In an instant, Lin Qianxing understood that there was something strange among this group of people.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Qianxing gave up his plan to directly block the road and start grabbing.

He doesn't know the specific situation of the strange thing yet, so it's better not to expose it prematurely.

During this period, Lin Qianxing also suffered losses from strange things.

Some monsters themselves are not very lethal, but they can restrict Lin Qianxing and make him unable to live or die.

This is what Lin Qianxing fears most.

Death is not scary, it’s just that you want to die and others don’t want you to die.

Then he would be really in trouble.

The people of Wukong Sect were shouting slogans and marching quickly. After a while, a town appeared in front of Lin Qianxing.

The words Daishan County are written on the archway in front of that town.

At this time, the gates of Daishan City were closed, and there were countless refugees outside the city. There were thousands at least. All of them were sallow and thin, and their eyes were full of hunger and numbness. This scene reminded Lin Qianxing of Nongshan City, so he couldn't help but frowned.

Fuyao's domestic grain production is not low.

Moreover, taxes and so on are not very high.

Because Fuyao Country has almost no foreign enemies, it only needs to resist the monsters that occasionally come out of the eating fog, or suppress the chaos in the place.

The monsters generally only move in the devouring fog and are completely uninterested in popular places.

Therefore, the daily life of the people in Fuyao is quite healthy and progressive.

The occurrence of such a thing can only mean that a large-scale natural disaster has occurred in a certain place, or a man-made disaster has occurred.

But Lin Qianxing couldn't figure out why Daishan County didn't open its city gates to help the victims?

Could it be that there is no food here, or is there another hidden reason?

Lin Qianxing didn't quite understand, but he didn't think about it carefully.

At this time, people from the Wu Kong Sect also appeared in the eyes of the victims.

The victims' eyes immediately turned to them, and then they rushed up to ask for food.

The warriors of Wu Kong Sect immediately blocked them from outside, preventing them from getting close to the big shots inside.

To Lin Qianxing's surprise, those warriors only pushed and blocked the victims and did not really harm them.

At this time, in a carriage, a man wearing bright yellow clothes walked out. He had a kind face and seemed to be intolerable to the situation of the victims around him.

Immediately, after he gave an order, several strong men came out carrying a huge clay pot that was as tall as a person.

It's so big, maybe it shouldn't be called a tank, but a cylinder?

Lin Qianxing noticed that the vat seemed to be empty, but after the man in bright yellow clothes reached out and patted the vat, countless rice grains suddenly poured out of it until the entire vat was filled.

Then the people of Wukong Sect shouted the teachings in unison, and the people around them also looked shocked and knelt down to worship.

"Gan Lishi, quickly bring some people to set up a big pot and cook the rice into porridge and distribute it to the people." Liu Bing said to a strong man.

"My subordinate understands."

Lishi surnamed Gan returned the salute and quickly asked people to do something.

Soon, they set up pots and started cooking porridge.

Lin Qianxing's eyes stayed on the big vat.

There is no doubt that this is the strange thing.

Did the Wukong Sect receive the news and bring this strange thing to rescue the victims?

Lin Qianxing felt strange.

From the information he received, the Wu Kong Sect seemed to be an evil sect that feared chaos in the world.

But the scene before him made him feel that this sect was not what the rumors said.

Just when Lin Qianxing's eyes fell on Liu Bing, he seemed to be aware of it and looked in the direction of Lin Qianxing.

But he didn't see anything.

Lin Qianxing used his spirit to construct a layer of material that could refract light, hiding his body.

He learned this technique from Ning Yi, but he made some improvements to make it more suitable for him and more efficient.

Now when he is hiding, even some cultivators cannot detect his presence with their naked eyes, let alone that he is at least two thousand meters away.

At this distance, Lin Qianxing might not be able to see clearly what happened if he didn't have strong eyesight after being reborn many times.

Liu Bing, who had not discovered anything, did not investigate in detail in the end.

During the process of relieving the victims, the senior officials of Daishan County also opened the city gate and welcomed the people of Wukong Sect in.

Some people outside the city wanted to follow, but they were stopped by strong men and officers and soldiers.

With a bang, the city gate closed, and the people of Wu Kong Sect completely disappeared from Lin Qianxing's eyes.

Lin Qianxing moved slightly, and soon he was among the victims.

He still remained hidden. Most of these people were just ordinary people, so they did not notice his existence.

"Master Liu Bing is really a good person. I used to listen to rumors and thought that the Wukong Sect was not a good person. I wrongly blamed them."

"When can we enter the city? I just want to have a bite to eat. I can do whatever I want."

"Don't think about it. We can't enter the city because we are infected with the blood plague. The magistrate of Daishan County didn't send troops to strangle us directly. It's already a mercy. Do you still want to enter the city?"

