
Suddenly, a black arm passed through Gu Xuan’s back and directly penetrated Gu Xuan’s body.

“Thief hahaha, Gu Xuan, you go and die, the dark fruit belongs to me.”

Blackbeard was behind Gu Xuan, laughing proudly, and the black hand that passed through Gu Xuan’s body came from him.

“Tichy, you’re really calm, and you haven’t done anything to me until now.”

Black smoke rose from Gu Xuan’s body, darkness spread out from his body, he didn’t look like he was penetrated through his body, he looked seriously injured, but his expression was very relaxed.

Gu Xuan looked indifferent, but Blackbeard was not so happy, only to see that his smile instantly froze, and his face was full of surprise and exclaimed: “How is it possible?” Why aren’t you hurt? ”

“I am very surprised that such a strange question would come out of your mouth.”

Gu Xuan smiled, the darkness became more and more, Blackbeard’s face was fierce, and his other hand smashed Gu Xuan’s head.


Gu Xuan turned into darkness, and quickly moved away from Blackbeard, only to recover his figure ten meters away, staring at Blackbeard coldly, and said coldly: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Tichy, it’s time to make a conclusion.” ”

Blackbeard still couldn’t let go, and he asked, “Why?” I obviously used domineering, why are you okay? ”

Gu Xuan sneered and said, “Tiqi, you are also a character, don’t you understand how simple the truth is?” Do you really think that armed color domineering must restrain those with natural ability? Restraint is also relative, provided that your domineering is stronger than mine. ”

In the end, domineering is only an ability that can be consumed, although Blackbeard hit Gu Xuan with domineering, but Gu Xuan himself also has domineering, when Blackbeard attacked, he had already used domineering in advance, and offset Blackbeard’s domineering with his own domineering, so when Blackbeard’s hand passed through Gu Xuan’s body, the domineering was gone, and it was naturally impossible to hurt Gu Xuan, who had been elementalized.

“But you are still as sinister as before, endured for so long, thought I was seriously injured, and then chose to do it, but unfortunately, you picked the wrong object, Tichy, Saatchi’s hatred should also be concluded today.”

Blackbeard’s face was gloomy, he really had the idea of picking up the cheap, because from the strength he showed before, if he fought head-on, he didn’t have the slightest chance to win, and before he was entangled by the pirate emperor, there was no way to get out.

Until just now, he saw Gu Xuan being injured by CP0’s agents, so he sneaked over and gave a fatal blow when Gu Xuan did not react.

His idea was correct, even the sneak attack was successful, but in the end it was unsuccessful, which made it really difficult for him to accept, he thought that his sneak attack was already quite secretive, why could Gu Xuan still find out? Even caught his own attack unscathed.

Blackbeard shouted with a fierce face: “I ended up with you, you damn fellow, you stole the fruit that should have belonged to me, stole everything from me, everything was because of you, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have killed Saatchi.” ”

The best chance did not succeed, Blackbeard was about to lose his mind, he chased Gu Xuan for so long, he almost succeeded several times, but in the end it was all a failure, and now the top war is his last chance, if this time still can’t succeed, he will never find another chance.

Therefore, even if he wants to fight for this life today, he must kill Gu Xuan, only if Gu Xuan dies, he will have a chance to turn over, he also wants to be the protagonist, and he doesn’t want to be a supporting role all his life.

“It turned out that after making trouble for a long time, it was all my fault, since this is the case, then I will make a mistake to the end and solve your most wrong problem.”

For Blackbeard’s quibbles, Gu Xuan is really disdainful, this guy is really extremely egoistic, pushing all the faults onto him, as if the wrong person is really him.

“Don’t you want to get the Dark Fruit? Well, today I’ll let you die under the Dark Fruit. ”

Although he is not lightly injured now, it is definitely enough to deal with Blackbeard.

Sharp steel claws appeared on Blackbeard’s arms, and because he didn’t get the Devil Fruit, he now fought the same way as before, using the steel claws he was best at.

Blackbeard’s strength needless to say, put in the white-bearded pirate group, is also a captain-level figure, more than ten years ago was also able to hurt the red-haired Shanks, but now it is limited to this, Blackbeard’s potential and talent are not as high as Shanks, and now Shanks is already the four emperors of the new world, the most domineering man on the sea, and Blackbeard has improved compared to more than ten years ago, but it is also limited.

If Gu Xuan was in good condition, Blackbeard would immediately turn around and flee without saying a word, but now Gu Xuan was injured and looked quite serious, so he felt that this was an opportunity, but he had always been cautious, and he still had to make more preparations.

“Sengoku, you still don’t do it? Now is the best chance to kill Gu Xuan. Blackbeard actually yelled at the Warring States.

