Inside the Biholu, in the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, a huge storm was about to form.

"Reporting to Mayor, that guard is awake."

"Well, how is his injury? Can you speak? "

"Mayor, according to your orders, the Priests have tried their best to awaken the guard's full potential, and can't hold on for too long, so you can't say too much. If you have anything to say, Mayor needs to hurry up, otherwise, the guard might not be able to wake up again once he falls unconscious."

"Alright, bring me to him immediately."

"Mayor." The guard lying on the bed saw Mayor push open the door and struggled to sit up, but it was difficult for him to even move his heavy injuries.

"Don't be agitated, just lie back peacefully while you're injured." Mayor gently held the heavily injured guard down and said.

"Thank you, Mayor."

"Alright, where is your young master?"

"He … He … He's dead. " Some of it was from their injuries, but most of it was from fear.

"Die …" "He's dead, how could he be dead?" Mayor lost control of himself and grabbed onto the chest of the guard. The guard who was already severely injured immediately started to cough blood.

"Mayor, if you continue like this, you won't be able to get anything out of me." A Cleric at the side warned. Right now, this guard could only see the light of day, but could not withstand the torment of Mayor.

"Quickly tell me, how did this happen?" Mayor knew he was too agitated and immediately retracted his hand. Even if this guard was going to die, he had to first explain how his son died.

"That day …" The guard then recounted the entire story.

"It was Fei Yu who killed my son." Mayor asked with reddened eyes. He did not care about the reason, there was only one thought in his mind, he could not let his son die in vain and pay with his life.


"Useless trash, since the young master is dead, what's the use of you still living?" Mayor struck his palm heavily on the guard's head, causing the guard's brain to immediately explode.

The priest at the side was trembling in fear. Mayor had a sinister look on his face, and his body, hands and even face were splashed with brain matter and blood. He looked like a god of death from hell.

"Someone, come." Mayor shouted, covered in blood.


"Call Hanur at once."

"Yes." The guard quickly ran off to relay the news.

"Mayor, what do you need me for?" A moment later, Hanur arrived at City Lord's Mansion. At this time, Mayor had already wiped away the blood stains, but the smell of blood still lingered in the air.

"Immediately investigate a black-haired, black-eyed, yellow-skinned man called Fei Yu."

"Hmm? Why is Mayor doing this? " The black haired, black eyed, yellow skinned Fei Yu, wasn't he that person?

"Why? He killed my son, Intyn, and I'm going to tear him apart. No, I'm going to burn him to death. " Mayor roared with his bloodshot eyes.

"What's wrong, Mayor? Did he harm your son too?" Hanur was stunned for a moment before he asked.

"Hmm? "What do you mean by that? Could it be that your family is simple?" Mayor was startled, then asked.

"That's right, Mayor, it's all because of that damnable Fei Yu. Even though I'm not certain about my son's life or death, most of it had already been secretly harmed by him." Hanur said sorrowfully.

"Do you know where he is now?"

A few days ago, I was still in my city, but I have already left for Lunis City.

"What?" Didn't you avenge Man Dan? " The Mayor asked in disbelief.

"Sigh!" Your subordinate doesn't want to either, but this Fei Yu is covered in Cultivation Level is too terrifying. If your subordinate doesn't even have the courage to attack in front of him, how can I avenge the dog son? " Hanur said helplessly and sorrowfully.

"What?" It's actually like this, how can I take revenge for Ying Tinyu? No, I have to take revenge for this, that Fei Yu must die. "

"Don't worry Mayor, there's still a way."

"What can we do? Speak quickly, as long as we can avenge Ying TInyu." Mayor impatiently grabbed onto Hanur's sleeves.

"Be careful. Protect yourself well." Fei Yu casually used a true essence shield to cover the carriage behind him. This way, the girls would be safe.

It turned out that Fei Yu and the others were bored after playing in the Lunis for a few days, so they packed and set off. Coincidentally, they passed by a mountain road today, with mountains on both sides, with a mountain road in between that could only fit two beast carts.

However, the problem was that Fei Yu had instinctively sensed danger here, and right now, there were not many people who could threaten him at all. In total, there were only a few of them, could it be that Divine Emperor was about to make his move?

The transparent ball-shaped shield protected the entire body of the car and the Magical Beast pulling the carriage as it moved forward. Fei Yu wanted to see exactly who it was that made him feel that he was in danger.

As he continued to move forward, the sense of danger became stronger and stronger. Fei Yu, who was not at ease with his Ladies, had added two more shield on top of the carriage. Now, even Fei Yu herself could not easily break through the three layers of shield.

