Slowly landing on the ground, Family Wu thought back to the feeling just now. That feeling was very strange, very powerful, very good.

After a long while, Family Wu finally regained his senses and realized that the ground was filled with people kneeling on it. Qian Shanshan and the rest were all pushed to who knows where.

"Congratulations to the God's priest for obtaining the God's power. May the God's priest become stronger and stronger."

The believers shouted in unison. This power intimidated them.

Shaking his hands coquettishly, Family Wu suddenly had a burst of suspicions in his heart.

"Since you are the followers of the God Qi An, then the strength of the God Qi An is that strong. I didn't leave you any kind of cultivation technique. In my opinion, you're all ordinary people! "

"Sigh …"

Kassa sighed. "The teachings left behind by the Gods have long since been broken. A long time ago, there were many powerful existences in the Holy See that were like the clouds and rain. However, in the end it has declined. In addition to the influence of technology, there are no longer such people in the Holy See. "

Dieter: "We've been waiting for God to come back, and there's been no news. You have received the gift of God, so you should use the power of God to lead us to rise. As a Divine Priest, you have the duty to bring us on and proclaim the majesty of the Gods. Now, many religions are oppressing us. "

Family Wu was so troublesome.

"Of course, since I'm a Divine Priest, I naturally have the duty to do all of this. But first, I need to do some personal matters before I can be at ease. "

Agree first, and then we'll see. What I'm interested in is your strength, not some emissary.

Maze: "Lord Divine Priest, are you going to leave right after taking this position? This will have a very bad effect on your consolidation, and you should stay -- "

This man seemed reluctant to part with it as he tried his best to persuade it to stay.

Family Wu? So fond of me.

"I really have something very important to do. If I don't do it well, I won't be able to manage it peacefully. "There's no need to keep him, he'll be back when I finish my business."

"Priest, you must not leave. "If you want to leave, you need to properly clean up. Those two always rely on their own strength to bully me. You have to manage them …"

Family Wu --

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. This reality is useful everywhere, even in religion.

"Is that so? Kassa, Ditt, why are you guys so outrageous? "

Since it was the Godly Worshipper, there was no harm in pretending to be forceful. Family Wu became serious and started to teach Kassa and Dieter a lesson.

Kassa -- Oh, it's Dieter who bullies you, okay.

DITT. How dare you complain to me and kill you.

"How could that be? Didn't the church need a certain level of strength to maintain its stability? The fleet's battle power needs to be trained, we just need to train a little more often. "

Family Wu was sick of these things, it was too troublesome to manage.

"I'm not interested in these things, and I'm not in the mood to deal with so many things. What are you guys doing every day, busying yourselves with these things?"

"You don't care who cares! Now that you are a Divine Priest, of course you have to care about this. The three of us used to run it alone, but it was all right. Now that you're the only pillar of support, if you don't mind, the Will Alliance will be in chaos. "

If the God Priest did not do anything, the situation would become even more chaotic than before.

He originally thought that he could control the power of the entire Will Alliance by becoming a Divine Priest, and that it would be fine for him to return home. Family Wu never thought that there would be so many trivial things that left him depressed.

"Then tell me, what exactly do I need to do? As for the bullying between you two, don't bother me. I'm really too tired to keep up my spirits."

Sacrifice has two functions, one is to represent the believers of the gods to worship the god they believe in, and the other is to communicate the intermediary of thought. Second, as a spirit of the gods, the highest spiritual leader and guide of the organizations. It would be hard for him to let Family Wu take the position. He was not a believer of God Qi An s in the first place, and he did not know much about the knowledge either.

Kassa: "It's not something I can do with just a few words. You can read the sacrificial manual. The first thing we should do now is to hold a ceremony to let all the believers know that you are the God's priest. "

"Alright! You can arrange it! First, take out the God's Sacrificial Manual.

After saying that, the anxious Family Wu went to find Qian Shanshan and the others, and returned to her room. From then on, she had to relax her chaotic mental state and understand what she had to do and how much power she had to wield as a Divine Priest.

After Family Wu left, Kesha started thinking. Dirk's attitude completely changed. He stood respectfully by Maze's side, not even daring to make a sound.

Dieter: "Priest Kassa, what are you thinking? This emissary is way too unreasonable. Are you really considering making him the supreme leader of the Alliance? And his goal should be to control our alliance and achieve the goal that he needs, so it's not too safe. "

Kassa shook his head.

"You also saw that the miracle appeared on him twice. He has gained the power of the god, and we have no right to reject him. This may be God's will, and this man will certainly bring us good development. Let's let him become a Divine Priest first! He has no idea about our specific strength, so if he is truly going overboard, it would not be too late for us to turn hostile at that time. "

"Alright! "Do as you say."

Maze thoughts had also changed quite a bit. There was no image of fawning or being as timid as a mouse. On the other hand, he appeared to be extremely wise and cultured.

"I faint. So the God's Worshipper is such an existence."

After reading the God's Sacrificial Manual, Family Wu had a huge reaction.

