
The power of the shock fruit passed through the body of the giant vice admiral, and the shock wave generated rushed to the position of the execution table, and everywhere it passed, all the naval soldiers were bombarded, and no one could stop it, and rushed to the execution table in the blink of an eye.

“It’s not good, the execution table can’t stop such an impact.” Many admirals were shocked.

A violent roar sounded, and the execution table was not exploded, because in front of the execution table, the three major naval generals steadily blocked Whitebeard’s blow, and did not affect the execution table.

At the same time, the encirclement wall of the navy finally started, and I saw that in front of the city wall in the bay, a piece of wall quickly appeared from the bottom of the sea, higher than the city wall, standing high, ordinary people can not climb at all.

“Damn, it’s really a step slower.”

Gu Xuan scolded with an unhappy face, when it came time to fight with the navy from the Ark Proverbs, he had already begun to prepare, and let Rafaite secretly go to the inside of Marin Fandor to see if he could find the control room of the navy headquarters.

Now it seems that Lafayette should not have been found, so he did not stop the rise of the encirclement wall, but this is normal, after all, there is not much time left for Lafitte, and even if he finds it, he may not be able to stop it, anyway, just try.

“Red dog, this is the time.” Sengoku shouted at Akainu.

The red dog immediately walked out, his arms turned into magma, and then he raised his fists and pointed his fists at the sky.

“Meteor Volcano!”

An amazing scene happened, I saw one after another lava fists erupting from the shoulders of the red dogs, shooting into the sky, one punch faster than a punch, a large number of lava fists shot into the sky and disappeared.

“What’s going on?”

The preparation action of the meteor volcano is still quite amazing, because most of the naval soldiers have been evacuated, so the pirates can’t help but look at the sky, but what makes them wonder is that after the lava fist rushed to the sky, it disappeared, and they could only see that the clouds in the sky seemed to change color, and the rest could not be found.

“That’s the big move of the red dog, the meteor volcano, it will fall from the sky later, melt the ice surface where we are standing, everyone hurry up and find a place to stay.”

Gu Xuan shouted loudly on the battlefield, reminding everyone that everyone had already rushed to the ice, and it was no longer possible to retreat, only a few people believed Gu Xuan’s words and rushed to the nearest boat.

“Melt the ice with magma?”

Whitebeard’s face is gloomy, for him, the red dog is a junior, the warring states and Kapu are the existence of his generation, he has fought with these two, but for the junior of the red dog, he really has not fought again, after all, the red dog is a naval general who has only risen in the past twenty years, and he, basically has not made a move in the past twenty years, naturally it is impossible to fight.

However, although he has not fought with the red dog, he still has some understanding of the ability of the red dog, that is the ability of the magma fruit, which can indeed melt the ice of the pheasant, and now all of them have entered the ice in the bay, if they are melted on the ice, they have nowhere to stay, let alone rush into the interior of the square.

“According to what Guan Xuan said, immediately find a foothold, quickly!”

The words of the red dog may not be heard by many people, but the order of the white beard, the pirates naturally will not disobey, one by one they are quick to act, as for breaking the encirclement wall, it is even more impossible, they have already tried.

“Has the ability of the red dog been leaked, this Gu Xuan is indeed a huge trouble.”

Warring States heard Gu Xuan and Whitebeard’s big drink, and their faces were gloomy, “But even so, you can’t do anything.” ”

“Here it comes!”

Gu Xuan looked at the sky, and saw that the sky, which was still cloudy before, turned into a blood-red at this moment, looking like a sunset and sunset-like scene, but he knew very well that this was definitely a fatal offensive.

Sure enough, the next moment, pieces of fiery red lava fists like meteors fell from the sky, and the direction was the ice in the bay.


The fist of lava fell on the ice, and an amazing explosion occurred, followed by a rapid melting of the ice, almost ten seconds to melt the covered area, but in the same way, after melting the ice, the magma naturally lost its temperature.

However, the falling lava fist is too much, overwhelming, even if the pirates have been mentally prepared, but the vast majority of people can’t react, countless people have been hit by the falling lava, killing and injuring a large area.

Most of the people were lucky not to be hit by lava, but the ice surface they were standing on was melted, and they all fell into the sea water melted by the high temperature of magma, and they all screamed miserably when the hot temperature was hot.

In less than a minute, on the ice in the entire bay, mourning was everywhere, and the pirates were killed and injured, even those pirate ships that invaded the bay, after being hit by the lava fist, were quickly burning, and several pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirates, including the Moby Dick, were burned by magma, no matter how many people rescued, it was useless.

“Our Moby Dick burned down, damn the Navy, deceived people too much!”

The pirates wailed angrily, the Moby Dick carried the Whitebeard Pirates for decades, and it has long become the faith of the Whitebeard Pirates, and now everyone’s faith has been burned, and the pirates who have the strongest belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates are crying bitterly, sad and sad.

Gu Xuan also silently looked at the burned Moby Dick, and his heart was very sentimental, although he has now left the Whitebeard Pirates, he has also stayed on this ship for ten years, this is the longest ‘home’ he has stayed in one place, and now that this ‘home’ has been burned down, his heart is naturally uncomfortable.

The deepest feeling is naturally Whitebeard, but he didn’t say a word, maybe the Moby Dick is very important, but in his heart, the lives of the ‘sons’ are more important, if you can save Ace, the Moby Dick will be destroyed.

Because the Red Inu’s attack range was inside the bay, the pirate ships and warships that did not come in outside were not attacked.

Except for a few pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the only one within the attack range was the Ark Proverbs that Gu Xuan and they were riding on, but compared to those few pirate ships, the Ark Proverbs were much better.

Because there is still an Anilu on the Ark Proverbs, when Gu Xuan took the others to fight, Anilu has always guarded his love ship.

Of course, this is also what Gu Xuan agreed to do with him, this flying battleship is an extremely important member of them, absolutely not to be lost, this ship has the highest fit with Anilu, so with the protection of Anilu, Gu Xuan will be the most assured.

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