Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 605 Boss Cat’s eighth-level beast arrives

Lan Qi and Hyperion, who were still on the sofa, looked at the gradually dissolving mansion and the disappearing Sigre. When they heard the disappearance of the manor's piano music, they knew that the time had come.

Hyperion was still reluctant to hug Sigre a little tighter.

However, the more he wanted to feel Sigre's soft little body, the more he found that he couldn't touch her.

Until the walls of the manor completely dissipated, the starlight in Birkinhoe County reached its peak, and was suddenly replaced by deep darkness.

In just the blink of an eye, Ranchi and Hyperion were in a transparent square that seemed to be wrapped in the eternal starry sky.

Huberlian, see her next time.

Lan Qi patted Hyperion on the shoulder, looked at her disappointed eyes and comforted her.

He knew that Hyperion had been looking forward to such a sympathetic playmate since she was a child.

She has been short of love since childhood, and will habitually give love to people who never lack love, just like a pauper donating money to a billionaire.

And Sigre is both lacking in love and not lacking in love.

If Hyperion is willing to give her love, she will gladly accept it, and then give Hyperion an equal amount of love that Hyperion can easily accept.


Hyperion nodded and said softly, sitting half a minute closer to Lan Qi.

With Sigre gone, Lan Qi was the only one beside her, and it was normal to get closer to him.

Even without speaking, Hyperion felt at ease sitting next to him.

They are still sitting now.

The manor and mansion disappeared, and now the surrounding space became a surrounding open square space, and the two of them sat on the steps.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the clear midsummer sky. The stars are twinkling hundreds of millions of light-years away, as if telling stories of millions of years. of light.

This is a wonderful space where the real world and the shadow world are intertwined, forming a critical edge.

On the transparent barrier not far away, a spreading crack quietly appeared, and a few rays of peaceful purple light overflowed from the crack.

Later, as long as they pass through this small void door, the two of them can return to the real world and the familiar city life of Iclita.

Judging from the time we both entered the Shadow World, after a full forty-five days, it should be around eight o'clock in the morning when we return to Icerita.

Lan Qi recalled something and said to Hyperion.

The settlement of Shadow World has not appeared for a while.

Meow meow.

Boss Cat got out from Lan Qi and walked around the two of them several times.

It looked here nervously and curiously.

Everything is new to it.

This is the first time I’ve seen the critical space after clearing Shadow World!

Boss Cat, your reward will definitely not be bad this time.

Lan Qi picked up the restless little black cat, held it up and said to it.

After the first two experiences, Lanci and Hyperion have roughly convinced that the greater the deviation from the real historical direction during the Shadow World challenge, the longer the settlement process in the Shadow World will be.


Hyperion looked at Lanqi.

In order to make her contribution high enough, Lan Qi gave her all the control over the contracts between the Demon World and the Paulante Empire.

Not only will there be no merit from the sacrifice this time, her reward will be very good.

Maybe it was because she had sacrificed her merits last time and Lan Qi saw how frightened she looked, so this time he thoughtfully thought of a way for her to receive the reward with peace of mind.

Of course, it is impossible for Lan Qi not to sacrifice merit.

It’s just that the object of the sacrifice became the cat boss this time.

Meow! So excited!

The magic cards on Boss Cat's body are basically low-end and cheap. The rare high-end cards or high-quality cards were given to him by Lan Qi. When he thought that he might be able to get the first epic card, or even a high-end Level epic card, all previous worries disappeared in this moment!


Hyperion didn't know how to remind the cat boss.

In the eyes of Fallen Lord Kaliela, this little black cat who pressed the button to destroy the world has become a demon beast that has killed millions.

The most cruel disaster beast in the demon world since ancient times, its record is not as luxurious as the cat boss.

If this continues...

