After understanding all this, Gu Xuan was also very surprised, but he was different from what these pirate minions thought, Hawkeye was not a madman, but he was not afraid of the storm at all, he was very confident in his strength, so even in the storm, he still did not give up chasing and killing.

But anyway, Hawkeye’s strength and tenacity make him admire very much, no wonder the other party can become recognized as the world’s number one swordsman, and the Creek Pirates can only be regarded as their bad luck when they meet him.

He let go of those pirate minions and did not kill them, as for what will happen to those pirates in the future, it has nothing to do with him, and he is driving in the direction pointed by those pirate minions, because that is the direction where Hawkeye chases and kills the Creek Pirates.

Gu Xuan has not forgotten his biggest purpose in coming to the East China Sea, he is looking for the Straw Hat Pirates, but now the Straw Hat Pirates are not so easy to find, he remembers that in the anime, Hawkeye met the Straw Hat Pirates when he chased and killed the Creek Pirates, so he wanted to chase behind them, so that he would definitely be able to find the Straw Hat Pirates.

It didn’t take long for Gu Xuan to finally catch up with one side, it was Hawkeye who was driving a small sailing ship.

Hawkeye also saw Gu Xuan, who was originally sitting on the boat, suddenly raised his sword eyebrows and stood up: “You still want to fight?” ”

Gu Xuan said, “I don’t have the strength to win against you for the time being, and there is no point in fighting again.” ”

“So what do you want to do when you catch up?”

For Gu Xuan’s answer, Hawkeye was not surprised, although Gu Xuan’s ability made him quite troublesome, but if he really fought, he was not worried.

Gu Xuan said, “Creek Pirates, they provoked me, I won’t let them go.” ”

Hawkeye said, “They are my prey.” ”

Gu Xuan said, “Then it depends on who is faster.” ”

Hawkeye was silent for a while, but finally nodded, Gu Xuan’s strength was recognized by him, otherwise if it were someone else, he would definitely not easily agree.

The two stopped talking very tacitly and controlled the ship to chase forward, Gu Xuan did not know the specific location of the Creek Pirates, but looking at the direction of Hawkeye’s pursuit, he knew that the other party was definitely ahead.

At the same time, a major event also happened in the sea restaurant Bharati in the East China Sea, after experiencing a storm in the windless zone, the Creek Pirate Group lost almost eight horses, and the pirate ship lost a huge majority, and finally only one main ship remained, and the remaining pirate ships were either buried in the windless zone, or like the two that Gu Xuan encountered before.

In short, now that all the people of the Creek Pirates are gathered on the main ship, they have come to Bharati for food, since they were chased by Hawkeye on the Great Voyage, coupled with the windless time, they have not eaten or drunk for several days, and if it were not for their strong will, they would not have been able to hold out now.

Finally, they found a ship specializing in restaurant business on the sea, the sea restaurant Bharati, this sea restaurant Bharati is relatively famous in the East China Sea, so after Crick found here, he immediately took the remaining pirates towards the sea restaurant Bharati.

Crick was extremely cunning, pretending to be miserable and pitiful when he was hungry and had no strength, but after eating and drinking, he immediately turned his face and prepared to take down Bharati.

The chefs of the sea restaurant Bharati naturally do not tie their hands, and the war between the two sides is about to break out.

Just when the Creek Pirates Group launched an attack on the sea restaurant Bharati, suddenly an accident happened, and I saw a sky-rushing knife slash, causing the already damaged huge pirate battleship to be split in half in an instant, and the pirates on the ship fell into the sea with a frightened scream.

The huge momentum made the sea water boil, but this was not the end, at the same time that the pirate ship was split in half, a large black smoke suddenly shrouded it, and the black smoke shrouded the pirate ship split in half, and half of it was completely surrounded.

The half of the pirate ship surrounded by darkness was absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming smaller and smaller, even if the pirates struggled hard, they still couldn’t break free from the darkness that was darker than night.

“Or you’re faster, Hawkeye.”

The two small boats slowly floated over, Gu Xuan said slowly to Hawkeye, in fact, the distance between the two was about the same as the pirate ship, but Hawkeye, as a big sword hao, the speed of the black knife was faster than Gu Xuan’s darkness, so the situation just appeared.

Hawkeye looked at Gu Xuan, his face was also very solemn, although he had seen Gu Xuan’s ability before, but watching the darkness slowly devour the pirate ship so closely, this strange thing still surprised him.

“Your ability is also very strong, what kind of Devil Fruit ability is this?” Hawkeye was more interested in Gu Xuan’s ability and asked.

Gu Xuan did not hide it, and replied directly: “Nature department, dark fruit.” ”

Hawkeye nodded, not to his expectations, it was the natural ability of this, he already knew when he fought with Gu Xuan before, but the dark fruit of the demon fruit he was not very clear, but looking at Gu Xuan’s use of ability, able to absorb objects, this ability is really weird, very different from ordinary natural system demon fruit.

“That, it’s them, it’s them, it’s those two again, Captain Creek, they’re catching up.”

The scene of being chased and killed by Hawkeye and Gu Xuan before is still vivid, and seeing the two again, especially after the strength of the two, it makes them even more terrified, Hawkeye’s slashing and killing power is super strong, but Gu Xuan’s dark fruit makes them even more fearful, and they are absorbed and devoured without resistance, which is more frightening than being killed by a knife.

Crick’s face was full of anger, anger mixed with panic, and he roared: “It’s them again, why can they catch up?” ”

He really couldn’t understand that the storm without wind had destroyed his fleet before, even their fleet as strong as theirs, but why Hawkeye and Gu Xuan, who were just two small ships, were not killed, but also caught up with them.

“What happened just now?”

On the ship of the sea restaurant Bharati at this time, a group of people stood on the deck, watching the scene in front of them in horror.

The huge battleship of the Creek Pirate Group was split in half and then swallowed in darkness, this scene was so amazing, even if everyone present was begging for a life on the sea, seeing a lot of strange things, they were also frightened.

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