Chapter 98 Promotion!

Become the Lord of the Second-Order Universe!!

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Dagu: “My world, detected, came an alien, that alien can turn into a monster.

I hope it’s a good guy.”

Dagu: “After all, Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, during this time, I said that I would be very busy, and I guess I won’t have time to come to my world to destroy monsters.”

Emperor Desolate: “Well, there is indeed no time.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “But there is still time to practice treasure techniques.”

Shi Hao launched thousands of world chat groups.

Beast milk in thousands of world chat groups.

Even if he arrived in the Honghuang World, Shi Hao would still receive it.

Because animal milk is Shi Hao’s powerful “root”!

(Group tip: Group member Emperor Desolate Sky has received a red envelope from the group leader Li Daxian.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Heaven Emperor has received a red envelope from group member Dagu.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a red envelope from group member Lei Movie.)

(Group tip: Group member Emperor Desolate Sky has received a red envelope from group member First Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a red envelope from group member Xiongba.)

(Group tip: Group member Emperor Desolate Sky has received a red envelope from group member Liu Peiqiang.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a red envelope from group member Harry Potter.)

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Thank you for providing beast milk.”

Emperor Desolate: “Everyone is fine, right?” I’m not available for the time being.

There is something I can talk about now, and when I am free, I may be able to help you solve it.”

Ray movie: “There is no trouble, in this world, I am in my world, even if there is trouble, I can cut it off with a knife!”

Liu Peiqiang: “Thank you for caring about us, but everyone should only have a little trouble, so you don’t have to bother Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Liu Peiqiang: “In addition, in the past two days, we have been civilized and have built a good pasture, and we have begun to breed dairy cows, which can provide tens of thousands of pounds of milk every day.”

Liu Peiqiang: “In a few months, the amount of animal milk that can be provided will increase explosively.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Not bad.”

Emperor Desolate: “It’s okay, I’ll go offline to the chat group.”

Dagu @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, there is an alien in my world, that alien can turn into a monster, if it is malicious to the earth civilization of our world, when you are free, can you please help?”

Emperor Desolate: “Yes.”

Shi Hao offline thousands of world chat groups.

Get your share of animal milk today.

The country where the group leader Li Daxian is located has provided 800 million pounds of animal milk.

The animal milk provided by Lei Movie was unexpectedly available to Shi Hao, and it turned out to be more than 30 million catties!

“Thunder Movie, the Inazuma ruled by Thor, is also an ancient background, but he can get so much animal milk.

Does Inazuma have a pasture?”

Shi Hao was slightly puzzled.


Compared with Lei Movie, the beast milk provided by the group owner Li Daxian and the beast milk provided by Dagu are the big heads!

Today, Shi Hao was provided with two billion pounds of beast milk!

This Dagu and Li Xiang gave Shi Hao as much as 2.8 billion jin of beast milk!

The rest of Harry Potter, Xiongba, the First Emperor and others provided beast milk, combined, also have more than one million catties.

“Not bad, not bad!”

Shi Hao was satisfied.

Shi Hao began to drink today’s portion of animal milk.

More than 2.8 billion pounds of animal milk.

Shi Hao swallowed it all into his stomach after a few mouthfuls.

(animal milk system), instantly convert these animal milks into skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 53,871,116) before.

Shi Hao added points to upgrade the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” to the first level, which was to consume more than 53 million skill points.

Then at that time, on the system panel (of the animal milk system), there are more than eighteen million skill points left.


Shi Hao drank more than 2.8 billion pounds of beast milk today, and the skill points obtained were added to the remaining skill points before… There are more than 53 million skill points again.

Shi Hao calculated.

“That’s pretty much it.

In addition, the quality of today’s animal milk is slightly higher!

The skill points obtained are a little more.”

And Shi Hao looked at the number of skill points, and then looked at the exercise skill column on the (animal milk system) system panel.

Shi Hao saw that the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” was already and could be improved again!

“Can I improve the Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method? So…”

Shi Hao was very decisive, seeing that he could continue to become stronger, he immediately moved his mind and chose to add points to improve the “Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” (Jade Pure True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method First Stage (can be improved))

(Jade Halal Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method Second Order (Unassurable)) in a thought.

Shi Hao plus point improvement completed.

With more than 50 million skill points depleted!

Shi Hao raised the “Jade Pure Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” to the second order, and he himself became a second-order true immortal!

That is… Lord of the second-order universe!

The true immortal of this high-end flood world is the master of the universe!!

Shi Hao perceived his own universe, and a groundbreaking change occurred in his body!