When the three of them were chatting in Boss Cat's restaurant as usual, a message suddenly appeared in the starry and strange space, and a pure white halo scrolled line by line in the dark space -

[The Darkest Solar Eclipse Demon Realm in the Shadow World has been cleared. 】

[The calculation is completed and the evaluation is being generated. 】

[Since the challengers Lanqi \u0026 Hyperion \u0026 Yami entered as a team, the team settlement method will be adopted. 】

[In this strategic movie world, which lasted for a total of 45 days, the public support increased by 499%, the parliament increased by 212%, the military strength increased by 305%, the finance increased by 378%, the diplomacy increased by 719%, and the final victory rate was 32.6434%. 】

[The team achieved the following achievements. 】

[The reversal of history S - Under your influence, the Paulante Empire has sown the seeds of drastic changes. The constitutional monarchy is uncontrollably transforming in the direction of absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings. It is difficult to describe what you mean by This kind of mentality started this story]

[Darkest hour A - you withstood the pressure of the parliament and rekindled the determination of the Polante Empire to resist]

[Diplomatic Expert SS——Your diplomatic actions have achieved outstanding results]

[Growth of Ritual and Music D——Under your guidance, the poet of great love became a pianist in the palace restaurant, instead of choosing to transform the grand piano into a barbecue grill according to her preferences. She is becoming more and more like a lady]

[Princess of the Demon Realm SS - As the Princess of the Demon Realm, you have successfully gained the trust and respect of the Demon Clan, and have perfectly dealt with a series of conspiracies of the Vampire Clan]

[Dark Death SSS——You stand above millions of lives]

Wait a minute, is Mr. Cat calling Yami?

Lan Qi looked at the refreshing light screen and suddenly looked at the small black coal briquettes in his hand and asked.


The little black cat nodded.


Lan Qi nodded.

From now on, Yami will be the legal person of the company. did that ritual music grow?

Hyperion remembered that there was an article about the Great Love Poet last time.

During the church dinner, she had been thinking about the organ, and this time the piano in the dining room seemed almost to be poisoned by her.

It is clear that the poet Daai is very talented in music, but she seems to despise musical instruments.

I have been strictly guarding her since the last movie world. I will never let her threaten expensive musical instruments. But it's not a big problem. As long as she doesn't damage your 180,000-pound piano, I will return it. I can afford it.”

Lan Qi shook his head.

If the Great Love Poet accidentally breaks any expensive instrument, the damage caused by the summoned object will be calculated according to the summoner, and Lan Qi will be fully responsible.

The most fatal thing is undoubtedly the priceless piano in the Duke's family. Previously, a wealthy foreign businessman offered 180,000 pounds, but Duke Milaya did not sell it.

Based on the simplest purchasing power calculation, one pound can probably buy two to three thousand bottles of small package mineral water, and 180,000 pounds is equivalent to nearly 500 million.

Don't worry, that piano is actually because my mother really likes it, so my father never sold it. It's not actually worth 180,000 pounds.

Hyperion said.

After the Duke disappeared, if it weren't for the heavy weight of the piano and the multiple barriers in the Duke's Mansion, it might have been stolen long ago.

And even if it gets damaged by you, I won't ask you to pay for it.

Hyperion patted Lanqi on the shoulder and told him to reassure him.

Is this the princess...

Lan Qi hesitated for a moment and answered.

When Hyperion said this, she really looked like a super rich woman.

While they were communicating, the evaluation of Shadow World continued to refresh.

[Ancestral Bomb SS - There are not many functions that the Vampire can develop]

[Goodbye Purgatory City C——You are back to the starting point]

[Her golden moment S - this time, you have to use your full strength, this time, you will do well, this time, you have done your best... because you know she deserves a ring]

[Achievements sorting is completed and evaluation generation is completed. 】

[What falls from the sky is the sanction of anger or the blessing of liberating the shackles, but in your opinion, this is called love. 】

[Comprehensive evaluation: SSS]

[Rank increase: Lanqi’s fourth level→sixth level, Hyperion’s fifth level→sixth level, Yami’s seventh level→eighth level. 】

At the moment when the rewards were settled, Lancihuberian cat bosses all experienced rank breakthroughs.

Lan Qi, who was almost at the fourth level, directly broke through to the sixth level because of this over-completed seventh-level shadow world.

At level 4, he had already exceeded level 30 to challenge the world of shadows at level 7, not to mention the SSS rating.

On the side, Boss Cat, who felt this enlightenment-like gift from the gods for the first time, immediately froze.

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