Finally, Si Liya was sure that everyone understood the matter that they were in charge of, and only then did they heave a sigh of relief. There was no helping it, the fate of millions of lives lay in the hands of a few people, and with just a small mistake, millions of lives would be lost.

"Kacha …"

"Oh no, the ice is starting to give way." Dragon King exclaimed.

Isn't it! Cracks had already started appearing on the ice mountain, and they were quickly spreading. It wouldn't be long before it crumbled.

"A good chance!" Fei Yu could feel the surging and immense energy of the Fire Element inside the volcano, and suddenly thought of Lin Nuo's magical beast — — Energetic Beast, that adorable little fellow had already reached the top of the level 9 Magical Beast, and it required a huge amount of energy and a suitable opportunity to break through to the level of Holy Beast. Wasn't this a very rare opportunity?

"Lin Nuo, release Qiu Qiu (the name of the Energetic Beast that you have made a contract with Lin Nuo). There is a good opportunity in front of you that might be able to help it evolve into a Holy Beast." It turned out that after their last separation, the few girls did not want to part with Fei Yu for a long time, so when Fei Yu set out, the few girls all entered into the alternate dimension ', to travel with him, and even leopard girl Ke Lisiya was no exception.

"Really? "Great?" Lin Nuo unquestioningly summoned his Energetic Beast, of course she was summoning it inside her' alternate dimension '.

"Wuu —" Fei Yu spread open his palm, and the Energetic Beast 'Qiu Qiu' appeared in his palm, and immediately greeted him.

A level nine Energetic Beast already possessed quite a bit of intelligence. Although it might not be able to understand the complex human emotions, it at least knew that Fei Yu was its master's close companion and knew that Fei Yu possessed a powerful strength that could easily destroy it. Even its devouring ability was useless in front of such a strong practitioner, so it greeted Fei Yu fawningly as soon as it came out.

"Energetic Beast? Is this little guy the strongest and weakest member of the ancient beast race? " The Demon Emperor Analiese was no exception. Although they were all old Demoness that was over a thousand years old, they had been isolated and focused on cultivation for a long period of time, causing the growth of their mind in this area to not match their age. Not to mention that a woman's nature allowed them to have zero resistance to small and cute Magical Beast like the Energetic Beast.


"It has already evolved to a Ninth Stage?" Analiese (Demon Emperor) asked curiously.

In order to survive and reproduce, wild Energetic Beast used almost all of their energy to reproduce their offspring, so wild Energetic Beast with very few high order appeared.

"Yeah, the class was very low just now, but as long as there's enough energy for him to absorb, this little guy will grow very fast." Fei Yu explained.

"Yeah, as long as there is enough energy for him to devour, he will grow into a powerful Divine Beasts sooner or later. However, the amount of energy required is really considerable." Crystal Green (Elf Emperor) sighed.

"Yeah, that's why I want it to absorb some energy from the volcano to evolve." Fei Yu did not hide his plans from his as he explained.

"Good idea!" Mosha (Dragon King) applauded loudly (Unfortunately, there was no table for Dragon King to bid on!).

Divine Emperor merely watched on coldly from the side with an expressionless face. No one knew what he was actually thinking in his heart, and no one paid any attention to his abnormality other than Fei Yu.

Fei Yu gave a brief explanation to the Energetic Beast 'Qiu Qiu, telling it to borrow the power of volcanoes to evolve, and even told it that it could potentially evolve into a Holy Beast. The Energetic Beast was naturally in high spirits.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later!" Once Fei Yu finished speaking, he immediately used the Five Element Escape Technique to move under the Ice block. In the space filled with blazing and fiery red magma, only the five Emperor s who were surprised by Fei Yu's unique skills were left staring at each other in confusion.

The tyrannical power forcefully opened up a ball-shaped space in the boiling magma, turning the place into a field of red and blazing heat. This was all that Fei Yu could see right now, and the surrounding magma was filled with restless and huge energy of Fire Element.

"Wuu ~ ~ ~"

After obtaining Fei Yu's permission, 'Qiu Qiu' cried excitedly and threw himself into the blazing magma.

The restless energy in the nearby magma suddenly stopped for a moment, and started to stir up with an even more violent momentum. The only difference was that the previously restless energy was unorganized and undisciplined, extremely chaotic, but now, the energy in the Fire Element was gathering more and more rapidly with Qiu Qiu as the center. The highly condensed energy of the Fire Element actually began to show a faint red color, and as time passed, the colors became more and more distinct.


Pale red mist.


The bright red stars,


The crimson ribbon,

Converge …

A purple red bar.

The large and dense masses of Fire Element energy crazily rushed towards the Energetic Beast, and then permeated into the surface of the Energetic Beast's body, and in an extremely short period of time, was absorbed into its small body by 'Qiu Qiu'.

As the amount of energy the Energetic Beast absorbed increased, the little ball-shaped body actually started to emit a misty, faint golden mist, and very quickly, it enveloped the entire body of the Energetic Beast. As the mist thickened, the body of the Energetic Beast 'Qiu Qiu' finally disappeared in the mist.

