"Reporting! Lord Mirror's plan has been successful. He is currently leading the Qingming fleet over here. I estimate that they will appear here in three hours …"

With the sound of the smart phone, the group of people who were idle finally came to life.

"Haha, I'm finally here, I can finally show off my skills, Lin Ge, can I lead the warships?"

He was just a war maniac, even Ya Qi was eager to give it a try.

No, no...

Lin Ge waved his hand.

"We have to use the least amount of energy to attack the enemy. If we force them into a corner, it will be a huge loss for us. It's not worth it."

Family Wu was filled with admiration. How could these people's brains possibly take into account so many problems?

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Ge laughed, he had always liked to laugh, although he was a robot, but his charm was definitely strong.

"Morale is the most important thing. As long as the other party doesn't have morale, they will cooperate a bit. They will be like dogs that have lost their homes, and they will be at our mercy. We will do this …"

Arrange a meeting with the mirror for a while, and everyone will move on.

"Catch up to them and they will consume a lot of energy. We will definitely succeed!"

Commander Qingming shouted crazily. He was so angry that his lungs were about to burst.

"You're going too far!" Is there a mistake?! "I'm addicted to chasing. I'll play with you guys after I get some rest. What are you guys chasing for?"

The mirror was still agitated. The constant talking made Qing Ming and the others extremely angry.

Commander Qingming also stopped talking with him. He became silent and commanded the fleet to chase with all they had. Unfortunately, the mirror's battleship's performance was good, so it wasn't easy to chase after. However, the energy shield's light was slowly dimming. They believed that it could destroy the enemy.

Both sides chased each other and soon reached the purple-gray sea of stars.

A sudden change occurred.

Clinton rushed out with 200 starships and a large number of starships, smashing right into Qingming's face.

"Young Lord, we're here to support you. The captain of the 3rd fleet 5th Regiment of the vanguard division, Clinton, wants to question the young Lord —"

These words were shouted through the electromagnetic horn, so that the entire starry sky could hear them clearly …

Qingming's group was immediately alarmed and frightened. Just where did these people come from? They seemed to be quite extraordinary!

"F * ck! Why are there only these few people? Where is the main force?"

Mirror knew what was going on and started cursing loudly.

"Um, there are too many warships, the transfer array can't operate. It should be crowded, it should be here soon …"

We have a lot of people, and we've blocked it.


"Retreat!" Qingming's side was frightened, and shouted loudly as they retreated.

Turning his head, Qingming's forces immediately began to flee, waiting for the enemy forces to arrive before they were finished.

"Trying to run is not that easy. "Get on!"

Mirror heroically yelled and led the fleet to chase Qing Ming.

After running for a while, the Qingming fleet had suffered heavy losses. Many low-level battleships had fallen to the right spot and were scattered in all directions.

However, halfway through, a shocking scene appeared on the left side of the star field.

A huge battleship flew out with the wind. Looking at its size, it was almost at the size of a large planet. It was really a taboo warship.

At the same time, countless battleships rushed out of the star cluster. All of them appeared from the galaxies, plus many starships, sky battleships and so on, it made Commander Qingming's heart jump in fright.

Actually, from the back, there weren't many battleships, but with the cover of the starry sky and the big guys, they were all lined up in a straight line and looked like a super army.

You dare to chase after our Young Lord? You don't want to stay here anymore … AHH!

Ya Qi's voice was definitely crude enough, the loud shout caused Commander Qingming's mind to go into a mess, it was simply asking for death.

"Go back as fast as you can!"

There was no other way. If the Qingming fleet wanted to return to their base, they should be able to block it with their defensive arrays.

Just then, from the direction of the ship, a fleet appeared. It was Family Wu's fleet.

"Young master, we've already annihilated the Qingming fleet. The general has sent me to inform you all, and I've caught some fish that slipped through the net on the way …"

As expected, in the fleet, many of Qingming's warships were captured under the light of the shackles.

"Let's contact each other. What's going on?"

Commander Qingming was on the verge of collapse. He was on the verge of going crazy, and everything that had happened was hard for him to accept.

"Reporting. Unable to contact them. It seems like the information channel has been cut off."

However, the communication had no effect. Commander Qingming had lost his confidence and had no chance.

"Sigh, those of you who are willing to surrender, quickly surrender! "We will give preferential treatment to the captives. Hurry, don't miss the opportunity. In half an hour, we will launch a total attack …"

"Huhuhu ~ ~"

Immediately, over half of the fleet surrendered. With such a large gap, how could they fight …

The only option left was to surrender, as long as there was no other way out.

Soon, Commander Qingming only had less than a thousand battleships left. These were the most loyal ones.


A gunshot came from the flagship.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang ~ ~ ~"

The gunshots continued.

"We surrender, we surrender, don't attack …"

By the time the gunfire ended, the rest of the battleships had surrendered.

Family Wu and the others boarded the ship. A lot of people had died, most of them probably from the silver bullets.

"They've all committed suicide, and now I'm the biggest commander here."

A young man with a crew cut looked at the crowd fearfully, looking like he had no temper.

