Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface:

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Group Master Li Daxian: “Group Lord Daxian, I don’t have beast milk to drink!” ”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Are you there the group master Great Immortal?” ”

Xiongba @Desolate Heaven Emperor: “I just gave you more than 20,000 pounds of beast milk the day before yesterday, and this is gone?” ”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “I’m done drinking!” ”

Group leader Great Immortal: “Shi Hao, you wait, Ben Daxian will prepare animal milk for you.” ”

Group leader Daxian Li Xiang would have a headache!

This Desolate Heaven Emperor and the children in their village drank beast milk too quickly, right?

“You can chew 10,000 or 20,000 pounds of animal milk in a day! That’s tens of thousands of dollars! ”

Li Xiang felt that even if he took out a loan, it seemed that he could not afford to support the Desolate Heaven Emperor who loved to drink animal milk and the children in their village.


No way.

In order to eat the Heavenly God Fruit that can become a god on the ground in the future.

Li Xiang can only force his head to do it!

Luckily, there is good news today!

That’s —

Guo Jing @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Desolate Sky Emperor, do you want to drink animal milk?” My wife asked me to prepare thousands of pounds of animal milk for you. ”

Guo Jing: “She said, let me befriend you.” ”

Guo Jing, an honest person, suddenly appeared!

This is the first time, when Shi Hao was in the online chat group, he saw Guo Jing speak.

Guo Jing’s presence in thousands of world chat groups is very low.

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Guo Jing: “Thank you!” ”

Emperor Desolate: “You will be my friend in the future!” ”

Guo Jing: “Okay, I’ll send you the animal milk, it’s this group red envelope function, right?” ”

[Group tip: Group member Guo Jing sends group red envelopes to group member Emperor Desolate. ] 】

[Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a group red envelope from group member Guo Jing. ] 】

Desolate Sky Emperor: “The beast milk has been received!” ”

Guo Jing: “It’s good if you like the Desolate Sky Emperor.” ”

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Group Master Li Daxian: “But a few thousand pounds of beast milk, you can drink it in one day, Group Lord Daxian, you can send me some animal milk!” ”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Good. ”

Li Xiang’s brain hurt, originally thought that Guo Jing gave the Desolate Sky Emperor a few thousand pounds of beast milk, and today will pass.

But I didn’t expect it.

I still want him to prepare animal milk!

Xiongba: “Group Lord Great Immortal, Desolate Heaven Emperor, it’s better for me to prepare beast milk!” ”

Xiongba: “Emperor Desolate Sky, we are also friends, right?” I’ll treat you to animal milk today. ”

Xiongba spoke at this time.

The hegemonic world will occupy the world of “Fengyun”, half of the territory of Shenzhou, which can be described as rich and powerful.

Just tens of thousands of pounds of animal milk, Xiongba does not put it in his eyes at all.

With an order, his mighty world will help the people, and he can get it.

Using beast milk to befriend the Desolate Heaven Emperor, in the eyes of Xiongba, it is quite a cost-effective thing!

Emperor Desolate: “Good! ”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ben Daxian has no opinion, since Xiongba wants to befriend the Desolate Heaven Emperor, then give you this opportunity.” ”

Li Daxian, the leader of the group, spoke.

And Shi Hao? As long as there is animal milk to drink, it doesn’t matter who gives it!


“The beast milk that Guo Jing prepared for me is about five or six thousand kilograms, well, after drinking this, can there be sixty skill points?”

“Not bad!”

As usual, Shi Hao used the group identification of thousands of world chat groups to identify that the red envelope sent to him by Guo Jing was no problem, and it was really fresh animal milk inside, so he received the red envelope.

It’s the same as the beast milk that Xiongba gave Shi Hao.

The animal milk that Guo Jing prepared for Shi Hao is also milk, mare’s milk, goat’s milk, and deer milk!

Shi Hao is not picky, anyway, when he drinks a lot of animal milk, he will turn into an emotional animal milk drinking machine and pour animal milk into his stomach!

As for how animal milk tastes? If it is delicious, Shi Hao will taste it, is it not delicious? When Shi Hao became a strong person in the innate realm, he could temporarily block his sense of taste.

“Buckle buckle.”

At this time, outside the door of Shi Hao’s room, there was a knock on the door.

The maid outside the door shouted, “Little young master! Little young master! Get up for breakfast! ”

Shi Hao responded: “This is coming!” ”



At the dinner table.

Shi Hao found that his mother Tang Wanying was holding a little fox in her arms.

Shi Hao felt strange and asked, “Mom, who is this little fox in your arms?” ”

Tang Wanying said: “This little red fox was bought by the butler in the market this morning, is it beautiful?” I saw how beautiful it was and decided to feed it! ”

Shi Hao said, “This fox can’t be a monster, right? ”

Shi Hao knew that he was in the world of “Liaozhai”.

Through Guobei County and Lanruo Temple, these two locations can be seen!

In the world of “Liaozhai”, demons and ghosts are rampant, and a fox is a vixen, which is normal!

Tang Wanying said: “How cute this little fox is! How could it be a vixen? Vixen wouldn’t be such a small fox, would it? ”

Shi Hao found out that something was wrong with the martial arts strength of his peak grandmaster!

When Shi Hao said that the little fox in Tang Wanying’s arms was a monster, the little fox, obviously, stiffened his body!

“Is it really a monster? Little vixen? Can understand people’s words. Definitely. ”

Shi Hao pondered in his heart, a little nervous.

He was afraid that the little vixen in Tang Wanying’s arms would kill his mother Tang Wanying.

(Asking for flowers…) Ask for review votes………… )

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