"Woo woo …"

The little guy indicated that he had already absorbed enough energy for this evolution. If he continued to absorb more, he might have problems.

"Lin Nuo, I will be sending 'Qiu Qiu' back soon, do not touch it or summon it for now, it can wait until it has finished evolving." Fei Yu was afraid that this little girl, who was becoming more and more lively, would give his 'Qiu Qiu' a pleasant surprise and advised him in a worried tone. (Although the Ladies was in a different space, the different space was Fei Yu's different space, so it would be easy to transmit a message to him!)

"Big brother Fei Yu, I don't know how to!" Lin Nuo knew that she would soon be able to evolve 'Qiu Qiu'.

"Alright, I'll have to busy myself with the matter of the volcano for a while now." Alright, I'll have to busy myself with the matter of the volcano for a while now. Fei Yu's words were directed towards the Ladies.

"Got it, don't worry." The Ladies s all answered.


After the call ended, Fei Yu kept Qiu Qiu in a alternate dimension and returned to the side of the 'ice mountain' in a flash.

As the five Emperor s saw Fei Yu enter the volcano in an unimaginable way, they all fell into silence, deep in thought.

"Hmm?" Si Liya discovered that the temperature of the volcano had decreased, the melting speed of the ice mountain had slowed down, it even showed signs of stopping. "Is it really that strong?"

"Who is that Fei Yu person? How did you find him? "Can you trust me?" Seeing such a heteromorphism, Ze Lufa (Divine Emperor) asked the Poseidon beside him with an ugly expression!

"I only know that he appeared in the Devil Realm Continent, maybe because he accidentally leaked his tyrannical aura when he was breaking through the bottleneck of the Cultivation Level. At that time, I was not far away from the ocean, so I detected this tyrannical aura, which was why I discovered him. Furthermore, if no one is willing to help, then even the few of us will not be able to suppress the volcano for a long time. Even if there is something wrong with this Fei Yu, it would only advance the volcano's eruption by a few months. " Si Liya was a little disgusted with Ze Lufa's actions, but she focused on the big picture as she explained.

"Appears in Demon World? How could a Homo sapiens like him appear in Demon World? " Analiese asked, surprised.

"I am afraid that this is related to the military operations of the Demon World. From my observation, the Demon World is probably planning to invade the Demon Martial Continent at a large scale."

"What?" Is the Demon World invading the continent again? " Mosha (Dragon King) thunderous voice rang out.

"I'm afraid so." Poseidon looked at Demon Emperor and said.

"In that case, even if the volcano stopped erupting, a catastrophe would still occur!" The Elf King sighed.

"What level has Fei Yu's strength reached?" Since he came to the Demon World when the Demons was about to invade the continent on a large scale, he did not need to ask to know that it was definitely because of the war.

"I can't see through them, but at least they're not inferior to any of us."

"Hmm?" Moshka's spirit shook.

"AHH!" Crystal Green (Elf Emperor) let out a light "Ah," with a hint of surprise.

"En!" Analiese's voice was slightly heavy.

"Humph!" Ze Lufa's voice carried a certain amount of doubt and contempt, and also some unhappiness.

"Alright, no matter who he is, remember that the purpose of inviting him here is to help solve the volcano's problem, and not to ask us (to look at the other four people, especially Ze Lufa, for a moment) to do some small things."

After Si Liya finished speaking, a few people fell into a stifling silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

A shadow flashed, and Fei Yu appeared beside the few of them. Luckily, Fei Yu did not appear close to them, if not, the strong warriors would instinctively fight with each other, causing them to be extremely shocked.

Only until they saw Fei Yu's figure appear in front of them did they notice Fei Yu's existence. That could only mean one thing, Fei Yu's Cultivation Level should be at least stronger than them, and as for how much stronger he was, it was something that their abilities could not see through.

"Because my business has kept you waiting." Fei Yu said politely to the few of them.

"Not at all, thank you sir for letting us rest for a little longer!" Ze Lufa said hypocritically.

"Shall we start now?"


"Alright then, feel free to instruct me." Fei Yu was not familiar with volcanoes, so he could not really talk about plans, and could only contribute his strength.

"Well, please take care, sir. Dragon King, Elf Emperor, Demon Emperor, and Divine Emperor, please continue to use your freezing magic.

"Understood." , who knew that he was far from being like a volcano that had lived for thousands of years, happily responded with a few people.

"In a moment, I will make a hole in this rock layer and then, under circumstances that I can control, let the magma flow out to slowly release the volcano's power. However, if a hole appears in the rock layer, the pressure around the hole will greatly increase and it will be extremely easy for the volcano to erupt. At that time, I would like to ask Mister to do your best to prevent the hole from continuing to expand in order to prevent the situation from deteriorating."

"Oh, I see." Fei Yu still understood this point, previously he had encountered a break in the dike dam, the seemingly unbreakable dam, as long as there was a small crack, the dam would quickly collapse from the point of the crack.

"That's good. We can start right away, there's no time to lose."


