"Of course I can't enter. There's a special spatial energy outside the Wu Valley, do you think you can directly enter! Let me tell you, even an expert at the pinnacle of breaking through isn't necessarily able to break this spatial energy. "

Ou Nizi yawned, it took a lot of effort for him to speak.

Family Wu -- and there's still this matter. This Wu Valley, as a broken element, is not something that can be combined with nature, no matter what, Chong, Heaven Devouring, Soul Melody, Li Ming, Heart's Blade, and the Golden Blade -- I have plenty of hidden cards.

Through Ou Nizi's guidance, Family Wu arrived at the Wu Valley's entrance — a green planet. The entrance to the Wu Valley was right here.

There was a tall building floating on the planet. Family Wu came to the top of the building. There was only one old man inside, and it was very withered.

"If you want to enter the Wu Valley, you must prove that you are qualified."

Directly, the old man said.

It wasn't unexpected for Family Wu to know about this process from Ou Nizi's teachings.

"Eight Steps Against the Dragon!"

With that step, Family Wu disappeared. In the next moment, he reappeared above the old man's head and fiercely kicked down.


A shocking scene appeared. The old man extended his hand, casually grabbed, and with no effort at all, Family Wu's leg was firmly grabbed.

"Let's go!"

The old man shouted, causing Family Wu to be thrown far away.

"Two more chances."

Family Wu —

"Old Mr. Ou Nizi, this old man is so abnormal, are we really going to defeat him?"

"That's right, he has to be defeated. His wife doesn't need to be defeated, but she has to be endured."

Ou Nizi replied lazily. You can do it!

Family Wu was depressed, he said it so easily, but after thinking about it, since Ou Nizi was so calm, then he should be able to succeed.

"Ninth Sword of Heaven's End!"

Letting out his ultimate move, Family Wu slashed towards the old man.


The old man waved his hand, causing Family Wu and the Sword Qi to stop moving.

"Boom …"

Flames burst out of the old man's hand, along with explosions. The old man was on the verge of throwing a punch at Zhang Xuan.

Family Wu — F * ck, how could he fight like this? He was like a god.

"Soul Heart's Blade …"

Suddenly remembering that he still had that one move, Family Wu immediately threw out the Heart's Blade s. This kind of dual attack should work, right?

swish *

The Soul Heart's Blade's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already greeted the old man.

"Swish …"

Family Wu felt that he had regained his freedom, the Heaven's End Sword Qi also recovered its movement, as it struck the old man.

"Boom! Boom!"

After the sound of the explosion and the smoke, the old man revealed himself. Nothing had happened.


Family Wu was surprised. Damn. If you push me too far, I'll kill you in one move with the safety of my Ninth Sword of Heaven's End and my golden blade.

"You don't need to attack, you've passed."

I didn't expect the old man to let me in.

"Go to the entrance! The entrance is the roof, and if you pass my wife's test, you will be able to enter the Wu Valley. "

"Thank you!"

After happily thanking him, Family Wu happily went upstairs.

After Family Wu left, the old man covered his chest and screamed.

"It hurts, this kid is too vicious."


A bracelet on his wrist lit up and scattered light in all directions.

"Old granny, fuck that brat to death. Damn it, he almost tore my old bones apart. Is it easy to pass the test in one day?

Family Wu went up to the roof, but there was no one there. The old man's wife was not there?

"This is …"

Suddenly, Family Wu discovered something shining in front of him. He went around to take a look and saw a large mirror. However, the surface of the mirror was black and couldn't be seen. Moreover, there were black ripples flashing on it.

"What kind of mirror is this? It looks really weird …"

Reaching out his hand, Family Wu touched the mirror curiously.

"Brat, what are you fumbling for?" The old woman isn't a young girl, so why the f * ck are you touching her? "

Suddenly, every old woman's voice sounded.

Family Wu?


It was actually Mirror speaking, Family Wu was so scared that his heart jumped.

"My name is Grandma Mirror, I don't like to change into a human form. My test is divided into two tests, the first is written by the other, do you want to change the order?"


Family Wu took a few deep breaths and patted his chest.

"There's no need for that. It's good to write first and then practice martial arts!" You can begin! "


The woman in the mirror jumped up and down a few times. He should be nodding! Looking at them, Family Wu's eyes stared straight ahead.

Grandma Mirror: "Okay, first, I'll say a bunch of words, and you have to make up a story in ten minutes, including all the words I say. "Hmm, it also requires a certain level of philosophy. It sounds reasonable and needs to be followed. In order to test a good standard, it will be done twice. Is there a problem?"

"Hahahaha …"

Family Wu laughed, I like to play this game the most, it's simple and easy.

"No problem, you do it!"

"Uh, he seems quite confident!"

Jing Nanny was surprised. This brat was very confident …

"Happiness, poet, young, handsome, talented, rich, taking away, property, wife, life. Angels, disfigurement, kindness, zeal, help -- "

Family Wu – It's so complicated, but it's not difficult for me.

A minute passed.

Grandma Jing: "Hurry up!"

Three minutes passed.

Grandma Jing: "Are you done yet?"

Eight minutes.

Grandma Jing: "Do you want to give up?"

Finally, there were only ten seconds left.

Family Wu shouted. Start, listen carefully.

What Is Happiness

Satisfaction when needed is a kind of happiness!

