“Yo, yo, your expression is so terrible, I don’t need this terrible expression to see me, right?”

The yellow ape is not as serious as the red dog, after seeing Gu Xuan and the others, his expression is very exaggerated as soon as he opens his mouth, and with his mouth shape, it is quite funny.

But at this time, neither Gu Xuan nor others could laugh, and anyone who faced the yellow ape, one of the three admirals of the navy, could not laugh, unless it was the existence of the four emperors of the pirate.

“I’ll take a look, gee, Captain Gu Xuan, ‘Devil Sheriff’ Rafitte, Van Oka, Bashas, by the way, plus a son of the devil, Nicole Robin, it seems that your dark pirate group is all gathered, are you preparing to hold a banquet here?”

Facing Gu Xuan’s group of people, the yellow ape did not see any seriousness at all, but kept ridiculing.

“Hey, this is not the famous one in the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second team, ‘Fire Fist’ Portcas · D. Ace, it seems that there is a windfall. ”

“General Yellow Ape, you came really in time, you appeared just after we finished fighting, I want to ask, how did you find here?”

Gu Xuan’s eyes were sharp, and when he was talking to the yellow ape, his eyes were constantly looking for something around, although he was eighty percent sure that it was Tichy who brought the navy over, but he still wanted to confirm it.

Seeing that the domineering was also used by him, but he accidentally did not find Tichy, he was puzzled at first, but immediately figured it out, Tichy must also be afraid of the yellow ape and other navies, so he did not approach, but he was one hundred percent near here.

The yellow ape smiled and said, “Of course, I chased you all the way, Gu Xuan, I heard your name deafeningly, and being able to escape from Sakaski’s hands shows that you also have some skills, but I don’t know if you still have the luck to escape from my hands again?” ”

“Luck? Hehe, it is indeed a bit of luck, but luck is also part of strength. ”

Gu Xuan did not deny his luck, if it were not for the appearance of Ace and them this time, his chance of escaping was indeed less than one percent, but a period of time had passed since that time, and he had improved a certain amount during this time, and now he may not be the opponent that the admiral loves you, but it will definitely not be as helpless as before.

Yu Guang signaled the Rafaites to get ready, and once he made a decision, he immediately began to break through.

“It rained overnight.”

Just now he fought with Ace, although he won, he himself was also seriously consumed, and at this time he fought with the yellow ape, and the chance was very slim.

The yellow ape seemed to be in control of victory, and he was not in a hurry to move at all, his eyes constantly looking at Gu Xuan’s body.

“I’ve always been curious, you, a traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, actually have such a big skill, even Whitebeard didn’t do such a daring thing back then, I admire you very much, I heard that you want to join the Seven Wu Sea, and killed the ‘Sand Crocodile’ for this, how about it, are you still interested now?”

Gu Xuan frowned and looked at the yellow ape, he didn’t understand that this guy’s sentence was true, that sentence was false, obviously he had surrounded them, and now he still said such a thing, what did he mean?

“Yellow ape, if you have something to say quickly, don’t grind it.”

The yellow ape said with a smile: “I have an idea, you and I can have the best of both worlds without you or me.” ”

“Oh, then you tell me.”

Since the yellow ape is not in a hurry to start, of course Gu Xuan will not be in a hurry, with this time, he can still recover some of his physical strength, why not.

“Didn’t you just defeat this ‘Fire Fist’, you handed him over to our navy, and then joined forces with our navy to deal with Whitebeard, we let you join the Seven Wu Sea, what do you think?”

Gu Xuan was stunned, he really didn’t expect that the yellow ape would actually say such a thing, and actually wanted him to hand over Ace, and also let him join the Seven Martial Sea, and even invited him to deal with Whitebeard together.

“It sounds like a good idea.”

“Gu Xuan, are you crazy? You actually want to join forces with the Navy to deal with Daddy? ”

Suddenly, Ace roared angrily at Gu Xuan, he did not care about his own safety, but questioned Gu Xuan, angry that he actually wanted to deal with the white-bearded father, which was the most intolerable to him.

It’s just that neither Gu Xuan nor the yellow ape paid attention to Ace’s meaning, and the yellow ape continued: “Since you said that this idea is good, it means that you agree?” ”

Gu Xuan sneered: “On the contrary, I can’t trust your navy, why didn’t you promise to let me join the Qiwu Sea before, but let me join at this time, so that I have to suspect that this is a conspiracy of your navy.” ”

“Bashas, take Ace with you.”

Before the yellow ape could react, Gu Xuan suddenly shouted, and in the case of being surrounded, he actually took the lead and rushed towards the navy.

The golden light flashed in front of him, Gu Xuan’s eyes narrowed, and then the voice of the yellow ape came from his ears.

“Do you know what a lightspeed kick is?”

A leg glowing with golden light kicked towards Gu Xuan’s head, and Gu Xuan also instantly turned into black fog, and the golden light passed through the black fog before the voice of the yellow ape came again.

“Yo, I forgot, you are a natural ability, I should use domineering.”

Gu Xuan used his left hand to grab the yellow ape, but before he touched the yellow ape, the yellow ape had already turned into golden light and scattered, gathering again a few meters away.

“But I heard about your ability, and it is said that it can disable the ability of the able, so you can’t catch me.”

Gu Xuan was silent and continued to attack the yellow ape, but this time he did kick the iron plate, and the speed of the yellow ape was too fast, so fast that he couldn’t catch up at all.

This is the first time that Gu Xuan has encountered such an opponent, a person with such speed and strength as the yellow ape, he can’t contact the other party at all, and he has to prevent the other party’s attack, which is too passive.

Compared with the battle between him and the yellow ape, Bashass and a few of them are better, because the yellow ape he found that the dark pirate group was just an accident, so it was not really a large force to catch up, but only one warship, there was only one vice admiral under his command, and the rest were ordinary naval soldiers.

Rafayette directly used his ability to drag Nicole Robin and fly, facing the gunfire of the navy, and flew away at a very fast speed.

Not to mention, even at the moment of crisis, Lafayette and several people are still relatively reliable, and they remember to take Nicole Robin with them when they escape, which makes Robin, who has long been accustomed to being abandoned, very surprised.

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