Gu Xuan’s domineering appearance was not necessarily stronger than Van Okka, but as soon as his eyes flashed, he saw that there was a flash of fire just now, not the fire of a cannonball, but a flame, plus there were no large ships of enemies around, so he immediately guessed who the person who attacked him was.

“Over there.”

Van Oka also reacted extremely quickly, and after reacting, he immediately locked the direction, and sure enough, in the direction he was pointing, a special ship was on the right side of their pirate ship, because this ship was relatively small, so he didn’t immediately spot it just now.

“Captain, it’s another group of white-bearded pirates who are chasing and killing you, they are really tireless.”

Although Ace’s fire fist can blast through ordinary ships, their ship is built of the mother tree Adam, and the hull is extremely strong, so even Ace’s fire fist did not damage the hull, but only caused the pirate ship to shake a few times.

Several people’s eyes were locked on the approaching small ship, Ace’s small ship was not ordinary, it was built with a special engine, and could use his flame ability as fuel to advance, faster than ordinary ships.

Gu Xuan sighed faintly and said, “Sure enough, it was them again, and this time they found it again.” ”

Speaking of which, this is the third time he has been caught up by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, the first time was Marko, the second time was when he was doing it with the red dog, Ace and Tichy found him, both times he fled dangerously, but he didn’t expect that the other party still didn’t give up, and this time he was actually discovered by them again.

Van Oka had already raised his sniper rifle, pointed in the direction of the boat, and asked Gu Xuan: “Captain, do you want to kill them?” ”

Gu Xuan waved his hand and said, “You still can’t kill them, Ace is the same as me, it is also a natural department, as for Tiqi that bastard, forget it, let them lean over and let me have a good chat with them.” ”

He is indeed embarrassed, in the Whitebeard Pirates, in addition to having a good relationship with his captain Saatchi, he also has an excellent relationship with Ace, and the three of them are the best relationship among the pirates, but even the best friendship has fallen apart because of a dark fruit.

Although he is the culprit and feels guilty in his heart, he has no regrets, because he got everything he wanted, the only thing that made him unwilling was the death of Saatchi, the last time Ace found him, it was also considered to have saved him indirectly, but the two of them had not yet had time to talk, this time, he wanted to have a good talk with Ace.

Robin, who was a little panicked because of the attack, did not show a worried expression when he saw Gu Xuan, and he was also relieved, since Gu Xuan, the captain, was not worried, it meant that he had enough confidence, then what else should she worry about, after all, this man is a powerful existence that even the Qiwu Sea Klockdar can kill.

Ace and Tiqi on the boat did not move again after attacking once, especially Ace, he was still surprised, Gu Xuan’s pirate ship was actually able to block his fire fist attack, this ship is not simple.

Soon, the two of them saw several people led by Gu Xuan walking to the side of the boat, and they recognized Gu Xuan at a glance.

“Gu Xuan.”

Ace is a fiery personality, which is very similar to his ability, after seeing Gu Xuan, he can no longer control his emotions, and he drank at Gu Xuan angrily.

On the contrary, Gu Xuan seemed much calmer, and after he glanced at Tiqi coldly, his gaze fell on Ace’s body, and his face was extremely complicated.

“Ace, I didn’t expect you to catch up again, to be honest, I really don’t want to meet you.”


Ace snorted coldly, and then jumped up from the boat without warning, landed on the Black Pearl, and stood on the deck more than ten meters away from Gu Xuan, and Tichy also followed Ace.

“Gu Xuan, I see you have no face to meet me, right?”

Gu Xuan pulled Bashas, who was full of displeasure and ready to make a move, and signaled them not to do it.

“I was a little surprised, I thought that after you saw me, you would do something to me as soon as possible, but I didn’t expect you to be able to endure it, and you have also grown, Ace; And speaking of which, I still have to thank you for the last incident, if it weren’t for your appearance, I am afraid that I would really die at the hands of the red dog. ”

At the mention of this, Ace was even more angry, “I wish you had no place to die, but you could only die in our hands, only in this way can we sacrifice Saatchi’s spirit in heaven.” ”

“Saatchi’s spirit in the sky?”

Gu Xuan’s eyes were gloomy, but he quickly recovered and said in a deep voice: “I know that you won’t believe anything I say now, but I have my own bitterness, I have already communicated this matter to my father, didn’t my father let you stop chasing and killing me?” ”

After following Whitebeard for ten years, Gu Xuan knows Whitebeard very well, this is an admirable man, he values his relatives more than anything, Marko must have told Whitebeard about his situation, so, with Whitebeard’s vision, it is natural to see that with his current strength, Ace and Tichy will never be able to catch him, and may even be defeated by him.

In this case, Whitebeard’s most likely course of action is to recall Ace, but now it seems that Ace is really not the kind of person who will easily follow orders.

“You are not qualified to call Daddy, Gu Xuan, you traitor, I will avenge Saatchi now.”

Seeing that Gu Xuan, a traitor, was still calling Whitebearded Daddy unashamed, Ace was even more angry, pointing at Gu Xuan and scolding.

There were flames on the body, and at the same time, Van Oka also raised his sniper rifle and aimed it at Ace, but he was still stopped by Gu Xuan, although Van Oka was puzzled, he still obeyed Gu Xuan’s order and put down the sniper rifle.

“Ace, you are not my opponent, with your and my past friendship, I don’t want to make a move with you, go back, wait patiently for a while, Saatchi’s death, I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

Ace laughed angrily, he felt that Gu Xuan was really outspoken, and actually said that he was not his opponent, it was really too self-defeating.

How much strength Gu Xuan has, Ace is still very clear, although Gu Xuan is now famous in the world, even higher than his bounty, his impression of Gu Xuan is still stuck in the past, even last time, he did not see the scene when Gu Xuan and the red dog fought each other.

“It seems that getting a devil fruit will make you unseen, and today you will have to pay the price.”

“Fire Fist!”

The signature fire fist slammed into Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan knew Ace very well, and he took precautions before he started, so he almost slowed down Ace for an instant, and he had already released darkness, and the darkness blocked in front of him, blocking the impact of the fire fist.

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