 】

[Beheaded to death by mobs. 】

【He died because of me...】

After the message was sent, there was no reply for a long time. At this time, the voice of thugs came from outside the warehouse.

Gu Yiming's people still found here.

These people searched around the factory, but found no trace of Yu Weiyang, and finally came outside the warehouse.

"Mr. Gu."

"This is a mineral water plant, and there must be a lot of purified water in the warehouse Curry."

"Let's move some back to the island."

Gu Yiming nodded.

Now all the gathering places in Nanmen Mountain drink lake water, which contains a lot of bacteria.

It also caused a lot of people to have stomach troubles.

The camp on the shore of the lake stinks.

If you can move the pure water inside, at least your own people don't have to worry about clean water.

"Send two people to check, there must be a cutting machine in the factory."

"Bring it here and cut the gate open."

Yu Weiyang hid behind Cang Curry, listening to the conversation outside, she realized that this place is not safe anymore.

She searched around and found that there was no back door to the warehouse.

There are no windows either.

It is impossible to escape.

Yu Weiyang hurriedly hid in a room, the lights were still on, and there was a corpse that had been gnawed into a skeleton on the ground.

This room is very strange.

There are about a hundred square meters, but it is empty, without any decorations.

Not even a chair.

What made her even more strange was that one wall was smooth and metal, with a hole like a keyhole in the middle.

Yu Weiyang noticed that there was a key hanging on the waist of the corpse on the ground.

So she picked it up and tried to insert it.

Then a twist.

With a clicking sound, a bit like the sound of turning a lock cylinder, Yu Weiyang instinctively pushed forward.

The metal wall unexpectedly opened towards the inside.

It's just pitch black and you can't see anything.

At this time, she heard the sound of cutting machines outside the warehouse. The thugs were cutting the iron door of the warehouse, and they probably would come in soon.

So Yu Weiyang didn't think too much about it.

Quickly ran into the open metal door, and then closed it backwards.

She heard another click.

The metal door should have locked itself.

"I'm locked in?"

Yu Weiyang turned on the phone and found that there was no signal, she turned on the flashlight again, and the bright light illuminated her eyes.

Empty with nothing.

After all, the flashlight of the mobile phone is not far away.

At this time she heard a low growl, Yu Weiyang suddenly became nervous, because she was too familiar with it.

It was the low growl of zombies.

There are zombies in here!

Now that the arrows had all been shot, she quickly pulled out her dagger and shone the flashlight of her mobile phone in the direction of the sound.

It was pitch black ahead.

Can't see anything.

But the growl was getting closer.

Yu Weiyang retreated immediately, leaning against the wall, at least there would be no danger behind her.

She stared ahead.

At this moment, a ferocious and terrifying face suddenly appeared under the flashlight of the mobile phone.

Yu Weiyang was so frightened that her hairs stood on end.

But there was no hesitation in the movement of his hand, and he stabbed it with his backhand, hitting the zombie's forehead.

The skull is hard.

This knife only penetrated a little bit, not enough to kill the zombie.

The rushing zombies immediately wrestled with Yu Weiyang.

The mobile phone also fell on the ground, and the flashlight was broken.

In the pitch-dark environment, she could only rely on her feeling to slash at the zombies crazily.

After a dozen knives.

The zombie stopped struggling, and Yu Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Picked up the phone and looked at it.

The screen was completely broken, and I couldn't see anything, and I couldn't turn on the flashlight.

It's okay to see if you have any injuries on your body.

At this time, the sound of mobs came from the Curry outside, and they began to move the bottled water in Curry.

Yu Weiyang sat on the ground.

I was at a loss for a while.

She was even thinking that the lack of light here meant no vents.

Will I die from lack of oxygen?


the other side.

Xiao Yi's armored vehicle has already driven onto the Qingping Expressway from Wenbo Road.

Finally on the highway.

Although there are still many car accidents on the highway, it is at least better than in the urban area, and the number of zombies is relatively very small.

So the armored car also drives faster.

Where it is really impossible to drive, the cars blocking the road will be knocked away bit by bit.


The sun was setting.

The armored vehicle drove out of Longgang and came to Guanlan Ecological Lake in Longhua District. It is still in the service area on the expressway.

Xiao Yi is going to clean up all the zombies in the service area.

Then spend the night here tonight.

Going to Fenggang Overpass early tomorrow morning will mean escaping from Shencheng and arriving in Guancheng.

Take the high speed, and it is estimated that you will be able to reach Nanmen Mountain in an hour.

This was planned early in the morning.

The Nanmenshan Arsenal is going to have a look, and Yu Weiyang is also waiting there.

Xiao Yi has always attached great importance to this shooting coach.

Maybe it can unlock the function of shooting class.

"Tingting, send a message to Yu Weiyang to find out about her current situation."

Tingting turned on the phone.

Then I saw Yu Weiyang's message, and I can feel that she is very depressed now.

This is not a good thing.

So Tingting hurriedly sent her a message, but the other party did not reply for a long time...

PS: Ask for flowers, comment votes.

Yu Weiyang is about to get in the car.

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