Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 272: Lan Qi’s injustice has its head and its debtor has its owner

The next day.

The sun shies shyly through the deep clouds, and each beam of light is like a golden shackle released after breaking through the gloom, vaguely reflecting the outlines of pedestrians and monsters mixed in the streets of Herrom on Sunday.

Every window of the buildings on both sides of the street has become a small theater of life. Small monster pets or alchemy creatures gently put their tentacles and tails on the window sill, curiously peeping at the outside world.

And in this early morning.

Ranchi had already left his hotel near Protos Royal Academy of Magic.

Walking on the road to the Temple of the Knights of Annihilation.

Tomorrow he will stay at the Royal Academy of Magic in Protos for five working days.

Today is the last day of the weekend. In the morning, he needs to go to the Knights of Nirvana to meet with the high priest who granted him the certificate of resurrection of the Nirvana branch and receive future work arrangements.

While Lan Qi was taking a leisurely walk, the voice of Boss Cat rang in his ears again.

One person and one cat depended on each other in a foreign country, and the cat boss would talk to him all day long.

Meow meow, Lan Qi, you have now become the new priest leader of the Annihilation branch... You are not really going to see the Bishop of Annihilation Asksan...

If it really gets to that point, it won't dare to follow this kid to see the Cardinal!

As long as it appears in the vision of the incarnation of a natural disaster, it has no power to resist, and if it is not careful, it will be wiped out.

Don't worry, I have been working on the subject seriously and have never forgotten my original intention.

Lan Qi said calmly.

Meow! Why don't you develop your career in the empire more! I feel that the Tyrant branch is safer than the Nirvana branch!

Boss Cat thought he was lying.

Who are you looking for to be an undercover agent in the Resurrection Church?

It looked like Lan Qi accidentally drank fake wine and got high.

Boss Cat had long heard from Tata that this boy had made some jokes in the border city-state Nanwantina because of his drinking.

It is worried that Lan Qi will sink deeper and deeper and will not be able to look back. In comparison, whatever career he wants to do in the empire, it will fully support and encourage him to go for it, as long as he does not continue to have anything to do with the Church of Resurrection.

Don't worry, I've already cut the Tyrant branch clean. The Vanguard is the Pioneer, and Rocky is Rocky. Your journey to the empire will definitely satisfy you.

Lan Qi turned around, looked at his own shadow, raised his eyelids, and gave Boss Cat a smile.


Meow meow meow, trust him again.

The breath of the city is mixed with the unique smell of magic potions and the faint aftertaste of rain.

Lan Qi walked along the road paved with regular rectangular stone slabs.

Every time he passed a corner, the number of passers-by on the street gradually dwindled.

Even the windowsills of high-rise buildings have become much deserted.

Then, a detail caught Lanci's eye.

Not far ahead, a woman was walking towards the temple, her long hair swaying gently in the breeze, spread on her silver skirt. The thin skirt had an ancient design, and every connection showed Showing the exquisite skills of the craftsmen, the sun shines on her armor, emitting a faint white light, like flowing water.

Lan Qi was impressed by this woman wearing a silver skirt.

Their destination is obviously the Knights of Annihilation.

And this woman named West Germany was also one of the reasons for the delay in the final assessment.

However, Lan Qi and her have no intersection. They will become colleagues in the future, and they will get to know each other sooner or later. There is no need to take the initiative to say hello.

Lan Qi thought this, and just as he walked into the next street, he didn't feel any movement at all on his side, and a cold hand suddenly grabbed his upper arm!

The power of that hand was so powerful that it seemed that it could easily crush his bones, but the owner of the hand used the force accurately to ensure that it would not hurt him.


Lan Qi didn't have time to react, because he really didn't feel hostility, or the other party was much stronger than him, and his nerves were not qualified to keep up with the other party's speed.

The moment he saw the other person's figure clearly, the wind roared in his ears. All gravity seemed to have disappeared. His soles lost all contact with the ground, and the pressure of the air made him convinced that he was being held by the other person. He grabbed it and reached the high altitude of the imperial capital.

The emerald green light in Lan Qi's eyes traced a clear trajectory through the fog in the imperial capital of Herrom. The clouds and fog quickly passed by both sides of him, bringing a cold and biting feeling.

