Long Haochen's blood continued to flow toward the purple light pattern.

Circles of light golden halo then spread from the purple runes, gradually covering Haoyue's whole body.

Every flow of golden halo made the little guy Haoyue tremble as if he had been electrocuted, but he still did not move.

As these layers of golden halo flowed, the rich dark aura wrapped in Haoyue's body and a fierce aura gradually dissipated on it.

Long Haochen's face became a little pale, but he still maintained the stability of his arms and stared at Haoyue intently.

Haoyue also looked at Long Haochen at this time, with the warmth of family affection in their eyes.

Long Haoyu was speechless, watching Long Haochen use his own blood to wash away the dark temperament in Haoyue's body.

Although he knew that he would be able to finish it in the end, seeing his little brother's face getting paler with his own eyes, he couldn't help but tighten his fists.

This little thing, Haoyue, is really a troublesome fairy. He is not willing to let his little brother become like this.

Time passed by, and everyone in the cave was very nervous at this time.

The paleness on Long Haochen's face also became a little sickly, and his body began to tremble, crumbling, and he could no longer hold on.

But the result was very gratifying. Haoyue did not continue to tremble, and the rotten wounds on her body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The originally purple runes on Haoyue's body also turned into purple-gold at this moment, looking much more gorgeous, and the lines on the runes also became more complex.

"No!" Ye Hua stepped forward, but before he could do anything, the one-armed old man blocked him: "Wait a minute!"


Suddenly, Haoyue let out an angry roar and looked warily at Ye Hua who made some moves.

At this time, it became slightly different. Even when it looked at the little white beast very flatteringly before, it now became a little more hostile and did not allow anyone to get close to Long Haochen.

Lying next to Long Haochen again, Haoyue's ruby-like eyes were filled with a touch of purple, just like the purple-gold color of the white beast, full of coldness and nobility.

After a while, this purple color became very rich.

With a 'pop' sound, the bright moon began to grow crazily under this rich purple airflow.

Ye Hua and the one-armed old man both frowned and looked at Haoyue's changes in disbelief.

"It's done!"

Long Haoyu felt relieved and let out a heavy breath.

When he looked at Haoyue again, he saw that Haoyue, which was only one meter long, had grown to two meters.

Then, a head the same size as the first head emerged from the bulge on Haoyue's back.

When the little white beast saw this scene, Gululu rolled his eyes and became even more excited, as if a bit of satisfaction was surging in it.

Before anyone could react, Haoyue lowered both of his heads. The second head lightly bit the tip of his tail, and the purple blood flew towards the contract rune between Long Haochen's eyebrows.

"Senior, has this monster evolved?" Ye Hua asked in disbelief: "It was just a second-level monster, and now it has evolved directly to the mid-level four seasons?"

The one-armed old man was silent for a moment: "It is indeed evolution. I didn't expect this fire lizard to have such strange characteristics."

"Look now, this fire lizard not only feeds Haochen with its own blood, but also actively triggers the contract. That blood-red light is obviously a blood contract that is more extreme than the master-servant contract!"

Ye Hua also knew about the existence of the blood contract and sighed heavily: "I didn't expect that this child Haochen would be a blessing in disguise. This fire lizard is really not simple."

Soon, Haoyue's feedback to Long Haochen was completed.

The blood contract was completely signed at this moment. Haoyue, who had two heads, looked at Long Haochen very affectionately with two red and two gold eyes.

Lying in Long Haochen's arms very gently, he arched his body gently, enjoying the warmth.

Thanks to Haoyue's blood, Long Haochen's complexion has improved a lot now, and he is no longer so sickly.

"Is this the blood contract signed by my brother and the little white beast?"

"The closeness between me and the little guy has been greatly improved. It is much better than the equal contract at the beginning."

As soon as he said this, Ye Hua and the one-armed old man looked at the little white beast and Long Haoyu at the same time.

This little white beast also used a blood contract. Are all the monsters these two brothers encountered here to repay their kindness?

The legendary blood contract has many mysterious functions and does no harm to humans, but it is a fatal threat to Warcraft.

Being a slave to the death of a master is equivalent to completely binding one's life to the master from the moment the blood contract is signed.

They have heard of it, but have never seen any Warcraft willing to use the Blood Pact like this, but two of them came at once today?

To say he wasn't shocked would be a lie.

The little white beast was not surprised at all and looked at Ye Hua and the one-armed old man with some air.

It's just a blood contract, what's all the fuss about?

Feeling despised by the little white beast, Ye Hua and the one-armed old man decisively remained silent.

Before Haoyue appeared, the little white beast pointed at them and sprayed them for so long.

It's a small group, but the fire is really not that strong.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

The little white beast despised Wan Yehua and the one-armed old man.

Staring at Haoyue who had completed the repayment and signed the blood contract with Long Haochen.

Gululu's eyes rolled, she became completely excited, and she couldn't wait to run towards Long Haochen and Haoyue.

There was a precedent for the little white beast to directly greet him with his big cock. Long Haochen looked at the little white beast with a headache.

"Little guy, we are all relatives now, you are not allowed to mess around!" Long Haochen said worriedly.

The little white beast nodded with a very steady look and ran towards Haoyue.

The evolution was completed, and Long Haochen was no longer in danger. Haoyue was now timid again. Seeing the little white beast approaching, she instinctively wanted to avoid it.

However, before it could do anything specific, the little white beast had already ran to it and climbed straight up along its two-meter diameter.

After following Long Haoyu for such a period of time and fighting with Little Coal Ball so many times, the little white beast was already very good at climbing up and down.

But in an instant, he had climbed onto Haoyue's back, and then ran straight to sit between Haoyue's two heads.

The small paws gently patted Haoyue's two heads, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Long Haochen: "..."

Ye Hua and the one-armed old man: "..."

Looking at the little white beast's actions, he also looked at Haoyue's aggrieved expression as he let the little white beast ride on his head.

The three of them twitched the corners of their mouths in unison, and then all three of them looked at Long Haoyu, the owner of the little white beast.

They couldn't understand what the little white beast said, but Long Haoyu, who has telepathy, should be able to understand some of what the little white beast meant, right?

When the three people looked at him, Long Haoyu was speechless again.

In the past many years, the number of times he was speechless was not as many as the number of times he was speechless after meeting the little white beast.

He didn't understand what the little white beast was thinking. It was obviously enjoying itself, even more so than he, the master, did.

Long Haoyu glared at the little white beast fiercely. While he stepped forward to pull the little white beast off, Long Haoyu explained to the three of them: "This little guy is a restless master."

"In this case, it regards Haochen's Warcraft companion as its mount."

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