Zhou Lisu opened his eyes, his expression was as calm as water.

The driver looked at Zhou Lisu, who was in the back seat, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Miss Zhou, the car seems to have broken down, so I have to trouble you to get out of the car and take other means of transportation." "

See this.

Zhou Lisu could only pick up his backpack and get out of the car directly, looking at the four tires that were flat, and raised his eyebrows.

Why does this Nangong Lingcage's car always have a flat tire?

Could it be a second-hand car I bought?"

Miss Zhou, there is a station in front, you can go over and take the bus, I'm very sorry. The driver said apologetically to her again.


Zhou Lisu didn't embarrass him anymore, and walked to the bus stop not far ahead.

Glancing at my watch, it was already half past three in the afternoon, and there was still some way to town, so I should have arrived before dark.

"Miss Zhou, you forgot to take your clothes. The driver chased after him with a coat and handed the coat to Zhou Lisu.

Zhou Lisu looked at the strange coat and said lightly: "It's not mine." "

This is my young lady's explanation, the temperature difference in the countryside is too big at night, so this dress is for you." The driver explained what he meant.


Zhou Lisu took the coat, threw it on his shoulders and hung it, turned around and left.

The driver turned back and explained.


Bus stops.

Find the bus to the town of Happiness.

Zhou Lisu directly scanned the code and got into the car, sat in the last row, sleepy, took out a black cap from his backpack, and stuffed his coat inside.

The black cap is placed on his head, and he sleeps with his eyes closed.

Passengers boarded the bus one after another, and a few minutes later, the bus drove out of the station and moved forward.


A bus moves slowly, full of passengers.

"Don't you see I'm a pregnant woman?" a

mocking voice sounded in the quiet bus, which was particularly distinct.

Hearing the sound, everyone immediately looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Xie Lezi, who was sitting next to the pregnant woman, looked up at her slowly, and said expressionlessly: "It's not mine!"

The simple four words immediately annoyed the pregnant woman, and said angrily: "Why are you like this? I'm pregnant, shouldn't you give up your seat?"

As this sentence fell, the other passengers spoke out against this young man.

"Hey, why are you like this, a young man, don't you see that she is a pregnant woman?"

"Hurry up and give up your seat to this expectant mother, there is no love at all, the young man nowadays hehe......

" "That is, he looks like a human being, and he doesn't know how to do things with virtue at all."

"Why are young people like this now? It's not like when we were young, we really read and read ......

waste" "He is him, we are not uncaring people like him, don't put one person's quality into everything." One of them, also in her twenties, whispered.

He even took out his mobile phone to film this scene and put it on the Internet.

"Young man, why do you still have the face to sit, why don't you hurry up and give up your seat?" said a scathing woman in her early thirties, carrying out a moral kidnapping.

Everyone saw that Xie Lezi didn't react at all, and the words he said became more and more ugly.

"Your parents have lost face with a son like you.

"Maybe the family is an orphan......

" "This man's conscience has been eaten by dogs."

"People are pregnant, how tired, you have a little conscience and get up and give up your seat, you will die if you sit for a while, right?"

Hearing the accusatory voices of everyone, Xie Lezi, who had been patient, finally broke out, stood up, and looked at everyone angrily.

"She's pregnant, is the son in her womb mine? Is it caused by

me?" "She's pregnant, she's tired, and I'm working overtime for 36 hours in a row, so I'm not tired, right

?" "She's pregnant, do I have to give her a seat?" She wants a seat, why don't you go out and take a taxi? If there are more seats for her in a taxi, why should you kidnap me morally

?" "You are noble, you are moral, you are loving, why don't you pay for her to call a car?"

"I let it be love, not let it be my duty, none of you have the qualifications to kidnap people on high morality!" The

voice fell, and everyone lost the arrogance they had before.

At this time, Xie Lezi's gaze shifted to the man who accused him of being an orphan just now, the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"You're right, I'm indeed an orphan, what's the matter, you lack family, I can be your father!" "

Stinky boy, look for death, right......" The man who was said said had a hideous face, and smashed his fist in the face.

I saw Xie Lezi sneer, and grabbed the man's fist, "Turtle grandson, Nyima's!"

After speaking, he sent a bear mao eye to the man's left eye with a fist.


Just as the man wanted to rush up and fight back, suddenly the bus braked sharply.

The "......"

bus came to an emergency stop.

Passengers without seats staggered, some fell to the ground, some fell on top of other passengers, and some cursed.

"Are you sick

?" "What kind of yarn are you doing

?" "Damn, can you drive?"

For the scolding, the driver chose to ignore it, and got out of the car with a cold eye to check the situation.

The driver came to the front of the car and looked at the yellow dog in front of him who was knocked to the ground by the car and was motionless and bloodied, his face became more and more ugly, and he cursed.

"It's unlucky. After

saying that, he glanced around, saw that there was no one, and then kicked the yellow dog, ready to kick the yellow dog to the side of the road.

Unexpectedly, the yellow dog, which had been motionless just now, suddenly let out a scream and grinned and pounced on the driver's feet.

"Dead dog, dare to bite Lao Tzu, go to death. The

driver was so angry that he violently kicked the yellow dog who still had one breath left.

"Woohoo... Barking... Wang ......"

The yellow dog's voice became smaller and smaller, and slowly it lost its strength and fell to the ground motionless.

"It's time to go back to the West. The

driver smiled disdainfully, stretched out his foot and kicked the yellow dog again, making sure it was not moving, and then kicked the yellow dog to the side of the road.

The driver waved his trouser legs, thinking that his ankle was a little painful just now, so he grabbed the trouser leg and picked it up, and looked at the ankle, there was a small dog paw scratch on it, and he had to get an injection, and his brows were furrowed.

"Damn, it's ruined again. The

driver scolded and returned to the car, glanced at the passengers eating melons, and persuaded them.

"It's nothing, it's just that I hit a stray dog, everyone hurry up and sit down and drive. "

The passengers saw that nothing was going on, and the bus was quiet.

The bus departed again.

However, the driver, who was bitten by the yellow dog's ankle, drove the car away seriously, and a bloody mark slowly appeared on his ankle.

No one noticed that the yellow dog that had been kicked to the side of the road suddenly opened its eyes, but its eyes turned red.

And Zhou Lisu, who was in the last row, had been sleeping deeply, and even if she couldn't wake her up in a fight, she ......

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