Disaster Shelter

Chapter 4: New goal

Detectives have their own website, and they will share their strange cases on this website.

Most of the cases are welcomed by detectives, who will scramble to contribute their wisdom and contribute to cracking the mystery case.

But there is a type of case that most detectives are reluctant to touch, even forming hidden rules in the industry, which will not even be brought up.

That is the case related to supernatural things. This type of case is called ‘li case’ in the website, and it is sealed at the bottom of the website, so it wo n’t be found easily.

The previous vampire was a target Wen Wen screened out in a pile of cases.

And he next is to find another good case to enrich his super powers.

In the rented house, Wen gently flipped the mouse and glanced quickly.

"Oh, it looks pretty good here."

Uh ...

十 At ten o'clock in the evening, the moonlight could not penetrate the cloudy sky, and the fog of the night covered the whole city.

From the outside, Luyuan High School, the second dormitory building, and a bedroom at the end of the second floor revealed an orange shimmer.

The school is now out of lights. It is reasonable to say that the students should all sleep now. Obviously, this bedroom should not be still on.

In the sleeping room, three students sat around and played cards, and candles were placed among the three.

"Haha, bomb! I won!" A slightly fat student shook his fist and shouted.

A dark-skinned student next to him was startled, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Pan Dapeng, give me a little whisper! Do you want to call that old man?"

I heard the old man, the slightly fat Pan Dapeng closed his mouth quickly. The uncle in this building was a terrible person in their eyes. He was always a ghost, and very fierce and fierce.

After the encounter, the three students deliberately lowered their voices and continued to play cards. Although they were afraid of the janitor, they continued to play cards. They were only 13 or 14 years old, and they were just like playing.

As soon as they had fun, they forgot the time, and soon it was twelve o'clock at midnight. They were very lucky, and they have not yet been discovered by the uncle.

"Okay, don't play anymore, I have to get up early in the morning to go to class." Li Wenliang, a black and thin student, yawned, stood up and planned to go to the toilet.

一 As soon as he opened the door, he saw an old man with a wrinkled face, standing at the door with an iron complexion, and staring at him straight away, his pee was immediately frightened.

It is the uncle of this dormitory building!

文 Li Wenliang smiled awkwardly, and then closed the bedroom door. He was surprised that the uncle looked at him and closed the door without stopping him, not even blinking his eyes!

He walked back, making a strange expression on his face, and wanted to describe the situation outside with his roommates.

But he found out that the roommates were looking at him with a look of horror.

"Strange, how do you know that the uncle is just outside our dormitory?" Li Wenliang wondered.

But soon, he discovered that they were not afraid of the uncle.

Two blackened palms were placed on Li Wenliang's shoulder, and a head without eyes extended from his side, looking at him expressionlessly!

It turned out that they were afraid of this figure!

The strange cold and unstoppable fear struck Li Wenliang's heart. Compared with the guy behind him, the uncle who was in charge of the house became more peaceful ...

Uh ...

"Ah ... cut ..."

At the train station, Wen Wen, carrying a huge suitcase, couldn't help sneezing. The smell in the air was too mixed, and he couldn't stand it for a while.

With the basic abilities of a vampire, 他 has greatly improved his sense of smell, like a dog's nose, and can discern a variety of flavors.

The smell of sweat, body odor, and even the smell of panties, he smelled very clearly.

"This is Furonghe City, a large city with a population of several million. It seems I need to live here for a while."

As a big city, Furonghe City has many, many unusual cases, but these cases are usually unknown. Wen Wen still knew from insiders on the detective website that Furonghe City is the city where the most li cases occur.

At the same time, he must solve these cases one by one. After all, catching monsters is a hard requirement for disaster shelters. Only by catching more monsters can he unlock more capabilities in the shelters.

I found a clean hotel to stay in, Wen Wen opened his laptop.

He solved many difficult and miscellaneous cases before. He won a lot of bonuses in police stations everywhere, so he would not be short of money at all.

"Be sure to find a simple event to try first, let me see ..."

I rummaged and Wen Wen locked a case.

'Shock! Three middle school students played cards in the middle of the night, and there was a major accident. The reason was so simple! ’

"It's such a title again, there is no nutrition at first sight ... but I still can't help but click in ..."

Wen Wen groaned while UU read the book www.uukanshu. com browsed the contents of this case.

"Well, all three middle school students were scared into the hospital afterwards. One of them suffered frostbite and was directly mentally deranged. The uncle in charge of the hospital stayed overnight at the door. His legs and feet were about to be abolished, and he was also in the hospital ..."

Wenwen touched his chin and said to himself, "This looks like a supernatural case, and it doesn't seem to be very dangerous. Ordinary people haven't died, and I shouldn't be in trouble now."

Then, Wen Wen searched the Internet for some news related to the case. There was nothing, which confirmed his idea even more.

Generally speaking, real supernatural cases are not searchable on the public platform of ordinary people. Those weird and strange incidents spread on the Internet are either too big to hide, or they are pretended to be deceiving, and there is nothing to Wen Wen Meaning.

不到 The case is not searchable on the Internet, which shows that this is the type he is interested in.

Then, he called a friend of the police station and asked for some internal information. After reading it, he made up his mind.

"Very good, this is the first 'Li case' handled by Detective Wen Wen ... maybe the second, forget it."

Uh ...

正 At noon the next day, the doorbell rang at the door of Pan Dapeng's house.

A middle-aged woman in a cashmere sweater pushed the door open, and saw a person standing outside the door, and froze.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Hello, I'm an insurance verifier at the Federal Flower Insurance Company. I heard that your son was frightened in the school dormitory a few days ago. Let me discuss the specifics of insurance claims."

Wen Wen, wearing a cheap black suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, said politely with a briefcase.

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