Buildings, streets, vehicles and people all turned into blurry shadows in the eyes, every detail was torn apart by the speed, leaving only a chaos of color, light and shadow.

The next second, everything started to speed up, and the cold wind almost made it impossible to open my eyes. This super-speed roller coaster overlooking the city-state looked like pieces of stained glass that had been scattered. Amidst the deafening sound of the wind, Lan Qi's head was filled with buzzing sounds, and the coldness of the air made it difficult for him to breathe. Every breath he took seemed to be inhaled from an ice cellar.

His vision was about to become blurry, and his consciousness gradually drifted away from him.

However, that hand still held him firmly, using the power of magic to protect his balance, becoming his only fulcrum in this high-altitude world.

When his consciousness gradually blurred and he was about to fall into endless darkness, his speed suddenly slowed down.

Until Lan Qi fell down with him, he was placed firmly on a flat ground. The strong impact made Lan Qi regain his consciousness slightly.


He covered his forehead and stabilized his shaking body, only to realize that he was in a completely different place in just over ten seconds.

It is in a building with ancient and magnificent design.

If there is a next time, could you please not bring me here like this?

Lan Qi put down his palm and shook his head. The feeling of weakness in his body had not completely disappeared.

His heart was in good condition, and this roller coaster that accelerated tenfold did not make him faint.

But he was tied up suddenly. Even though the other party seemed to be as gentle as possible, the gap in strength and physical fitness between them was obviously too big. If Lan Qi's rank was lower, he might be unconscious by now.

The figure in the colored skirt and armor who brought him here ignored him and just walked towards her seat.

In this space, the tall lintels, exquisite carvings, various mysterious objects and ancient paintings hanging on the walls look like a private collection at first glance, presenting a deep and calm atmosphere. All of this tells Ranchi, here is a collection of sky-high price collections from different regions and different eras.

The floor is made of dark brown wood that has been baptized by time. Each board is slightly worn, with different textures and colors, but each has a unique story, as if this is what makes it unique.

In addition, the entire hundreds of square meters of the hall seemed extremely open. There was only the main seat, which seemed to be the only throne in this space. The back was filled with various bottles and jars, from amber wine glasses to transparent water bottles. Spirits, they are all quietly waiting for the moment to be chosen.

At this moment, Lan Qi's restored vision finally saw clearly the figure that forcibly brought him here.

West Germany.

His attire has changed.

She is still tall and tall, with long light-colored hair scattered around her waist. Her eyes are like stars shining in the night sky or violets blooming in spring. Her careerist aura is as strong as the queen of this earth. ——She is not satisfied with controlling what is in front of her, but wants to conquer everything in sight.

Most of the time I don't like to cooperate with others. Some people think that I have a strong personality, like to interfere and provoke others, and cannot cooperate with others. But I only know that I will never easily let go of anything that is beneficial to me. .”

She briefly introduced herself, her domineering yet calm eyes were like a sharp sword that could pierce the opponent's heart standing in a clear mirror of the lake.

Your Excellency, what is the purpose of inviting me here?

Lan Qi gave him an imperial salute and did not intend to say anything more until he determined West Germany's true identity and intentions.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

It can be said that his life is in the hands of the other party. If the other party has malicious intentions, his hope of successfully resisting with force is obviously zero.

Sid turned his back to Lan Qi and remained silent, slowly walking up to her throne.

After she takes off her disguise, she is an indifferent beauty who doesn't seem to care much about Lan Qi's feelings and only cares about what she wants.

Previously, only camouflage magic was used, and even West Germany's identity was completely forged.

You may not have heard of the name Sigrid.

West Germany held her chin with one hand and stared at Lan Qi, but she obviously admired Lan Qi's calmness and calmness.

But there's another name you've certainly heard of.

I saw a holy seal on her right thumb being tossed up like a coin.

It left a brief silver glow in the air and fell into her palm again.

Even if it just flashed by, Lan Qi could see it clearly.

The center of the holy seal is the Silver Moon Crown, and its light outlines the crescent moon, as if all enemies will be shattered into pieces. The stars scattered around the edge of the crown are all shattered weapon fragments, representing the failure of those who resisted and the sorrow and pity. fate.

He was very familiar with this style of holy seal.

He has seen too many of the Tyrant Priests in the Southwest Province.

The only difference is——

West Germany's one shines with an extremely domineering and dazzling orange brilliance!

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