Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 351: 355. Fujitora smiles spiritual sense

  Chapter 351 355.The Spiritual Sense of Fujitora Smile

  355, One Piece Nanhai

  Liu Hao is really not worried about the Xiao organization. Even if all the members of the Xiao organization enter the eighth level, he can suppress it backhand and become the savior of the Ninja world by the way. Why not?

  He has no pressure at all, Akatsuki enters the world of One Piece, and he will even provide help in the rear;

Under certain circumstances, Liu Hao and their interests are the same, because he feels that the powerhouses in the One Piece world need to be suppressed. After these people merge into the earth, they will make trouble on the earth, and they really think that the earth is their rear. Garden?

Before that, Liu Hao needed them to collide with the Bald Eagle. Now that the Bald Eagle itself is erosive, it needs to suppress these pirate groups in turn. The situation in the Pacific needs to be balanced. It is difficult for war between the Four Emperors and Pirate Groups to break out. Akatsuki organizes this external force. It's a good time to get in;

  The strength of Xiao Xiao’s organization cannot be underestimated;

Uzumaki Nagato: In the early stage of the eighth stage, it was able to reach the middle stage of the eighth stage in a rush. The six puppets can be reorganized at any time when they are broken. They also have such a big move as the earth bursting star. The lethality is high enough and the strength cannot reach the fourth emperor level. , But the emperor's deputy wants to defeat him, it is too difficult, this guy has enough life-saving ability, fight him for a long time without knowing where the main body is;

Uchiha belt soil: the pinnacle of the seventh rank, the person with space ability, the early stage of combat effectiveness, fight with him, and those who don’t understand will die and don’t know how to die. In terms of life-saving, Akatsuki is definitely ranked first in the organization. Maybe he killed him. Just wasting one of his eyes;

Dry persimmon ghost mackerel: the peak of the seventh rank, the strong water escape, is the greatest threat in the world of One Piece. It is naturally counterproductive to those with devil fruit ability. If you hide in the sea and want to kill him, only the murloc can try it, he The shark face itself is an existence that can breathe in the sea. In the world of One Piece, no one doubts that he lied to be a murloc;

Jiaodu: The pinnacle of rank seven, five hearts and five elements of ninjutsu. I don’t know his weakness. It’s too hard and too difficult to kill him. He is in his eighties and nineties, and his life-saving ability is first-class. It’s true that he wants to escape. Difficult to lock

Flying stage: The early stage of the seventh stage, the combat effectiveness is average, but as a cultist, his method of killing is impossible to prevent. The most important thing is that he wants to kill him. At present, there is no second method besides sealing. Physical damage is invalid. No harm, how do you fight?

Red Sand Scorpion: The seventh-order high-level, if the transforming person understands it, the puppet master understands it, and the cleanup is absolutely top-notch. It is absolutely fierce and can be exchanged for a short-term eighth-order combat power when it performs a trick. , In addition, there is another point, that is poison, the poison that crosses the world cannot be eliminated simply;

Deidara: Around the middle of the seventh stage, the bomber and the air supremacy are in hand. If fighting on the sea, his bombs will definitely make all kinds of warships cry without tears. Even if it is a single confrontation, his big and small bombs are enough. Break you down

Xiaonan: In the early stage of the seventh stage, the ability is similar to the paper fruit. One-on-one may not be very good, but she can be aggressive. The 600 million detonation talisman will definitely make you inevitable. It is best to stay away from her if there is no two lives. ;

  Black and White: The rank is a mystery, can use Mu Dun, once dragged the fifth generation of water shadow, the single combat power is around the seventh stage, as an intelligence collector and behind-the-scenes boss, not participating in the battle, it is dangerous enough;

  This kind of combination, in the world of One Piece, it has enough combat power. Moreover, after learning the new training system in One Piece, the combat power will definitely be improved;

  In this case, let alone others, dry persimmon ghosts are absolutely the best fit for domineering, and it may even fit the unique physical skills of the murlocs, and the possibility of coming to the top is huge;