The universe in Shi Hao’s body was only 10,000 light years in size when it was in the first-order True Immortal Realm.

But now, the universe in Shi Hao’s body is 100,000 light years in size!

That’s a tenfold improvement!


It’s not just that!

Having become a second-order True Immortal, Shi Hao’s True Immortal Body was also more than ten times stronger!

“The universe in my body should be tens of thousands of solar system sizes.”

“And the strength I have is incalculable!”

“Compared to when I was still in the Heavenly Immortal Great Perfection Realm… The strength of this second-order True Immortal Realm immortal at this time should be at least a thousand times stronger!”

Shi Hao evaluated his own strength.

He feels good!

Come to this high-end flood world, come to the right place.

It’s only been a day, and it’s more than a thousand times stronger!

“The Heavenly Court is still very harmonious, and the immortal families are very graceful.”

“Even if we are just the bottom immortals, we can live well in the Heavenly Court.”

“Li Fangxian Chang is also very good to us, when he is in a good mood, he often instructs the two of us in spells!”

Time passes.

Small half a day passed.

This way.

Shi Hao was in Li Fang’s “Bow Ma Wen Mansion”, and had nothing to do, so he talked with the two immortals in Li Fang’s mansion, wanting to understand this high-end flood world.

The two Xian’e know very little.

However, according to the words of these two immortals, Shi Hao also knew that this high-end flood world was not a Longtan Tiger Cave, at least the entire immortal world’s Ling Xiaotian was in a peaceful atmosphere.

Xian’e is a fairy with the strength of scattered immortals… Scattered immortals in the Honghuang world are really just low-level immortals.

There are no scattered immortals in the background, and when they reach the Immortal World Heavenly Court, they can only be people at the moment… Like what.

The two immortals in this Li Fang mansion.

Yun Qingsu is an exception, with Li Fang helping her, she can be ranked in the immortal class, with the body of scattered immortals, and become a small history of the Heavenly Court.

“Do you meet many Great Immortals?”

Shi Hao talked to the two Xian’e and asked this question that he valued again.

The Great Immortal Family is the name of the Xuan Immortal above the True Immortal.

The Xuan Immortal above the True Immortal, in the Immortal World Heavenly Court, is not a small person, and can become a star lord.

Immortal Tan Su replied, “The Great Immortal Family… We low-level immortals are rarely seen, I have been in the Heavenly Court for tens of thousands of years, and I have only seen the Great Immortal Family twice.

They all came to find Li Fangxian Chang.”


Shi Hao nodded and wanted to ask something again.


A stream of light came in from the Bow Ma Wen mansion, and Shi Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed the stream of light, only to find that this was a letter from Li Fang to him.

In the letter, Li Fang said that he would be busy with the imperial horse prison for a few days, and after a few days, he would bring some senior brothers and sisters to gather with Shi Hao and get to know each other.

“It’s really… Will you still be busy as a bow Mawen?”

Shi Hao also couldn’t understand this, and complained in his heart.


Shi Hao remembered what Li Fang said earlier, Li Fang is responsible for 100,000 heavenly horses, so it should indeed be very busy.

The heavenly horses of the Heavenly Court, when they become adults, at least have the power of heavenly immortals, and there are very few heavenly horses that can have the power of true immortals.

Li Fang is only a first-order true immortal, and if he wants to take care of 100,000 heavenly horses, even if he has the help of his subordinates, he should not be able to go anywhere.

“In addition… In a few days, Li Fang will bring a group of disciples to get to know me.”

“Well, this is okay, of course it is better to have more friends.”

Shi Hao evaluated in his heart.

He is in the Heavenly Court, and now he is just hanging an idle post from the ninth product, and he is at a time when he has nothing to do.

Shi Hao did not dare, in the high-end flood world, use the crossing function of thousands of world chat groups to travel to the world of other group members.

“It’s good to make a few friends in the Heavenly Court.”

Shi Hao thought.

Shi Hao was about to ask the two immortals, some of the latest news in the Heavenly Court.

But at this time, Shi Hao heard a prompt from thousands of world chat groups: “Ding!

One group member has died.”

Chapter 98 The speed of adding group members is no longer able to catch up with the speed of your death (2) Among the thousands of world chat groups at this time.

No matter who dies, it is not what Shi Hao is happy to see!” But…… How could another group of members die!”

Shi Hao felt that there were really many group members in the thousands of world chat groups!

Shi Hao was also in no mood, and continued to talk with the two fairies, and he said: “Two fairies, I have something for the time being, so I won’t talk much.”

