Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 236 Lan Qi’s racial identity

In the winter of December, the bell of Icerite College struck three o'clock in the afternoon.

Frey's dormitory has the feel of a detective's office.

Some newspaper clippings and old maps from cases he had solved were hung on the dark brown walls. The desk was piled with a lot of documents and notes. There was also a microscope, some alchemy reagent jars, and open geographical magazines beside the table.

On the floor-to-ceiling shelf on one side of the desk are some newspapers, manuscripts, magnifying glasses, fingerprint powder, and magic props of unknown purpose.

Two leather sofas rest beside the fireplace for visitors or Frey himself.

Amid the clanging echoes of the ancient clock tower, both Lan Qi and Frei looked out the window.

Due to the prestige accumulated in the student union in the past few months, Frey, a little-known detective agency, can now occasionally receive commissions.

But Frey's way of doing things is very different from ordinary detectives. Hiring him faces the risk of backfiring, and the price is directly proportional to his ability. Therefore, no one will easily ask Frey for help unless they have to.

Now after the holidays, the detective agency is completely closed.

On the low table in front of Frey were newspapers and two cups of black tea.

However, this was not a business meeting, but a temporary farewell to Lan Qi.

Since Huberian lived in the Cat Boss Restaurant, the two of them often stayed together. Ranch was not only Frey's legal adviser, but also sometimes Frey's right-hand assistant in detective work.

Lan Qi, your level is forty-six.

Frey held up a dark gray spar, glanced at Lanqi through the light on it, and said.

That's it.

Lan Qi thought it was very reasonable. After the last Shadow World, when he upgraded from level three to level four, it didn't feel like he had just reached level four, nor was he particularly far from level five.

How old are you Frey?


Frey replied.

In the past few months, based on the hierarchy theory that Lan Qi first unintentionally proposed in casual conversations, the [Grade Identification Technique] jointly developed by the Alchemy Institute of Icerite College and the Magic Engineering Institute is now rapidly spreading in the Southern Continent. got up.

Because the structure of magic itself is very simple, it is more of a set of theories. It takes some effort to measure, define and calculate the conversion value, and it is very convenient to spread. The spell version, magic card version, and magic prop version [ Leveled Appraisal Techniques] already exist, and have even spread to the Northern Continent through the communication between challengers in the Shadow World.

There may be an explosion in popularity in the next few months.

The research team pointed out in the paper that the person who first proposed this theory was Ranch Wilford. If this research can achieve considerable success this year or next, even if Lanci is not involved at all, it may gain considerable academic reputation.

Although this identification spell is not effective for strong people in ordinary states.

Strong people usually hide themselves. For example, Dean Loren may look like he is at level one or even zero, but he is actually at level eight.

But according to the information I got from the Alchemy Institute, in order to assist in research, it was measured during the development process that Dean Loren's level is eighty-seven.

No wonder he's so strong and perverted.

At the level of Lanqi and Frey, they may be able to win by the talent gap, special mechanisms or restraint relationships across several levels, but at the end of the sixth level, that is, starting from the sixty-ninth level, it is calculated that there will be a very big difference at each level. With growth, the attribute gap caused by level becomes increasingly difficult to make up for through other factors.

The total number of ninth-level powerhouses in the northern and southern continents in this world is only in single digits. There is a reason why Loren can be called the most powerful man protecting the Kingdom of Hutton.

The two chatted casually.

Now after the holidays, the campus is much deserted, and there are no student union affairs. They actually feel like they have nothing to do after retirement.

It's such a pity that I can't go to the Northern Continent with you this time.

Frey leaned back on the sofa and sighed.

I heard that the underground casino in the Protos Empire is quite powerful.

He will be watched by Dean Sphyntos for the next three months, and he will not be able to escape from the royal capital of Icerita.

In other words, if he has the ability to escape from Icerita under the hands of Dean Sphyntos, then his training is considered to be in place.

Frey, we may come back late this time. If you have a chance to play Shadow World alone during the holidays, you don't have to wait for us. We may not be able to come back until next semester.

Lan Qi looked at the calendar and thought for a while, then said confidently to Frey.

It's mid-December now, and there's a chance they won't come back until April or May next year.

Frey has also directly reached the silver level, and can participate in the challenge of the real shadow world alone without forming a team.

For a numerical monster like Frey, his own level is particularly important. Each level of improvement will bring about a qualitative change in his combat effectiveness.

In the first node of the Blood Moon bad world, a blood baron appeared, and in the second node, a blood viscount or even a blood count appeared. Then there is a high probability that the shadow world of the next blood moon bad world will have a blood marquis.

Even if the three of them cool down, they are unlikely to be able to challenge together. Everyone needs to become as strong as possible first.

Sometimes the strength gap is too large, and no matter what strategy you use, it may be ineffective. Even if you successfully complete the mechanism, you will still be wiped out by the group.

No problem, but if you and Hyperion go north these days, you should pay a little attention to the bishop battle of the Church of Resurrection. I heard that the route of the Dimensional Bishop being chased by the Destroyed Bishop is gradually moving northward.

Frey reminded him as he looked sideways at the international column on the front page of the newspaper on the table.

They were two groups of moving natural disasters, and their power was beyond the power of an ordinary human body.

Don't worry, Hyperion and I will set off to the south first, creating the illusion that we are going south, and then transform into a new disguised identity on the way, and then go north. No one will recognize us by then.

Lan Qi's [Transformation Technique: Demon] is the technical crystallization of the ancient Horning Empire's experimental field, which has been finally improved and written by human magic texts, while [Transformation Technique: Human] is a technology written by the demons of that era based on [Transformation Technique: Demon] was reversely researched as a blueprint and can bypass most of the spells used to detect disguises in today's era.

Talia has helped Ranchi and Hyperion rewrite the orientation change card that can directly disguise itself as a human-like person without being detected.

But more importantly, this spell is more convenient in the Northern Continent.

In the Protos Empire, where they will land first, the human race is also the least likely to be involved in racial disputes.


Frey nodded. He had heard Lanqi talk about the culture of the Northern Continent that Loren mentioned.

But there is one thing... I can probably be sure of.


If there are people like me in the Northern Continent who have returned to their ancestors and awakened the blood of the wolf clan, it should not be harmful to you.


This time, even Lan Qi didn't quite understand the conclusion Frey gave and why.

It's hard to explain. Just like the vampires are born to be afraid of you, the wolves are probably born to feel close to you.

Frey crossed his arms and described his intuition with slight confusion.

Okay, if I encounter a wolf clan who is in trouble, I will try to treat them as friends first and try to help them as much as possible.

Lan Qi looked at the clock, stood up, picked up his coat from the door and put it on, waving goodbye.

It's almost time.

Go to the Cat Boss Restaurant to find Hyperion, and you're ready to go.

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