"Who are you? They've all committed suicide, so why don't you do it -- "

After a moment of silence, the mirror asked the youth.

"My name is Dika, and I'm one of the three giants of the Qing Dynasty. The commander and the other two giants are already dead, and I'm the highest leader now. I'm still not willing to die …"

"Go back and help us persuade him. Then, give us all the relevant information."

The mirror interrupted Dika's words. He understood everything.

Dika was confused. Persuade him to surrender? Persuade what?

He understood what had happened after that. The base hadn't been destroyed or even attacked. However, the information had been interrupted by the two secret warships.

Although she regretted it, she had no other choice and obediently followed the instructions of the mirror.

The commander was already dead, and the team had been subdued. The process of Qingming's acceptance went smoothly.

"What should we do with him? Should we kill him?"

After everything was settled, Collin looked at Dica in disdain. He wanted to kill her.

Mirror shook his head and let go of Dika. He let him go and gave him an order. Those who were willing to stay, those who wanted to leave, they could leave freely. They also gave away a sum of money. The strong and twisted melon definitely didn't have a sweet taste when it was blown.

As soon as this order was given, the people from the Firmament immediately burst into an uproar. The new ruler was really a good person!

The result of this was that no one left. Where would they find such a good commander? Having both the ability and strength, of course he had to stay. Dika also wanted to stay, but she was chased away, so she didn't waste any time.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa …

"Admirable — — Lin Ge, Mirror, you are all amazing —"

Family Wu applauded and praised them from the bottom of his heart. These people's abilities in handling matters were definitely worthy of his admiration and study.

"Hehe, you're too kind …"

"Haha, of course —"

Lin Ge was very modest.

Family Wu looked at these two, and thought that one day, I will be even more outstanding than you two.

"Stop praising, if you keep praising then the heavens will descend. Our power has already reached a certain scale, let's give it a name!" "How can you go out and play without a famous name?"

Ya Qi interrupted their conversation. Since they already had their own territory and it was big enough, they had to come up with a good name.

"I've already thought about it. It's called 'Putting on airs'. It sounds like 'putting on airs' -- Handsome..."

The moment he heard this, Collin was immediately excited, and he spoke out the name that came to his mind.

"Pah …"

Ya Qi kicked him to the ground.

"Lafite, you're not too far off. Do you have such a name? "You're a professional comedian, aren't you? Even Lamian sounds better than you think."

Everyone was speechless. These two treasures …

"Then let's call it a new faction, I'm optimistic about this name …"

Tesmi also stood out, the new gang's name was used smoothly, low profile and loud.

"What's new!" This name was not good, and it could change its name as well. There were powers nearby with this name. Lin Ge, I know you are very smart, but what do you think your name is? "

He felt that it was inappropriate for the new power to disagree, but he could not think of a better name for now, so he let Lin Ge think about it.

"Mm, this …"

Lin Ge thought for a while and looked at Family Wu.

"What do you think? I'm not very good at this."

Family Wu thought.

"I thought of a plant, a lotus flower, with beautiful flowers and an alluring fragrance. A good ornamental plant, but only to be seen from afar and not to be played with. "There are dark thorns in the body, and they are extremely sharp. If they are stimulated, they will break out of the body. I have read about them in the books. What do you think about this name?"

"Ember … Ember …"

Everyone whispered.

"Not bad, very good. A kind and domineering aura, a domineering aura, not bad, very good …"

He liked the name of the dragon.

Lin Ge also nodded.

"It represents both your diplomatic attitude and your arrogance. Family Wu, you are really smart..."

Family Wu, how can you be so embarrassed!

"What's the meaning of having a dragon's glow? If its name is louder than others, why not call it a hooligan? The whole world knows about it …"

Collin Kun, on the other hand, didn't feel good. He liked to sound loud and clear.

"Pa ~ ~"

Ya Qi kicked him again.

"What do you know about things without culture? "Brawler, if you want to be a Brawler, then go and be one. What are you fooling around with …"

The name had already been established, and the name of Family Wu's faction was Wu Guang.

The area of the lotus, a large galaxy, together with four small galaxies, there were more than 700 planets. The administration planet had 42 departments, the rest were mineral planets, they were definitely rich in mineral resources.

The fleet was still called Xiongba, and their numbers had increased by ten times, and their strength had nearly doubled. The destructive power of taboo warships was too great, and they generally wouldn't fight. The impact was too great, so their combat power couldn't be considered as great. However, it could be said that their combat power had increased tremendously.

The military power would be jointly controlled by Family Wu, the three sword artists and Lin Ge. As for the internal affairs, such as logistics, energy mining, and major and minor affairs, they all fell to Hill.

Hicillin, a coward, but his ability in this area is absolutely awesome, which is generally accepted.

For this reason, Mirror had not killed him. Previously, he had not been highly regarded by the people in the camp, so he was neither highly valued nor very well-known. However, Mirror's intelligence work was very good.

The next step was to continue expanding. Mirror's first step was to establish a stable territory as a base. Now, however, it was about to be completed.

That was to flatten all the galaxies here, and with the strength of Miao Ming, he could do it.

"From now on, the light will be on the right track."

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