After the fierce cheers, there was a deathly silence, and this death-like silence gave people a great pressure.

“It’s too quiet, it’s too unnatural.”

Standing in front of the city wall, Qiwu Haido Flamengo’s expression suddenly became very solemn.

Needless to say, everyone else also sensed that something was wrong, and the calm before the storm was like now.


Suddenly, the alarm of the naval headquarters was sounded, and soon, the people of the naval headquarters found that something was wrong, only to see a large dark cloud in front of them, and when they got closer, they found that this was not a real dark cloud, but a fleet of pirate warships, coming from afar, like a dark cloud.

The admiral in charge of the lookout shouted hoarsely: “It’s the pirates’ grand fleet.” ”

“Quickly confirm where Whitebeard is?”

“Ranger Dom, Raychin Makugay,…………, but Whitebeard and his crew were not found.”


With the appearance of the attached fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates, it meant that the battle at the top really broke out, and at this time, Gu Xuan was still staying in the Advance City.

The Infinite Hell Smash Bros. was nearing its end, and when there were five people at the end, they all stopped the fight very tacitly and looked at Gu Xuan instead, and the meaning was very clear.

“I, Gu Xuan, have always been talkative, everyone, congratulations, now as long as you promise to join my dark pirate group, you can leave Advance City with me later.”

In the end, there are only five people standing, and the rest are either killed or fall down and can’t stand up, so these five are the winners, able to stand out from so many people, they may not be the strongest, but they are definitely not weak, and being able to stand to the end shows that they have brains, not reckless men.

“It’s no problem to join your pirate group, but you’re so confident that you’ll be able to leave Advance City?”

One of the five opened his mouth and asked Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan said, “If I didn’t have confidence, I wouldn’t come here, if you don’t mind, please introduce yourself.” ”

“Abaro Pizarro!”

“Katerina Deppen!”

“Basque Choate!”

“Norris Will!”

“Corrod Firms!”

The five people all reported their names, after all, they had to leave only to join the Dark Pirate Group, and now that Gu Xuan, the captain, had spoken, of course they would not skimp on introducing themselves.

Gu Xuan listened very carefully, he knew the first three people, ‘Evil King’ Abaro Pizarro, ‘String Moon Hunter’ Katerina Deppon, ‘Big Barrel’ Basque Chote, these three are the three fugitives who follow Blackbeard in the anime.

As for the other two, Korod Firms, Gu Xuan, had heard that he was a sea thief on the Great Voyage more than ten years ago, although not as famous as the other three, but also a sea thief with a bounty of more than 100 million.

It was Norris Will, he had never heard of it, but looking at this person’s old appearance, at least he was in his sixties, and he had not heard of it, which meant that this person had been here for at least a few decades.

However, among these five, Gu Xuan was most concerned about this old man, because this old man was the only one who used his ability among everyone, and he was the one who had experienced the least battle, and he only got rid of one at the last moment, and finally became one of the five.

When everyone else was shackled and barely fighting, this old man was actually able to use the ability, which showed that he had lifted his Hailou stone shackles at the beginning, especially since he had never been discovered, and only in the end did he burst into injury, which really surprised Gu Xuan.

Although Gu Xuan didn’t know what his ability was, it must be an ability related to concealment, because this old man’s strength was not strong, and if he fought head-on, most people would be able to defeat him.

Not to mention that Gu Xuan felt strange, together with the other four who were fellow inmates, they were all very strange, because the four of them never knew that in the infinite hell, there was even Norris Weir as the number one, and this old guy had no sense of existence at all.

Surprised to be surprised, since everyone has already stood at the end, even if his strength is considered to be the last in the pirate group, but people have other skills, sometimes they can play a big role.

“Well, from today onwards, you will be a member of the Dark Pirates.” Gu Xuan said in a loud voice.

“Hehe, Captain, can you talk about how to escape from Thrust City now?” The old man Norris Will rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

His problem is also the most concerned of several others, wanting to escape from the Advance City, getting out of the cell is only the first step, the real difficulty is how to leave, after all, the Advance City is guarded by Magellan, and Magellan’s poison is known to everyone in the infinite hell.

Gu Xuan said: “Advancing City is now a big riot, Magellan went to chase the straw hat boy, calculating the time, they are about to rush to the sea, but they want to escape the range of Advance City, it is not so simple; As for us, naturally unlike them, we have ships. ”


Yu no Hiru asked: “This is the windless belt, is your ship the same as the warships of the navy, with its own power?” ”

Gu Xuan smiled and said, “My ship is more perfect than you think, rest assured, leaving here is not a problem.” ”

“The two trump cards of the advancing city, Yu no Hiru, will actually betray, and also join the Dark Pirates, it’s really unbelievable, Meow.” The Evil King, one of the five prisoners, suddenly laughed at Yu no Hiru.

Yu no Kiru’s eyes flashed coldly, “Do you want to try my knife?” ”

“After being locked up by you for so many years, although you have now defected, I still see you very unhappy.”

The evil king is not afraid in the slightest, he was also a king, and his prison career in the city has not completely eliminated his courage, so even in the face of Yu no Kiryu, he dares to refute it.


Yu Zhixi Liu pulled out an ordinary knife and was held down by Gu Xuan, only to see Gu Xuan scolding with a cold face: “How?” Just joined my pirate group and want to rebel? Being so presumptuous in front of me, the captain, do you think that I can’t do without you, huh? ”

The overlord color domineering burst out from his body, and the domineering momentum oppressed both Xiliu and the evil king, so that the faces of both of them changed, even the arrogant evil king silently shut up, and Yuzhi Xiliu silently put away the knife.

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