Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 551: 555.Holy rank is coming

  Chapter 551 Chapter 555.The Holy Order Strikes

  555, the holy rank is coming

   A stern alarm sounded inside the base, floating in the forest, and the beasts on the periphery also rushed towards the base. When they entered the core of the base, Liu Hao was no longer there.

  In an abandoned ranch house, Liu Hao and others moved in and planned to rest for a few days before leaving.

Montana, adjacent to Maple Leaf Country, is on the same horizontal line as the northeastern region of Long Country in terms of latitude. The winter is longer and the grazing time is shorter. Compared with other regions, the single unit is larger, plus long-term land mergers. Many pastures are very vast, mostly from tens of thousands of acres to tens of millions of acres.

The ranch chosen at will by Liu Hao and others belonged to the larger one. The house inside was more like a manor, with all kinds of facilities, but it was not inhabited for a few years and it was a lot dilapidated. After a little tidying up, It also has a special flavor.

  Zhang Chulan and others are busy preparing dinner, and Liu Hao is talking with Luo Bing in Ze's room.

   "The information has been sent to you, how do you deal with it, I don't want to know!"

  "Okay, General Liu, thank you, really, thank you!"

  Liu Hao smiled, without an interface, Luo Bing’s words came again.

   "By the way, General Liu, I have something to tell you. The Kakashi Hagi and the group of Kakashi from the Ninja world formed the Konoha Pirates in Pirate World. Do you know this?"

   "I heard about it, but I paid very little attention later!"

"Some time ago, when the Konoha Pirates passed through the Blackbeard site, they clashed with Blackbeard for several rounds. After entering the Red-haired Shanks site, they did not know what happened, and fought with a local force. , That force took refuge in Blackbeard, and now Blackbeard is chasing them across the sea!"

  "Red-haired Shanks hasn't returned to his homeland yet?"

   "Yes, Shanks's direct line is taken away!"

   "Blackbeard seems to have known the news, this guy, wouldn't it be that he wanted to take Shanks' territory altogether?"

  "According to the assessment of the think tank, Blackbeard is likely to be real this time!"

  "What action does the world government do?"

  "The world government drew Fujitora into the new world with a smile. In secret, many cp personnel entered the Blackbeard site to make trouble for him. The world government seems to be very wary of Blackbeard!"

  "What about the South China Sea? The world government would not think that the South China Sea is calm, right? If I remember correctly, the South China Sea is now more chaotic!"

  "The world government seems to have secretly sent people to the South China Sea. There are a lot of people who have fled to the South China Sea from Australia, Yinpad, and Luzon. Moreover, there is some expectation that these countries can escape;

  As far as we know, Australia, inkpad, and Luzon are all countries with the existence of ninth-tier powerhouses, and their homeland has fallen, but in the South China Sea, it will be very difficult for the world government to completely suppress them;

  It is also because of this, what agreement the world government secretly reached with them, and this is the performance of dispatching Fujitora into the new world with a smile! "

A passage from Luo Bing gave Liu Hao a glimpse, and then he realized that for the world government, except for some of the core areas, the rest of the site is not important. What they want is more the stability of the appearance and how much fighting secretly. Where will it be managed?

  It seems that the world government sent to the South China Sea is probably one of the five-star elders. After secretly discussing and discussing it, they all understand that either sit down and draw a line or die.

  No one is a fool. Together, we occupy the territory and establish rules to divide the South China Sea, which also allows the world government to deploy a lot of naval forces.

  "Do you have any information about the blackbeard's power?"

"We suspect that the people who formed this faction are probably from the Ninja World, and they are probably the remnants of Akatsuki's organization. Only when Hanaki Kakashi and the gang found out, will they violently conflict with them! But who is it? Accurate information!"

   "Well, it seems that the Blackbeard Pirates will increase the Ninja Legion!"

   "Yes, it is very possible that the addition of ninjas has completely inspired Blackbeard's ambition. After all, ninjas can step on the water and fight against the devil fruit ability in the sea, which has a huge advantage!"


  "General Liu, there is one more thing that I need to tell you about the Straw Hat Pirates!"

  "Oh? They have just escaped from Alaska of the Four Emperors, and have they had a new action?"

  "No, the Pirate World News fermented, and the victorious party was set as the Straw Hat Pirate Group, and the focus was on Luffy, who was called the fifth emperor of the new world;

  The world government has issued a reward of 1.5 billion Baileys. This unit price has exceeded the price that the big pirate should offer. It also shows that the world government regards Luffy as the fifth king of the new world! "

"The world government is going to make a mistake this time. They want Luffy and the others to disrupt the new world, but they don't know that there is no need for a reward from the Fifth Emperor. Luffy also wants to upset the new world. , On the contrary, Luffy's prestige has been achieved!"

   "The Four Emperors have personally gone out of Alaska to hunt down Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirates will have a hard time coming!"

   "If you want to be the One Piece King, you must step over the four emperors. I want to see if Luffy and Blackbeard will collide?"

  "General Liu, do you think it is better for the Straw Hat Pirates to fight Blackbeard?"

   "Oh? It seems that you have a layout before?"

   "Yes, we have been paying attention to the surviving members of the original Whitebeard Pirate Group, especially Ace!"

   "Hahaha, interesting, let's do it, let them collide with Blackbeard!"

  "Okay, is General Liu going to Pirate World?"

   "I originally planned to travel through Australia, but it seems that I need to choose Pirate World to travel through!"

The world of One Piece is about to usher in a new climax. Liu Hao also wants to see the excitement, especially Haaki Kakashi and Naruto Uzumaki and others seem to be involved. He wants to see Naruto and Luffy meet. How about it?

  Hang up the phone, Liu Hao remembered the issue of One Piece World’s battle power rankings, and it was time to update.

  At this moment, a domineering mental power swept across, and then locked himself firmly.

   "Are you here? Is it the Bald Eagle or the Datong organization? The Datong organization is best, and it's time to deal with it!"

  While Liu Hao was talking, he walked out of the house. After a short while, a stream of light flashed, and the beard came above him, and a brawny man with brown hair and white skin appeared, looking down.

  The brawny man saw Liu Hao and did not speak, but he started to do it directly. He stretched out his palm and pressed it down from a high altitude, forming a big flaming palm in the air;

As the opponent presses down, the big red palm shoots towards Liu Hao. The closer you get to Liu Hao, the bigger the palm becomes. When the palm is pressed down, the air pressure also multiplies crazily. I haven't touched Liu Hao yet. Already had a fierce attack ability, and the space below had already begun to have a sense of distortion.

   "Holy Order? It's just right!"

  (End of this chapter)

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