“Red-haired pirates!”

This suddenly appeared pirate ship, which is famous in the world, one of the four emperors of pirates in the New World, the pirate ship of the red-haired pirate group, this ship appears here, which means that the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors of pirates, is also there.

The live broadcast footage was also instantly transferred to the Red Firth, although Robin saw the Ark Proverbs before and was ready to board the ship, but after being blocked by the Navy, they had to stop the action and stayed to continue the live broadcast.

I have to say that from the beginning of the live broadcast to now, she has liked this feeling, so even at this time, she did not forget to continue the live broadcast, but aimed the live broadcast camera at the Red Firth.

When the Red Firth appeared on the big screen of the live broadcast, and a red-haired man appeared, the entire Chambord Islands Square suddenly boiled.

“This is?”

“Pirate Four Emperors, Redhead, Shanks, this is the Red-Haired Pirates, the Four Emperors of Pirates Red-Haired Shanks has appeared.”

“How is that possible? Aren’t the four emperors of pirates supposed to stay in the new world? Why does it appear in Marin Fandor? ”

“Originally, the pirate side has fallen into a desperate situation, even if the dark pirate group is the same, but now the appearance of the red-haired pirate group, the result is different, this war is really one ring after another, accident after accident, now even the redhead has appeared, I don’t know if there will be other accidents.”

“This war is really exciting, and it really didn’t come in vain.”


“Yo, this kid Shanks is here too.”

Renly looked at the big screen of the live broadcast with a smile, and Shanks’ appearance surprised and expected him.

Xia Qi said: “This kid is your favorite junior pirate, since he is here, I am afraid that this war will end.” ”

Hearing this, Reilly frowned, his expression solemn, “I’m afraid it’s not so easy, the key is still in the dark pirate group, Gu Xuan killed the navy marshal Warring States, the navy will definitely not let him go easily, the war is not so easy to end.” ”

This time the war was also unexpected, he thought that Whitebeard might be in the hands of the Navy, but he never imagined that the Warring States would actually be in the hands of Gu Xuan, the Warring States is the marshal of the Navy, the façade of the Navy, and the high-level of the world government, such a major task died in battle, but it is more serious than Whitebeard’s death, how can the Navy easily let Gu Xuan go.


There are many pirates gathered around the square, in addition to Kidd’s supernovae, there are many pirates from all over the world, they are also to watch a big war, originally thought that the war was about to enter the end, but there was actually a pirate four emperors, which made these pirates who targeted the four pirates are very excited, that is the four pirate emperors, the only four pirate emperors in the world, usually it is difficult to see.

Under everyone’s gaze, Shanks jumped down from the Red Firth, walked on the sea that had just been frozen by the pheasant, and slowly walked forward, every step he took, the navy and pirates in front couldn’t help but retreat.

“How did the redhead come here?”

Seeing that everyone was shocked by the domineering of the red-haired Shanks, Karp’s face became extremely gloomy, and he absolutely hated Shanks to the bone marrow, because it was Shanks who led his only grandson, Luffy embarked on the road of pirates, if it were not for Shanks telling Luffy the story of One Piece, and entrusting the straw hat to Luffy, Luffy would definitely not take the road of pirates, but would only become a respectable naval soldier.

Shanks attracted everyone’s attention and walked into the bay, his eyes swept around and swept over everyone, while also observing the situation of Marin Fandor.

Just this look, he suddenly frowned, the battle situation at this time gave him something different, not only Whitebeard died in battle, he didn’t even see the Warring States, this is Marin Fandor, the only possibility that the marshal was not on the scene, that is, he had died in battle.

“Sengoku is actually dead, how is it possible?”

Unlike those who watched the battle in the Chambord Islands, Shanks used the fastest speed in order to be able to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible, so he and you don’t know exactly what happened to Marin Fandor, and the death of the Warring States is even more unknown.

He came here to stop the war, only to find out that Sengoku was dead, which instantly weakened his confidence by half.

But no matter what, he had to move on to his purpose.

Meeting everyone’s gaze, Shanks slowly spoke: “I came here to end this war. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone who looked at him was stunned, especially the navy, Shanks is a pirate, so when they saw Shanks before, they instinctively thought that Shanks was here to support the Whitebeard Pirates, but Shanks now actually said that he came to stop the war, which surprised them very much.


The first to react was Marko, Whitebeard died, he is now the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, he walked up to Shanks, and was about to speak, when he was interrupted by Shanks.