A Divine Priest was not only the highest leader of a Divine Sect, but also the head of a country. The power was enormous. It was only right to say one was right and one was right to say two. The other divine servants had no right to resist at all. Only if more than ten high-ranked Priests joined forces to protest would they reject the proposal.

It could be said that the God-worshiping rights were quite great, but at the same time, the God-worshiping had a lot of things to do. The important decisions of the Gods Sect, development and change, the recruitment of believers, expansion of territory, and the sacrifice of the gods — all needed to be arranged.

Qian Shanshan: "Hubby, although becoming a Divine Priest has a lot of power, there are too many things you have to do that are too troublesome. If you really became one, then I guess I might as well just keep you busy for a day. "

"Shan Shan, you are wrong. How can you give up such a good opportunity when you are afraid of trouble?" There's no such thing as a free lunch. If you don't pay for it, how will you get anything in return? "

Tesmi disapproved of Qian Shanshan's words and said to Family Wu: "Family Wu, you can't abandon such a good opportunity. According to what you said, you don't even know who your enemy is, and the other party's power is very strong and mysterious. With this power, things will become much easier. We absolutely cannot give up. "


Leading the way, Family Wu expressed that he thought the same.

"I have never thought of giving up. Since I want to control such a large alliance, it will definitely not be an easy task." What I am worried about is that I understand too little about the Alliance and the God Qi An Church.

"What are you afraid of? Since you have obtained the power of the God Qi An, you have the qualifications to be the believer that controls it. As long as we do it seriously, there's nothing that we can't do. "

Tesmi encouraged Family Wu, as he was also very interested in this alliance.


Family Wu heroically responded as he continued to study the God's Worshipper's Manual in his hands.

The location for a Divine Priest to ascend to the next level was in the shallow end, and they had heard that a Divine Priest to ascend to the next level. The God Qi An's followers immediately boiled over. The position of the Divine Priest had been idle for far too long, so this matter caused a huge uproar.

In the shortest amount of time, the believers of various places had all gathered at the shallow corners. The three light-years diameter of the Dusklight Star was incomparably bustling. Everyone wanted to see the revered face of this priest.

Inside the church, Family Wu changed into a gorgeous sacrificial robe, took the scepter, and went to the ceremony site.

The venue for the ceremony was a large open square where ten million of the most loyal believers would participate.

After the ceremony, Family Wu wore a pair of bright silver wings under the guidance of Kasa. This meant that he was the person the God Qi An trusted the most, and was also the messenger that the God Qi An had chosen.

The first step was to pay respects. All the believers first paid their respects to the God Qi An's god statue and the Scepter in Family Wu's hands. This scepter was not a magic treasure, but a symbol of the status of a priest.

Then, it was time for Family Wu to take the oath, and talk more than one. Family Wu had recited it for a long time first. The main meaning was that he was now the God Priest of the God Qi An Sect, and would lead his followers towards a new glory.

After he finished speaking, Family Wu handed over the scepter and the God Qi An Statue in his hand to him.

After all of this was done, many of the white-robed Priests, red-robed Priests, as well as High Priests such as Dirk, as well as those who had contributed greatly to the Church, as well as the ten representatives of the believers, swore an oath. Respecting the new priest, he would always put the interests of the Church first.

The next thing to do was to establish authority. All the criminals in the Alliance who violated the rules of the Gods Sect were dragged down here. Being completely purified by Family Wu using the Heaven Swallowing Art showed his attitude towards people who dared to oppose the teachings.

The ceremony was attended by the heads of state or representatives of more than a hundred countries near the Ville Alliance. Including some of the more powerful countries, they usually stayed close to all of them and did not want to offend them.

At the end of the ceremony, Family Wu stepped onto the stage and swore to all the believers that he would do a good job with the position of Divine Priest. He took off the wings on his back and placed it beside the God Qi An. He sat on the luxurious chair and listened to the prayers of the believers.

The entire ceremony went smoothly, and Family Wu performed very well as well.

After the event was over, it would be time for the gathering. The worshippers with authority and the heads of the neighboring countries would all gather together for a wine and dinner to build a closer relationship.

"Congratulations to the Godly Worshipper of Family Wu for his successful enthronement, the divine power of the offering is indeed powerful. I admire it, and I hope we can continue to have a good relationship in the future. "

The leader of the group was a very friendly person. He was not doing well in this starry sky and was very polite to all his neighbors.

Family Wu already knew how to handle these people. "We are brothers, not born of the same mother, but we are closer than the same mother."

Hypocrite existed everywhere, and Family Wu couldn't do anything about it.

"Priestess, there has always been a conflict between our country and your alliance. At this time, we are willing to give up that galaxy, but please do not continue to expand. "

Another Führer spoke up. Dieter has taken down several galaxies in this country. It seemed that he was cutting off land to seek peace. He couldn't do anything if he couldn't beat the other party!

Family Wu: "Heh heh, you don't have to say that. The doctrine of our church is that all of us live peacefully, how can we continue to expand? In the future, we won't disturb you, so please rest assured. "

Who knew what would happen in the future? "You sent me a galaxy, and I'll accept it. Whether I can beat you or not will depend on my mood."

