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Chu Xiaoyao took one step forward, but his aura suddenly changed, becoming extremely ethereal, like clouds and mist, and all of this condensed into a sword intent, surrounding him as if there were countless swords surrounding him. By his side.

Taking the first step is not unusual for anyone. Almost everyone can take this step.

Chu Xiaoyao's narrowed eyes lit up slightly, then he raised his steps, but with two thuds, he took two steps forward again and stood on the third floor!

At this time, the statues suddenly lit up, and sword intent emanated from them, and they also had an ethereal meaning.

"It's interesting. These statues are not good at everything, but they are very good at imitating!" Chu Xiaoyao's eyes slowly closed, but they stood still and stopped walking.

"It's amazing. He actually stepped onto the third level in an instant. He is at the peak of his talent as a martial artist!"

It's surprising enough that Chu Xiaoyao stepped onto the third floor, but what's even more unexpected is that it would be so easy. You know, even the lower gods have many stuck on the third floor!


In the stands, the two old men also exclaimed. Sure enough, extraordinary people make extraordinary friends.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this step with the peak cultivation level of Wu Zun. It can be seen that having both mind, nature and talent is the best choice!


A trace of anger flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and then the wind attribute around him began to become extremely violent. The green wind blades spread out in all directions, and he stepped towards the fourth floor!

This step directly set off a hurricane on the spot, stand firm!

A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face, and then he glanced at Chu Xiaoyao provocatively.

At this time, Chu Chen and Ji Ruxue were already standing on the sixth floor. No one was lagging behind the other. Then they stopped and looked at Su Yu.

"Your Majesty, it's my turn!"

Yun Bufan's originally closed eyes suddenly opened them, and a brilliant light flashed through them, carrying a knife intent!

This sword intention was so domineering that it actually made everyone present feel their hearts skip a beat.

Boom boom boom!

Yun Bufan did not stop, but took four consecutive steps, passed directly through Chu Xiaoyao, and stepped onto the fourth level of stairs!


What a domineering pace!

"The peak of Martial Master has reached the fourth level?! This is the real record! How on earth was it done?!"

"When setting foot on this Heart Refining Tower, in addition to relying on talent and xinxing, it relies more on martial arts strength. No one has ever been able to reach the fourth level at a lower level than a god, and that's all in one breath!"

"Pervert, why are there so many perverts in Dawangshan Restaurant!"

Even the two old men in the stands suddenly focused their eyes on Yun Bufan. However, the smile on Chen Feng's face, who had been proud just now, suddenly froze, showing an incredible look.

At this moment, the light above the statue became extremely dazzling, and a shocking sword intent suddenly appeared, turned into a big sword, and slashed at Yun Bufan!

Under this sword intent, Yun Bufan closed his eyes again, and the sword power in his body suddenly increased at this moment. His sword was domineering!

His only martial art make his opponent surrender!


The statue's sword intent was instantly dispersed, and Yun Bufan's momentum began to rise rapidly at this moment!

Breakthrough, Martial Saint!

Everyone was numb. Even the four people at the front were completely overshadowed by Yun Bufan. The faces of Chu Chen and the other three were as gloomy as water!

"Hmph, what a trick!" Chu Chen snorted coldly, and the aura of great Confucianism in his body rose to the sky, overshadowing Yun Bufan's limelight. Seventh floor, stand firm!

Ji Ruxue's eyes flashed, followed closely, the entire province's icy air erupted, the seventh level!

Chen Xuan and Leng Che finally felt the pressure, and then stepped out together!

Standing firm on the seventh floor, the four of them stopped in unison. The eighth floor was their common limit and needed to be brewed.

"Hahaha, Yun Bufan, you are so unethical. I was standing here waiting for you, but you actually stole my limelight!" Chu Xiaoyao laughed wildly,

Then step forward!


Standing firm on the fourth floor, the two of them walked non-stop, but walked together. Under everyone's frightened gaze, they actually stepped towards the fifth floor again!

"No way, they can't stand on the fifth floor!"

"Crazy, crazy! They are so weak, how dare they go directly to the fifth floor!?"

"Are all the people at Dawangshan Restaurant so unable to recognize themselves?!"

"They will definitely be knocked back by the pressure!" Chu Chen asserted with a gloomy face.

"With each step up the stairs, the pressure will increase exponentially! Without absolute strength, the body cannot bear it!" No one believes that with the cultivation of the Martial Saint, they can stand on the fifth floor!

It's like a mouse challenging a cat's authority, which is incredible.

Boom boom!

The sword intent flashed crazily on Yun Bufan's body. The sword intent was murderous and domineering, like the arrival of an ancient demon. Behind him, a man with a long beard and a red face slowly emerged. He was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, his eyes widened. There is a monstrous fighting spirit in his body, as if he can fight with the sky!

This is the power and fearlessness of passing five levels and killing six generals!

The sword in the phantom's hand slowly lifted up, and then slashed down suddenly!


The momentum of the statue was instantly split open, defeated, and even more surrendered!

Boom, boom, boom!

At this step, he did not pause, but took three consecutive steps to stand on the seventh floor, level with Leng Che and the others!

At the same time, Yun Bufan's spiritual power suddenly increased sharply, like a filled balloon, it began to expand rapidly, and then exploded!

Martial Saint One Star!

Martial Saint Two Stars!

Martial Saint Samsung!

" can't be?!"

"So... so strong, I actually stood firm on the seventh floor!"

"What exactly is the phantom behind him? Why is it so powerful? With that knife just now, I actually had the illusion that it was unstoppable."

"They are actually on the same level as Chu Chen and the others. Look at Chu Chen's face. How embarrassing it is..."

"Sure enough, awesome people don't talk much."


Throughout the Heart Refining Tower, there were constant sounds of swallowing and exclamations coming and going.

Everyone naturally turned their eyes to Chu Xiaoyao on the side, but saw a faint shadow appearing on his body.

"This...can't be..."

Under everyone's stunned gaze, Chu Xiaoyao chuckled and stepped onto the fifth floor.

Behind him, the shadow is getting more and more glaring, but it is a middle-aged man with a sword at his feet. His hair hangs on both sides, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and a sword at his feet, giving people an unruly feeling. .

Those statues seemed to have been provoked, and the light became even brighter. The monstrous sword intent burst out, almost piercing the sky, and the sharpness was terrifying!

The phantom seemed to be completely unable to feel the sword intent, but it slowly raised the jug above its head, raised its head, and the wine flowed down the jug into its mouth. Although it was just a phantom, everyone present seemed to be able to Smell the aroma of wine...

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