There was a man who was kind and helpful, and after his death he ascended to heaven and became an angel. After he became an angel, he still often came to the mortal world to help people, hoping to feel the taste of happiness.

One day, he met a farmer who looked very upset. He said to the angel, "My buffalo has just died. Without it to help plow the fields, how can I go to the fields to do my homework?" So the angel gave him a strong buffalo, and the farmer was glad, and the angel felt the taste of happiness in him. Another day, he met a man, the man was very depressed, he said to the angel: "My money was cheated, did not return to the village."

So the angel gave him silver for the fare, the man was happy, the angel felt the taste of happiness in him.

Another day he met a poet, a young man, handsome, talented and rich, a beautiful and gentle wife, but he did not have a happy life.

And the angel said unto him, Are you not happy? Can I help you? "

The poet said to the angel, "I have nothing but one thing. Can you give it to me?"

The angel replied, "Yes. I can give you whatever you want. "

The poet looked straight at the angel. "I want happiness."

The angel thought for a moment, then said: "I see."

and take what the poet has.

The angel takes away the poet's talent, destroys his looks, takes away his property, and his wife's life.

After the angel had done all this, he left.

A month later, the angel returned to the poet,

He was half dead with hunger, and he was lying on the ground in rags.

So the angel gave him back everything he had.

Then he left again.

Half a month later, the angel went to see the poet again.

This time, the poet put his arm around his wife and thanked the angel.

Because he was blessed.

Did you ever feel lonely? Have you ever tasted happiness? Lonely and resplendent were the adjectives, and all the adjectives were compared. He had never experienced loneliness before, so how could he know what was a bright life? Wasn't loneliness a necessity in life?

Humans are very strange, they only know how to treasure when they have to lose something. In fact, you're lucky to have it right in front of you. When you are hungry, there is a bowl of hot ramen noodles in front of your eyes. When you are half dead from exhaustion, it is also a blessing to fall on a soft bed. When she was crying like crazy, she gently handed over a tissue, which made her even happier.

Happiness originally has no absolute definition, ordinary small things can often shake your heart, happiness or not, only care about how your heart view.

"What do you think!"

Family Wu finished all of them in one breath, haha, this is nothing.

Mirror Nanny — Is it that exaggerated? So abnormal, this is hard to find!

"Number two, listen carefully."

"Heavy, fatigued, restrained, posture, strong support, smooth, warm-hearted, easy going, celebrity."

Family Wu — It was a mess, and covered a large area.


Grandma Jing: "What are you doing?"

Family Wu --

"I need to pee."

"No, answer the question first. No, tell the story first."

If Grandma Jing didn't want to do it, how could she?

Family Wu revealed an uncomfortable expression.

"Jing Nu, I know how you are. You are kind-hearted. Just let me settle this!"

"Alright then!" Come on, you haven't told me my story. "

Mirror Nanny compromised, thus Family Wu hopped up and down and left.

Two hours later, Family Wu returned.

"Don't worry, I'll tell your story in ten minutes."

"Hehe, young man, don't be too arrogant. Ten minutes are too short. I don't think you can make it up."

I don't believe you're that good.

"Heh heh."

Family Wu laughed sinisterly. You idiot, have I been peeing for two hours?

"To think that you're looking down on me. If I were to tell you within ten minutes, you won't need to take the next test!"

Grandma Jing: "That won't do. It's the rule, but if you can really tell the story quickly, I can give you some water."

"Okay, listen well."

Family Wu clapped his hands and the story began.

That day, I dragged the heavy cart wearily to the foot of the mountain. Looking at the long stretch of road in front of me, I stopped. He thought that he wouldn't be able to pull her up by himself today. He would definitely need someone to help him, so he coincidentally found a warm passerby. He saw my dilemma and said, "It's okay, I'll help you." As he said that, he rolled up his sleeves and pulled up the posture of a cart. So I gritted my teeth and pulled hard. With the cheering of "Come on, come on", we finally pulled the car to the top of the hill. When I thanked him for his help, he said, "You don't have to thank me. I've been sprained at the waist these two days, and I can't use any strength at all. I was just shouting 'Come on'. The reason why you were able to pull this train up is all because of you. "

The same is not true of the road of life, when a celebrity once said: "The easy way down is downhill." The road of life is not a straight road, not easy to move forward. Many times, it is precisely because we give up the effort that we have lost the opportunity to succeed. As a result, he had been forced to give up halfway and return empty-handed.



Family Wu: "That's right, it's over. You have used all the words you said, and it's even more philosophical right?"

Mirror Nanny: "But you use the first person! Were you the one who fabricated this story? "


Family Wu revealed a look of disdain.

"You can't make up a story in the first person? And you've already done what you wanted. This story has crippled a lot of my brain cells! If you go back on your word, then you're a bastard. "

"You bastard, since when did my Mirror Nanny brush her shamelessness?"

Mirror grumbled, actually doubting my morals.

"You have already passed the first trial. Next, you will have to bear three of my attacks."

"Wait a minute, you said you had to go easy on him. Three times is too much, at most once, and you can't use your full strength."

Family Wu was afraid that he would be harmed, hence he asked for a sky-high price.

Mirror Nanny: "Sure! However, using 99% of my strength shouldn't be a problem, right? I won't use my full strength, and only once. "

Family Wu — passed out.

"Take this …"

The woman in the mirror roared and began to attack.

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