Shi Hao said goodbye and left.

Li Fang’s Bow Ma Wen Mansion has a large spatial array inside, and the space inside it is tens of thousands of light years in size.

Shi Hao came to one of his temporary residences.

Then sink your consciousness into the thousands of world chat groups and check it.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: no cliff: “It’s Ding Chunqiu who harmed me!”

(Group tip: Group member Wuyazi is dead.)

Zhang Sanfeng: “…”

Xiongba: “??”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Another group member died?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “.” I feel that the speed of adding group members to the group is no longer able to keep up with the speed of your death.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “It’s really sad!

And there are no cliffs… I obviously told Wuyazi to be careful when he asked him to seek revenge on Ding Chunqiu.

How come he still rolled over and died… This.”

You really can’t blame anyone.

Desolate Sky Emperor: “… No cliff is dead.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Desolate Heavenly Emperor: “Yes!

Unexpectedly, even the Desolate Heaven Emperor you were also alarmed.”

Li Daxian, the leader of the group: “The thing is this, Wuyazi went to Ding Chunqiu to take revenge, and asked Ding Chunqiu to pay his blood debt.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “I asked Wuyazi to be careful of some of Ding Chunqiu’s schemes, but it seems that Wuyazi did not listen to my opinion.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Wuyazi went to seek revenge on Ding Chunqiu, just now, was killed by Ding Chunqiu, right?”

Zhang Sanfeng: “This Ding Chunqiu, when it comes to martial arts, is far less than Wuyazi!”

How, how will it be?”

Zhang Sanfeng: “What trap did Wuyazi fall into?” Alas.”

Ray movie: “I watch this chat group, and there are indeed many dead group members.”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “You guys should be careful in the future!”

For the death of no cliff.

Shi Hao looked at the chat record and felt that there was no unjust death without a cliff.

Group leader Li Daxian, remind Wuyazi to be careful when looking for Ding Chunqiu to take revenge!

Outcome…… The sentence that Wuyazi sent in the group before his death, it seems that he was still killed by Ding Chunqiu.

This is purely a matter of IQ!

You know, there is no cliff, but he got a blood bodhi sent by the group leader Li Xiang, and after eating the blood bodhi, Wuyazi’s injuries have all recovered, and his skill has gone further.

When it comes to hard power, there is no problem in hanging Ding Chunqiu without a cliff.

Yet there is no cliff in this case.

After being reminded by the group leader Li Xiang, in the case that his own strength far exceeded Ding Chunqiu, he was also killed by Ding Chunqiu.

All it can say is… This is indeed a true death.

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “Speaking of which, recently my enemy Lao Pig is also looking for me.”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “If I am found by the old pig, I will inevitably die.”

The ancient three links spoke at this time.

Ray Movie @ Undefeated Urchin Gu Santong: “Your enemy is a pig? Can’t you even beat a pig?”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “Ahem, cough, Lord God, my enemy is not a pig, he is an enemy with strong martial arts and cunning and strong power, and my contemptuous name for him is Old Pig Cunning.”

Ray Movie: “So it is.”

Lei Movie: “Then it seems that after waiting soon, another group member will die in this group.”

Undefeated urchin ancient three links: “…”

Liu Peiqiang @ Undefeated Urchin Gu Santong: “Need help?” I can provide you with some high-tech weapons.”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “Of course!”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “My son is a fool, I can’t rest assured of him, I have to live to take care of me and Suxin’s son!”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong: “And Suxin… Sooner or later I’ll save her.”

Undefeated urchin Gu Santong @ Liu Peiqiang: “Thank you for your help.”

Liu Peiqiang: “Wait, I’ll check to see what high-tech weapons can have a good lethal effect on martial arts masters.”

Harry Potter: “I think Mr. Liu Peiqiang, the weapon you gave me last time to deal with Voldemort was very good.”

Liu Peiqiang: “That weapon can’t work, it can blow up a city, Harry Potter you are a magician, you can prepare in advance, you can escape, but the ancient three links use that weapon, it is to die with the enemy.”

Zhang Sanfeng: “Speaking of which, my situation is also a little bad.”

Zhang Sanfeng: “I was hostile by the barbarian court of my world.”

Zhang Sanfeng: “A few days ago, there was a small team of imperial soldiers and horses who attacked Wudang Mountain, but they were repelled by the Wudang disciples led by me.”

Xiongba: “I’ve been annoyed recently, I’ve been targeted by a mysterious force, what is the Heavenly Gate of Heaven called that force.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “…”

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