“Marko, I know what you mean, but the battle has gone on so far, there is no need to continue, and if you continue to fight, it will only make your losses worse, listen to me, now is the best chance to stop.”

Marko’s face was gloomy and silent, of course he knew that if the truce was now, it would not be more beneficial to him, but Whitebeard died at the hands of the navy, which made it really difficult for him to accept, in his opinion, if Shankken helped them, there might not be no chance to make the navy pay a terrible price, but it was clear that Shanks was obviously in a neutral position and did not think to help them at all.

After speaking, Shanks’ eyes turned quickly, after seeing Luffy safe and sound, he was relieved in his heart, Luffy is his most valued junior, the meaning to him is different, but when he saw that Ace was also safe and sound, his face was slightly surprised, he thought that Ace would also be executed by the Navy, and now it seems that the situation is very good.

It’s just that when he saw the dark pirate group surrounded by the three admirals and a high-ranking navy, he was immediately surprised.

The three major admirals of the navy, Karp, and a group of high-ranking naval officials, actually did not go after and kill the pirates of the white-bearded pirate group, but surrounded Gu Xuan and others, which shows that in the eyes of the navy, the threat of Gu Xuan and others is greater than that of the white-bearded pirate group.

Combined with the scene he saw, he already had a guess.

“Why did the redhead come here, isn’t the red-haired pirate group at war with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group? Why are they here? ”

Why is the navy so confident in carrying out public executions, is not that it is sure that the rest of the four pirate emperors will not disrupt the situation, especially the red-haired pirate group and the hundred beast pirate group, they have already started a war a few days ago, with the power of the four pirate emperors, once the war starts, it is absolutely impossible to end it so easily.

Even not long before they carried out the public execution, they also received intelligence that the war between the red-haired pirate group and the hundred beast pirate group was still going on, and it had only been a few hours, so the war could not end so easily, right? That’s why the Navy was so shocked by the appearance of the red-haired pirate group.

Seeing Shanks appear, Hawkeye put away his black knife, turned around and left, and the surrounding navy immediately asked: “Hawkeye, where do you want to go?” ”

Hawkeye said lightly: “I just promised you a war with the Whitebeard Pirates, the redhead is not in the agreement, not to mention, with my current state, staying here can’t help you.” ”

After that, he didn’t care about the faces of the surrounding navies, and immediately left, just now he fought with Gu Xuan and was seriously injured, this time is really the best time to leave.

Shanks continued: “Continuing to fight like this will only increase the losses of the two armies indefinitely, so I propose that the war be over, and if anyone has not made enough trouble, our pirate group will accompany you.” ”

In an instant, an amazing domineering aura emanated from his body, and at the same time, one after another figures fell behind him, it was the official members of the red-haired pirate group, they were all companions for more than ten years, the momentum fused together, very amazing, whether it was the navy or the pirates, they were shocked by their momentum.

However, Shanks obviously overestimated his own deterrent, and when he heard his words, the first person to stand up and refute was the red dog.

I saw the red dog staring at Shanks with a gloomy face, and snorted coldly: “Redhead, you are a pirate, what qualifications do you have to make decisions?” ”

“Just by the knife in my hand!”

Shanks raised the katana in his hand and said coldly.

Shanks in the anime was indeed powerful when he was in the top war, but the situation is different from the anime, when the losses of the navy are much more serious than in the anime, and more importantly, even the marshal Sengoku died in battle, no matter how strong Shanks’ deterrence is, it cannot stop the revenge of the navy.

This time, before the red dog could refute, many admirals roared: “Redhead, don’t dream, we can leave the white-bearded pirate group alone, but Gu Xuan killed our Warring States Marshal, and the dark pirate group must not let any of them go.” ”

“That’s right, everyone else can let it go, but Gu Xuan definitely can’t let it go, and he must avenge the Marshal of the Warring States.”

“That’s right, even if you are the Four Emperors of Pirates, you are not qualified to prevent us from taking revenge, and whoever dares to organize us to take revenge, we will fight with him.”

At the mention of the death of the Warring States, the surrounding navies seemed to forget the fear in their hearts, and they all roared angrily at Shanks, and they all quickly surrounded the people of the red-haired pirate group, and the momentum was very amazing.

This crazy roar of the navy made Shanks’ brows furrow deeper, and he couldn’t help but look at Gu Xuan, who was surrounded by a lot.

“Sure enough, the trouble was with him, I should have thought of it a long time ago.”

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