Warring States has been paying attention to Gu Xuan here, Gu Xuan was not killed, and even escaped Blackbeard’s sneak attack, he was also very surprised, especially although Gu Xuan seemed to be injured not lightly, but it did not seem to affect his actions, which made him even more surprised, this Gu Xuan’s power really exceeded his expectations.

Hearing Blackbeard’s roar, he also frowned, now is indeed the best time to get rid of Gu Xuan, but the problem is that now the naval strength has been contained by most of it, even if it is the elite of the vice admiral level, the dead are killed, the wounded are wounded, the rest are going to fight against the Whitebeard Pirate Group, chasing and killing the three brothers of the Fire Fist, not to mention the admirals, all of them have encountered difficult opponents, and they really can’t spare other people, and Gu Xuan is different from Whitebeard, he is a natural ability, The average soldier simply could not inflict any damage on him, so piling up the number of people was not a good option.

“Fuf, this seems to be a very interesting thing, plus me one, how?”

Doflamingo walked over with overlord steps, followed Blackbeard one after the other, blocked Gu Xuan in the middle, and said to Gu Xuan with a smile: “The previous battle between the two of us is not over, let’s continue now.” ”

Gu Xuan sneered disdainfully, he really thought he was a soft persimmon, and when he saw that he was injured, he wanted to come and pinch him?

Looking at Doflamingo, the Warring States were bright, but he thought about it again, although Doflamingo and Blackbeard are relatively powerful, but the strength that Gu Xuan just showed is obviously stronger, especially the agent of CP0 who was just killed by Gu Xuan, compared to Doflamingo and Blackbeard, only stronger than Doflamingo and Blackbeard, such people were killed by Gu Xuan, he felt that even if Doflamingo and Blackbeard combined, I am afraid that there is not necessarily a chance of victory, he wants to be more certain.

Turning his gaze, he found Hawkeye Jorakor Mihawk in the crowd, before Hawkeye made a move, respectively against the Whitebeard and Straw Hat brothers, but after the Straw Hat Kids rescued Ace, he did not make any more moves, but stayed in the square.

After capturing Hawkeye’s figure, Sengoku immediately said to him: “Hawkeye, it’s time for you to strike too.” ”

Of course, Hawkeye understood what Sengoku meant, and he said lightly: “I don’t like to join forces with others. ”

Warring States’ face turned dark, and then said in a deep voice: “Hawkeye, don’t forget your identity, you are also Qiwu Hai, you have enjoyed the privileges of so many years, at this time you should also return your privileges, as long as you can kill Gu Xuan, in the next war, I will allow you to sit on the sidelines.” ”

Hawkeye’s pupils shrank a little, he was arrogant and had always been a loner, but he was well aware of his situation, Nanabukai’s identity did make it much more convenient for him, as Sengoku said, he had enjoyed the privilege for so long, and he really should pay it back, but he really didn’t like to join forces with others.


After a moment of silence, Hawkeye chose to agree and immediately took action.

Seeing the eagle eye who walked to his right, Gu Xuan finally changed his face this time, Blackbeard and Doflamingo he was not afraid, because he had confidence, Blackbeard even if he was fighting, he could deal with it, as for Doflamingo, with this person’s city, it was absolutely impossible to show all his strength here, and these two people were still at odds with each other, so even in the face of their siege, Gu Xuan was not afraid at all.

But now adding a Hawkeye is different, how strong Hawkeye’s strength is, he does not know, even if it is him, he is not very sure of winning Hawkeye now, if Hawkeye also joins the camp that besieged him, then he is really dangerous.

Suddenly, a slender figure landed on Gu Xuan’s left side, and it turned out to be Pirate Lady Boya Hancock.

In this way, Gu Xuan was blocked left and right, and from the siege of the four Seven Wuhai, the situation changed drastically in an instant.

Warring States saw that the pirate female emperor who had always been uncooperative also made a move, and he was relieved in his heart, the strength of these people is still relatively clear, four people besieged, even whitebeards are difficult to deal with, let alone the injured Gu Xuan.

“Hey, the situation is not right, the captain is besieged by the Qiwu Sea, do you want to support him?”

Bashas saw that Gu Xuan was surrounded, and immediately asked Van Oka and Rafitte.

Van Oka moved quickly and said, “I don’t know if the captain is in danger, but if you slow down, the danger is even greater.” ”

Lafayette also smiled and said, “Let’s keep ourselves first, the captain has his own plans.” ”

It turned out that the three of them were also besieged by the navy, and more than a dozen admirals and colonels together intervened to intercept them, and the three of them did not have the strength of Gu Xuan, so they were still very embarrassed.

“Well, you guys are also right, if you think about it, the captain’s side does not seem to be really desperate.” Bashas looked at it carefully, then nodded.

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