Just like this, Family Wu hypocritically talked about peaceful coexistence with these leaders, but in reality, all of them were full of evil schemes. This kind of situation made Family Wu feel very tired, but he had no choice but to do this in order to gain control of the Will Alliance.

Although he was now a High Priest, there were still a lot of people who were convinced by him. In name, he wielded the greatest power. However, when compared to Kesha and the others, his words were far less intimidating.

After the gathering ended, Family Wu stayed here for more than ten days. Understanding and handling some of the church's affairs, also a lot of exchanges with the believers.

To return home, Family Wu asked Kasa to leave.

Of course, Kasa didn't agree. You are a Divine Priest, how can you just be a person in charge everyday?

Family Wu said: "I have something very important to do. After I finish doing it, I will return to be a good Divine Priest. Why are you so insistent on stopping me? I'm that important, didn't you guys come here when I wasn't here before? "

"No, it was before. The strength of our alliance has dropped too far. The church of God is in danger at any time. You can't leave, you must take charge of the situation here. "

Ka Sha was very persistent and did not allow Family Wu to leave.


Family Wu was angered: "Are you imprisoning me? Since I'm a Divine Priest, shouldn't you listen to my arrangements? Now that I'm going to stop you with all my might, what do you think I am? Is what you said a lie about respecting me a lie about yourself? "

"About that, about that, Lord Divine Priest, I didn't mean that. Right now, we really need you."

"Hur Hur, can you explain what you need from me?"

Kasa was speechless for a long time. What could this Divine Priest do here? He doesn't seem to know anything!

Feeling a surge of restlessness and bitterness in his heart, Family Wu finally understood. How naive and foolish he was to think of this. So what if he beat up the Godly Worshipper? He could control the Alliance as he wished, and he could do whatever he wanted as soon as he wanted as Godly Worshiper came along. In other people's eyes, you're nothing more than a decoration.

After leaving Kassa, Family Wu returned to his own residence, hurt. What do they take you for?

"Hubby, you're back!" "Well, when do we leave —?"

Seeing that Family Wu had returned, Qian Shanshan became very enthusiastic, as she was not used to living here.

— —

"I don't know. I'm in a dilemma right now."

Tesmi: "Family Wu, what's going on, aren't they letting us leave?"

Nodding bitterly, Family Wu said: "We think too simply, becoming a Divine Priest does not allow one to grasp actual power. on the contrary, it leaves me in a dilemma, so I don't know what to do. "

"So it's like that! "What are your plans? Do you want to stay or leave?"

"How could I stay? What a joke. I haven't even avenged my great vengeance, so what's the use of staying here?" But to give up on such power is indeed a bit unyielding. "

Tesmi: "Since that's the case, we should discuss this with Kassa. "Let's see if we can leave and come back in the future to control this place. After all, controlling such a large force is not an easy matter."

"Sigh …"

With a sigh, Family Wu went back to his room to sleep.

— —

The next day, just as Family Wu finished his breakfast and was thinking about how to settle the matters, Kassa and Dieter came over.

"Lord Divine Priest, are you sure you have to leave?"

Why are they asking this? What do they want? Family Wu was puzzled.

"That's right, I have to leave. I don't have the mind to manage the Church right now."

Kassa: "Since Lord Divine Priest insisted on leaving, we shouldn't try to stop him too much. "I just hope that Lord Divine Priest will not forget us. If Lord needs anything, just say it. We will definitely try our best to do it well."

— —

Family Wu was overjoyed. Such a good thing. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

"Is that so? "Then I want a few S-class battleships, and a few S-class mechs …"

The moment he asked for these things, he treated them like vegetables!

After some discussion, Kassa provided Family Wu with an S Rank Battleship, which was the Star Battleship he rode on last time, the deerstalker. Three S-rank mechs – Blood Chen, Blood Devour, and Swallowing Cloud were all powerful weapons.

Other than that, Kesha provided Family Wu with a fleet and a team composition. It included 10,000 B-class warships, complete mechs, and a missile system. It was named as the 'Protector Squad' of the God's Priestess.

This made Family Wu extremely happy. He had gained a lot, and in an instant, Family Wu had a good impression of Kassa. He blurted out, "Thank you. I will definitely return and properly fulfill my responsibilities after I finish this task."

Kasa only smiled, but his heart was bleeding!

"It's for the best if Lord Divine Priest thinks so. In addition, I have a request."

"Oh, what request?"

"Among our church, is it possible for the youngest and most beautiful Priest Miss Meng Yaner to go with you?"

Family Wu? The youngest? The most beautiful? Sacrifice? Peer?

"Great!" "Where is it?"

Kasa ordered his followers to bring Meng Yaner over. Meng Yaner was indeed beautiful. How to describe it? In any case, Qian Shanshan directly held onto Family Wu's arm, not wanting to let go. She was very, very nervous.

Meng Yaner was a person who did not like to talk. After being introduced, she shouted loudly and then fell silent.

— —

Two days later, Family Wu led his new troop and set out on the road again.

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