The South China Sea of ​​One Piece World, east of Luzon, in the southwest of the former South Pacific. There are many islands here, and the insertion of the South China Sea of ​​the Shanghai Pirate makes the islands denser. There are many countries around it, and it also creates the most complicated situation in the whole One Piece world. After years of development, here, it has become the largest black market in One Piece in the world;

  A group of people came here in a low-key manner. Subconsciously, they still avoided the Dragon Kingdom’s sphere of influence in the East China Sea. They knew very well that in the world of Shinobi, the Akatsuki organization was not a bright organization;

  On this journey, apart from arriving at Xinjiapo and taking advantage of the Longguo Waterway, they all rely on themselves to cross the South China Sea of ​​Longguo, enter Luzon, and then enter the Southwest Pacific from Luzon until reaching the destination;

Along the way, the journey was not smooth. There were a lot of fights. Monsters, Luzon forces, etc. were not good crops, but the gains were also not small. For example, more information in One Piece World, etc., allows them to enter the South Sea of ​​One Piece World and integrate into it faster;

  Xiao organized a group of people to arrive at the destination. Instead of raising the flag immediately, they spread out and began to collect more information. This is their instinct as a ninja;

Uchiha took the soil and received the task of navy six styles and domineering training methods. He did not shirk. As a behind-the-scenes boss, he did not have the idea of ​​competing with Uzumaki Nagato for the boss. This task is also to strengthen Akatsuki's organization. The strength is also what he needs;

  Illusory skills plus transformation skills, Uchiha's soil can easily be mixed into naval institutions. The simple navy six styles were quickly taken out of the mouth of a colonel by him. It is domineering, but not that simple;

   After some inquiries, Tai Tu also learned that domineering is a high-level practice method. Only the real high-level people know how to practice. Among the naval institutions in the South China Sea, only the South China Sea Headquarters has it;

  Without any hesitation, he turned around and headed towards the South China Sea Headquarters of the World Government Navy. This made him understand that the water in One Piece World is not as deep;

The world government, after the integration of One Piece into the earth, life is not as easy as before. The North Sea, half of it was captured by the foot basin country and the Asian part of the polar bear. There are still conflicts. The navy needs to suppress all parts and cannot concentrate all its energy to regain it. It can only continue to maintain it. In the original state, the general Huang Yuan became the resident general of Beihai;

  Also in the South China Sea, in order to stop the situation from eroding, the navy had to arrange for a general to sit down. This person is Fujitora Smile, a person with the ability of gravity fruit;

   Soon after Uchiha brought soil into the South China Sea Naval Headquarters, Fujitor smiled and felt it;

  The blind Fujitora smiled. He has always been domineering with hearing and seeing and hearing for external sources of information, which makes his acuity of these two skills dozens of times that of ordinary people;

The success of bringing the soil in the branch made him less alert. He thought that the transformation technique combined with the illusion technique was unsolved in this world, and he did not hide it. He found an opportunity to enter the main office building and found a major general to directly hypnotize it with the illusion technique. ;

After changing to any general, he would not notice the soil. The movement he caused was very small. Fujitora smiled and became suspicious. It was because of his feedback that brought soil gave him a sense of threat. Made him interested in bringing soil;

  At the beginning, Fujitor smiled and thought it was an intelligence officer of the cp organization, but then he rejected it again, because even if the intelligence personnel of the cp organization come in an open manner, they should go through his own base officer;

  With this doubt, Fujitora smiled and stood up, and walked towards the location where the soil was located, until the door of the major general's office, a voice came from inside, and Fujitora smiled and understood the intention of the visitor;

  He doesn’t need to deliberately eavesdrop. His keen sense of hearing has already heard the major general’s statement clearly. The speech is somewhat mechanical. The statement is still a domineering practice method. It does not need to be considered to be sure that the person who comes is the enemy;

  Fujitora smiled and pushed away from the office, locked Uchiha with the soil, and grabbed the long knife on his waist with his big hand;

  "The old man is better at domineering training methods. As long as you can beat the long knife in the hands of the old man, the old man must tell the truth!"

  (End of this chapter)

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