Perhaps the luck attribute played a role. As soon as Lin Qianxing arrived, he heard the exchanges between the victims and learned a lot of the information he wanted.

For example, the victims are from Wenchang County. They were forced to flee their hometown and come here because of the bloody locust plague.

And the leader of the Wukong Sect is named Liu Bing.

Of course, the most critical point is the blood epidemic.

This is a disease spread by blood locusts.

Once bitten by a blood locust, you will become infected.

The infected person's skin will gradually turn red. If the skin turns completely red, it will explode directly, causing widespread damage and producing massive blood locusts.

The scariest thing is that this disease can still spread.

Once you are injured by someone infected with the blood plague, or you accidentally exchange saliva or the like with them, you may be infected.

Lin Qianxing carefully looked at the condition of the victims around him and found that their skin was a little red.

At first he thought it was a special race of people, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

From the current point of view, this blood plague seems to be a reproduction method of the blood locust?

Do they bite people to spread the eggs in their bodies to other organisms, and then use the energy of other organisms to thrive?

During this process, their numbers increase, so that the whole body of the parasitized person will turn blood red. Finally, if they can no longer hold on, they will explode, allowing them to hatch out.

Of course, this is a normal assumption.

There is another possibility, that is, they are monsters.

However, Lin Qianxing still plans to investigate the specific situation before talking about it.

Lin Qianxing found a victim who had fallen ill. Several hesitant victims gathered around him. Judging from the hunger in their eyes, it was obvious that they were considering whether to do something uncivilized.

However, the next moment, the body of the disaster victim in their eyes suddenly disappeared.

The expressions of the victims changed in fear and they ran away one after another.

Lin Qianxing used his mental strength to lift the victim's body to a remote and cool place.

Immediately, Lin Qianxing began to check his physical condition.

Due to the accumulation of hunger, cold, and fatigue, he was already in a dying state. No one knew how long he could live.

Lin Qianxing's spirit penetrated directly into his body and examined the details.

Sure enough, Lin Qianxing soon found countless blood-red cell particles that were multiplying rapidly.

These cell particles are different from the cells in this person's body. They are outsiders and are frantically absorbing the energy in his body to multiply themselves.

Lin Qianxing felt that these should be the eggs of the blood locust.

He wrapped part of the blood locust egg with his spirit and tried to remove it from the human body.

But Lin Qianxing failed at the first step.

His spirit cannot touch these blood locust eggs.

After careful sensing, Lin Qianxing discovered that these blood locust eggs seemed to be in an energy state. Lin Qianxing's mental particles were not condensed enough and passed directly through the egg, so he could not wrap it up and expel it. .

Lin Qianxing then tried using inner energy and found that it didn't work either.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianxing had a thought in his mind, and a strange blood-red color spread between his fingers.

After the divine power of pain entered this person's body, it was like destroying everything, leaving no way for him to survive at all.

After a while, the red color on the body's surface disappeared, and the whole person's physical condition became much better.

"Sure enough, the divine power of pain must be used." Lin Qianxing sighed.

As a rule-level strange power, the essence of the divine power of pain is still much higher.

Ordinary weird existences have to take a detour when faced with painful divine power.

Lin Qianxing had a plan at that moment.

Afterwards, Lin Qianxing sent the victim to the Wukong Sect members who were giving soup, and then went straight into Daishan City.

After entering the city, Lin Qianxing went straight to the magistrate's house in Daishan County.

Then he just disappeared and entered it.

In the living room, Ren He, the magistrate of Daishan County, and Liu Bing were talking.

"If Mr. Liu can come and help, the 100,000 people in Daishan County will have nothing to worry about." Ren He said.

Hearing this, Liu Bing shook his head and replied: "I can't do anything about the blood epidemic among the victims. In order to avoid a catastrophic disaster, it is better to move them to a safe place and isolate them first."

"Isn't there anything that Messenger Liu can do? You are one of the ten spirit guards of the Wukong Sect!" Ren He said in confusion.

"Blood locusts are too special. They are strange beasts spawned by the power of the blood moon. Unless they are monks in the inner scene, or spiritual masters who can generate spiritual gods, they may not be able to expel them." Speaking of this, Liu Bing paused and continued: "Besides, the blood epidemic is a trivial matter. What I am really worried about is the matter of the Blood Moon Alliance. If the Blood Moon Alliance is behind this, those common people may just be the first to test it out."

"Blood Moon Alliance!!!" Ren He raised his eyebrows, his face was obviously shocked, and he immediately fell into silence, and then said: "Then do as Mr. said."

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Lin Qianxing appeared and said, "I can solve the blood epidemic issue."

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