Just as he reached the middle of the mountain, a sharp whistle sounded.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Instantly, the ground within a few meters around Fei Yu was filled with arrows, but these arrows were all useless to Fei Yu. Although the entire body of the arrow was specially crafted, the power was still limited, so it was unable to harm Ladies, the shield s.

Or perhaps, the people lying in ambush on the mountain did not think that these Arrows could hurt Fei Yu at all.

Following which, a group of Mercenary and adventurers jumped out from their hiding spots on the grass and trees. However, Fei Yu could still feel that there were still around thirty to forty people hiding in the grass and behind the trees. These people were extremely good at hiding their traces.

It turned out that these Mercenary were hired by Alke for today's assassination mission, to confuse Fei Yu's vision and create chaos, so that they could take the chance to carry out the assassination mission.

Fei Yu frowned. The sense of danger did not come from the Mercenary in front of him or the person he was hiding from. Where did that sense of danger come from?

"Who are you people? Why did you stop us? "

Fei Yu looked at the messy Mercenary in front of him, carefully searching with spiritual consciousness s, wanting to find the source of the danger he was feeling.

"Enough of your rubbish. Someone is buying your life. Do you want to kill yourself or do you want me to dismember your body into ten thousand pieces? You decide! Hahaha."

No one thought that Fei Yu could escape from the encirclement of the Mercenary. Furthermore, there was a beast carts behind him, it seemed like it was carrying a person, he could not abandon his beast carts s and escape on his own.

"Got it."

Finally, Fei Yu discovered the source of the danger that he was worried about. Far away, on top of a lush tree, this danger originated from this place.

"If that's the case, then go and die!"

Having discovered the source of the danger, Fei Yu no longer hesitated.

Facing that person's threat, Fei Yu did not want these Mercenary to be an obstacle in his way. He could only clean up these troublesome fellows now.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was only at this time that the uncaring Mercenary felt the terror of these palm shadows. To them, these palm images were like encountering a charging giant dragon, and the mountainous pressure they felt caused more than half of the Mercenary s to die in the blink of an eye. This was simply not a fight of the same level, the result was self-evident.

"Sssii ~ ~"

There was a peculiar sound, not a real sound, but a sound of a sharp blade slicing through space. A weapon that exceeded the speed of sound, basically no sound would reach your ears before the weapon hit you. A archer in the assassin's hand used all her strength to shoot out a special Arrows.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh, a few daggers and short sword s had already reached Fei Yu's side, and were rushing towards him like a ray of light.

[Super gravity technique], [Slow], [Weakness], [Binding Wind], many negative magic fell onto Fei Yu's body like rain. The light of the magic made Fei Yu stand out even more.

Ladies could only watch from the side of the true essence shield as Fei Yu suffered an attack, but he could not help much. Ladies was still unable to break out of this level of true essence shield.

As it turned out, Alc, who was still hiding in the dark, saw that the Mercenary s were so vulnerable and realised that he did not have much time left, he could only use the time when Fei Yu was fighting the Mercenary s with all his might to attack. Victory or defeat would be determined in one strike, thus the perfect combination of plan and plan showed up on Fei Yu.


Seeing Fei Yu taking all of his attacks, and being drowned in the magic and weapons, Alric could not help but exclaim out of excitement. He was confident that even the Celestial King would not be able to take all of these attacks unscathed.

"Not good — quickly dodge."

His excited mood did not last long enough to maintain itself for three seconds, when Ark saw Fei Yu's figure dissipate and disappear – It was an afterimage, and Ark secretly cursed for his subordinates to retreat, but it was already too late, as a palm image the size of a mountain appeared behind the killers. This palm image was a lot smaller than the previous one, but the power was greater, and the palm image was also more concentrated.

Screams were heard as the assassins couldn't dodge in time and were all killed. Only a few of the assassins survived, but they were all injured and had lost the ability to fight again.

Just then, a strong Sword Qi dragged a faint figure towards Fei Yu. The person on the tree who Fei Yu felt was in danger could no longer endure, and seized the opportunity when Fei Yu was fighting with the few powerful assassins to attack.

"Hmm? But as long as it's not an enemy, it's fine. It's best if it's a fight to the death with that Fei Yu. " Seeing that someone was attacking Fei Yu and that he was an expert, Alric was gloating while taking care of the few surviving assassins.

"Good job."

Fei Yu shouted. The incoming person's Cultivation Level was actually not weaker than Divine Emperor's. However, the aura was clearly not that of Divine Emperor's.

In any case, he wasn't the one who started this fight, so he could still practice. After all, the chances of meeting with such an expert were really too small.

But before waiting for Fei Yu to make a move, that person had already given up control of the Sword Qi and slashed out another Sword Qi to attack the beast carts behind Fei Yu.