The first were the four Emperor s next to Si Liya and Si Liya. No matter who it was, at this moment, they showed a noble side, doing their best to display the freezing magic.

"Alright, let's start as well!" Si Liya said.

"Alright." Fei Yu replied.

Si Liya came to the center of the Ice block, and carefully made an ice hole of nearly a meter in diameter on top of the Ice block, then indicated to Fei Yu.

Fei Yu nodded his head to indicate that he was ready, he could make his move anytime.


Although she was extremely familiar with volcanoes, Si Liya still underestimated their power. She had just carefully removed a small layer of lava on the layer, and the fiery lava immediately broke through this weak point.

Following that, a huge amount of fiery red lava was sprayed out. When the burning hot lava touched the ice-cold sea water, it responded violently while screaming and spitting out endless bubbles, blocking their vision and turning into splashes of water.

"Crap." Si Liya cursed.

"Give me — stop!" Just as the lava shot out of the rocks, Fei Yu discovered that Si Liya's expression changed slightly. Fei Yu knew that something unexpected had happened. Although it was a bit strenuous, it still stabilized. It was possible to forcefully suppress the expansion of the cave with the help of the profound Cultivation Level.

Although he was surprised by the power of the lava, he was still controlling it. The most important thing to do now was to control the flow of the magma and slowly release the power of the volcano, until the hidden danger of the volcano could be completely removed.

, Elf Emperor, Demon Emperor, and Divine Emperor immediately used their freezing magic to cool the lava down, turning it into rocks and piled them up on the seabed.

Just like this, the magma continued to gush out, and Si Liya continued to split the gushing magma while Moshka, Crystal Green, Ze Lufa, and Anna Lis continued to condense the magma into rocks. Fei Yu ensured that the exit of the magma didn't continue to expand, and thus, a rocky platform slowly appeared at the bottom of the sea. As the magma continued to gush out from the platform, it continued to rise, increase, and increase, gradually approaching the surface of the sea.

Three meters …

Two meters …

One meter.



Finally, the stone table that was formed from the cooling magma surpassed the surface of the sea, and the stone table that was above the surface did not stop growing, slowly growing taller, until they were over a hundred meters above the surface of the sea, and formed a shield-like stone mountain. At this time, the volcano had almost used up all of its energy, and the magma also stopped gushing out, as a result, under Si Liya's orders, the few of them worked even harder, and finally, after working hard to completely solve the problem of the volcano, they did not have to worry about it for a few thousand years.

What? Thousands of years? Is this a joke?

Of course not. For these top experts at the top of the pyramid, although thousands of years couldn't be said to be the blink of an eye, it wouldn't be too long either.

"AHH!" Finally, this damned volcano has become obedient! " He sat down on the mountain to rest.

"Yeah, but I'm exhausted." Ze Lufa continued to speak, imitating Mosha who was sitting on a rock.

The others also followed suit and sat down to rest, not caring about their image or image. Resting was more important.

"It's been hundreds of years. I can finally rest." Si Liya muttered to herself, and then she stared at the ocean without moving a muscle.

"That's right!" It's been a few hundred years, it's been a few hundred years. It's been a few hundred years, it's been a few hundred years, it's been a few hundred years. She raised her head and looked into the distance as if she had just passed through a vast ocean. She saw the dark Elven Forest and the playing elves.

"It's time for me to return to my Dragon Island." Hearing Crystal Green's words, Moshka also scratched his head thoughtfully.

Ze Lufa and Ana'lis became silent. That was right, hundreds of years ago, the invasion of the Demon Martial Continent had failed without their leadership, maybe it was because their strength was greatly damaged. But now, they had regained their freedom, should they continue? It was as if this Homo sapiens's Fei Yu's performance was stronger than anyone here.

Just like this, everyone fell into deep thought as they felt deep emotions, contemplation, and doubt.

After resting for a while, everyone was able to recover some of their physical strength.

"Alright, now that the matter of the volcano has been dealt with, let's talk about how to settle the matter of god race and the invasion of Demon Martial Continent. After all, Demon Martial Continent is my homeland. Fei Yu said to the four people who were beside Si Liya. With the existence of these four Emperor s, it should be enough to solve this problem.

"god race, Demons will not stand idly by the side and watch when they invade our Demon Martial Continent." Dragon King Mooska bellowed.

"Humph, you are always salivating over the continent's wealth, and yet you are destroying the entire continent in a manner that is unforgivable." Although they did not want to kill the elves, Elven Emperor Crystal Green's words already carried a trace of killing intent.

"I still don't know what's going on. I'll have to wait until I survive in the clan to understand the situation." The Divine Emperor said.

"No matter what, I will give you one month. I want to see the continent return to its tranquility, and god race must return to her own place, otherwise I will directly participate, so you all must consider carefully." Threats, naked threats. Fei Yu did not want to waste any more time on this matter, so he chose the most barbaric but effective method.

Directly participate? I wonder what will happen when Dragon King and Fei Yu join hands to fight against Divine Emperor, and which side will Poseidon fall to?

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