Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 285.

Nicholas: "!!!! What! How is that possible!"

Salome looked around at the familiar configuration with a stern face and put one hand to her lips, "A split second to the base?"

In the distance, Icarus, who felt Ling Yu's scent, also brought Celine and her son to the hall.

When the three of them came over, Ling Yu looked at everyone and said, "Alright, the next step is to solve the problem of Caryn and Ximing's Filth Reincarnation."

Saying this, Otto's eyes were suddenly endowed, and at his signal, Amber left with Nicholas and Salome, as well as the sleeping Ziggy.

Ordinary Valkyries had no business being involved in such an appalling affair.

And Cecilia was the one he specifically left behind, the key point being that Cecilia was unmarried!

As for what Otto thought of it, there was no telling.

Of course resurrecting such things was still a matter of finding Teruyuki, and as much as he hated to say it, resurrecting someone was expensive, and Ling Yu hadn't been selfless enough to waste points freely for outsiders.

The next moment a black hole opened up in front of the crowd, as Ling Yu had a little bit of a glimpse of Teruyuki in the group, explaining the situation.

Only to be stunned when they saw one person walking out.

"Birdie, why are you with Phaeton? And your power."

Yes, the visitor was the Southern Bird, but it had changed so much that Ling Yu could clearly feel a small golden fox inside it.

Was that a Nine-Tail?

"Hehe, I've been practicing with Sister Teruyuki recently, and when I saw that Sister Teruyuki was summoned by Brother Ling Yu I came along, so I won't disturb you, right?" Nan Little Bird asked.

Ling Yu shook his head and smiled, "That's nothing. It's just a bit of a surprise. But I'm also very happy that Little Bird is here."

Nan Little Bird smiled with a hip, innocent and cute smile that instantly made the crowd remember this little girl.

"Huh? It's so lively, Group Master, there's a bit too many people here." The mature female voice sounded, and again it was a white-eyed woman in a loose white do-rag.

The others were paying attention to the woman's distinctive eyes, but Otto heard one word - Group Master!

He didn't know what it meant though! But it's clearly an organization across the street, so what if he could join too?

Of course, he wasn't trying to research and frame Ling Yu, Kareen was back and everything else didn't matter anymore, he just wanted to return the favor.

And with Ling Yu's power maybe the tragedy of the last epoch wouldn't have happened in their world.

As you can see from the battle of the moon, the Endbringer is strong! So strong that humans today can't compete!

You know that all the advanced weapons and powerful god keys nowadays are basically left over from the last civilization, but it's such a powerful former civilization that still hasn't been able to resist the power of the Endbringer! So, can the current human race alone really destroy the end?

The answer is, no way!

So the original Otto had the idea of creating the Lawgiver, but that was based on resurrecting Kareen, and now that Kareen is resurrected and the only long-cherished dream is gone, it's time to fight with Kareen for the dream that was once abandoned.

Defeat the end! Wipe out the collapse!

"All right, Teruyuki, you're next," Ryau said.

"No problem." Teruyuki nodded. Arms crossed.

Eyes snapped open, and the white, white eyes disappeared, replaced by a pair of scarlet reincarnated eyes!

"Reincarnation born!" The strength of the Terra Nova Realm erupted at once, filling the cracks in Kareen and Ximing's bodies directly through thick chakra from within the void.

Ccccccccccccccccc ------

Smoke came out, but the two had recovered their flesh.

Karyn froze and gently ran a hand across her skin, as the red blood slowly flowed out.

Gently stroking her own chest.

The heart was beating! And there's body heat too!

Chapter 210 - Someone from the Hen family.

"What did you and Otto talk about, Lynx?" Celine took little Celine's hand and asked.

Ling Yu smiled mysteriously, "It's nothing, just a greeting."

"A greeting?" Celine didn't know why, but when she saw Ling Yu's mysterious expression she stopped talking.

Who cares, Otto couldn't threaten her with her current strength anyway.

"Miss Ritsukona, little brother Ling Yu, I wonder where we're going now?" At the side Ximing followed the three as they strolled down the street, unsure of what to do from now on she spoke up.

"Going somewhere? Home, of course." Ling Yu smiled.

Ximing was startled, going home? But where was her home.

Little Celine also showed a dazed face, home, how distant a word.

"Let's go." Ling Yu smiled and popped, a snap opened and the black space opened right up.

"This is? Unlike the power of the imaginary number space, it is the power that was created when that woman came before!"

Little Celine's eyes flashed with horror, having become a Ruler of the Air, she was incredibly familiar with the power of space, and immediately saw the difference in the space before her.

Ling Yu touched little Celine's head and pulled her small hand, the five of them walked into the dark space.

On the far side of the tower, Otto watched from afar from where Ling Yu had left.

Looking at an invitation in his hand, and Cecilia, who was standing at the side with a complicated face, a smile curled her lips.

Lightly patted Cecilia's shoulder.

"If you are not strong enough, train well, it's not like you don't have a chance in the future." After saying that, Otto left.

Kalyn was back, and with his personality he should need to have a honeymoon or something with Kalyn, but unfortunately, it seemed like Kalyn's personality would be better off using the time to kill more Crash Beasts than going on a trip.

Placing the invitation into his chest, Otto left.

'Besides, I learned something very interesting today. From the world of the future? Interesting ......"

Cecilia, who was standing in the same place, silently watched the direction Ling Yu left and sighed until the end?

Is it a thank you or something else ------

"It feels so good to be back!"

The soothing sea breeze blew on Ling Yu's face.

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