Fei Yu shouted angrily, the Sword Qi that that he had killed earlier was already right in front of him, if the following person was able to take the chance and attack the beast carts, maybe this was that person's actual plan.

"You forced me to do this. Sword skill — Diamond Dragons."

Fei Yu had summoned his Flying Sword, who knew how long it had been since someone managed to make Fei Yu use his Flying Sword?

Fei Yu's body and sword became one and turned into a long rainbow, smashing towards the figure that was flying towards the beast carts without reservation.

"Boom —"

Finally, Fei Yu stopped the figure beside the beast carts. One figure swooped down from the mountain and had planned for a long time to give it their all. The other figure only managed to activate eighty percent of the Cultivation Level midway.

Following which, a small mushroom cloud rose up, and the nearby trees looked as if they had encountered a hurricane, as if they were falling down from the sky due to the radiation. The surviving Mercenary assassins were all thrown far away by the immense force, and the ones that were near to them were smashed to pieces.

Those lucky enough to witness this battle yet not die all stared with wide eyes as their minds went blank. Heavens! Was this still the power of a human?

Moments later, the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the figures of two people standing.

Fei Yu stood there in a slightly sorry state. After all, he could only activate eighty percent of his Cultivation Level in such a hurry, and even though he suffered light internal injuries, he was fine.

On the other side, that person's body was in no good condition. His clothes were in tatters and he was bleeding profusely. His vitality was almost gone, and only a pair of dim eyes showed that he was not dead yet.

"You … Very strong, able to die … At such a high... I can die with no regrets, you … To... Small... "Heart …" Before the man could finish what he was saying, he was scared out of his wits, leaving behind a body that refused to collapse even at death's door.

"F * ck off."

Fei Yu shouted at the assassins and Mercenary s. After what happened, Fei Yu no longer had the mood to deal with these assassins and Mercenary s, he did not understand, what did that word 'be careful' mean, could it be that there was some danger waiting for him? It seemed that he had underestimated The Divine Realm, he did not expect that there was such a person with a Cultivation Level comparable to Divine Emperor, was this person alone or was he a member of an organization?

With a wave of his right hand, a deep hole that was wide enough to fit a person appeared on a nearby mountain. He pushed the unknown expert into the deep hole with his right hand, and the deep hole quickly closed up.

After burying that nameless expert, Yu Fei flew back to the side of the carriage and saw that the true essence shield s on the carriage had broken through two levels, and the third level was in danger. It seemed that Ladies could no longer be left out in the open when they were fighting.

Waving his hand to remove the zhenyuan's barrier, the anxious Ladies rushed to Fei Yu's side. After following Fei Yu for a long time, he had never seen Fei Yu in such a sorry state, and immediately checked from top to bottom to see if he was injured.

"I'm fine. It was just an oversight just now. Don't worry."

"But, looking at how you are, Fei Yu, let's go back, and stop worrying about these things. Let's find a place to live in seclusion." You Lan proposed to Fei Yu with tears in his eyes. He did not care whether Fei Yu was a strong Ranker or not, as long as he was safe.

"It's fine, you know that even the Divine Emperor cannot do anything to me, it was just an accident due to negligence. I promise, there won't be a next time when I come here to laugh and let the Hubby see." Fei Yu comforted You Lan.

"Yes." You Lan forced out a smile that was full of worry.

"It's all because our Cultivation Level is too weak. Otherwise, you wouldn't work so hard." You Lan continued.

"That's right, if our Cultivation Level is a little stronger, then we can help you out. At least we won't let you take care of us while we are fighting." It was all because her Cultivation Level was too weak.

"Yeah." The other Ladies s also sighed, thinking that his own Cultivation Level was too weak and could only be used as a burden.

"Sisters, come here. Let's discuss it." You Lan suddenly remembered something, and called the few girls over. She muttered to them for a long time, and in the end, seemed to have reached an agreement.

After the discussion, Ladies returned to Fei Yu's side.

"Fei Yu, our Cultivation Level have always been too weak. When we leave, we can only stay at home or in a different dimension. We can only come out after fighting. You Lan said emotionally, the other Ladies s nodded their heads to express their agreement.

"How can this be a burden? All of you are fine, it's just that the level of combat you guys have encountered is the highest in this world, not because your Cultivation Level is too weak. " Fei Yu consoled.

"No, no matter what, we were a burden to you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to be in such a sorry state just now." You Lan continued.

"Yeah, that person was so despicable. He actually sneak attacked us to restrain you."

"Thus, we decided to enter closed-door training. Like you, we will also go into closed-door training."


"Yes, we've decided to go into seclusion in your alternate dimension. That place should be absolutely safe and we won't be disturbed. Furthermore, that way we can be considered to be following by your side."

"What?" Why are you guys going into seclusion? "

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