Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 133.

Ling Yu's azure gaze was endowed, and his foot lightly stepped on the ground, and all the air around him condensed, instantly forming a shockwave of white light that swept smoothly towards the surroundings.

Click ------

Some grinding sound of freezing sounded and the entire space-time was stopped. The entire world turned black and white, and when it came back to life again, the entire area within reach of the eye was drenched in ice and blue when you looked out.

A world of ice was presented.

Even the closing white fever was covered with blue ice in an instant, like a piece of artwork that looked beautiful.

A light snap of the finger.

Cracks appeared on the frozen white fever, and with a bang, it shattered into pieces.

Countless tiny shining and sparkling ice chips slowly sprinkled from the air, causing a glittering snowflake of ice crystals to fall on the tranquil earth.

Ling Yu's slumped posture but as if this piece of heavenly endowment winter's monarch, Wei Ran, unshakeable.

"Ah cut!"

Only a very disembodied voice interrupted it all.

"Damn, why is it so cold!" The unconscious party Passing was awakened by the piercing coldness and looked around at the icy sky and snow in confusion.

Although he had great strength, he was still essentially an ordinary human.

You let an ordinary person wear a body shirt and try to sleep in the snow and ice? Not to mention that he was still physically weaker.

Oldest Demon King: "It was pretty shocking to watch, but now that I've been so messed up, I somehow want to laugh."

Southern Little Bird: "Brother Ling Yu's faking was tragically beaten in the face."

Lord of the Air: "No wonder you were tragically hung up on in the original, @ side pass, you really have nothing but superpowers."

One-Sided Pass: "Long-winded, what can I do, the world I'm in is a world of magic and technology, ah cut ......!"

Lord of the Air: "Do you need me to give you some artificial angels? It's still good to be an escort."

Man Settled: "@Lord of the Air, I'd advise you against it, I expect your angels will be discovered by Arista as soon as they go over there, and unravel for a while afterwards."

Ling Yu: "Don't say that, it's really possible, although people don't need the technology of Sipunas, but people are interested in the unknown."

The Greatest Chief: "The first thing Tony, who broke away from the ban, said was, "The group is awesome!"

Ling Yu, who had wanted to ban him, saw this and nodded his head narcissistically.

Forget it, just let him off this time.

Queen of Ice: "Group Master, the power of the Demon God manifestation should have been strengthened by you many times, right? @Ling Yu "

Ling Yu: "Strengthened a third time, I guess."

War Law Witch: "Envy.jpg. I'm still relying on my check-in points dog to this day."

Nan Xiaotiao: "Why, when I heard that, I had a feeling that a problem is a problem."

Suzaku Goku: "Coincidentally, I have it too, but I'm getting out of this situation completely today, so please call me everyone from now on!"

The great richest man: "No 'chicken' talk?"

Black Little Tiger: "Skeleton King?"

Queen of Ice: "Super Shakespeare?"

Suzaku Goh: "King of the Undead!"

Suzuki Goh: "......"

Hey, hey, are you guys 20 years old and single? What's the speed of your hand?

And, Estes, you've gone too far.


The sound of ice cracking drew attention.

Ukyou broke his hands and body from the ice and took a leap, driving numerous ice crystals to land on the side.

"Is this power a frozen fruit? No, is the power of the frozen fruit that powerful?"

"Does he also possess the power of a demon god?!"

Ukyou looked at Ling Yu in a jealous frenzy.

Not only did he have Icarus this warm little angel, but now even his equipment and strength was strong, what a recognition of anger!

"System, I need to unlock the full power of the Demon Pillar now that my flesh can support it at this stage!"

"Ding! Warning, the host has not been qualified to control this power!"

"Grass! You're still so rigid when it comes to this situation. And don't give me this bullshit about how after I die, you can still find your next host, that's the Time and Space Administration! Do you think that if I die, they'll leave an odd number like you alone?!"

The air was silent for a moment.

"Then I'll make an exception and lend you my power."

"Fuck! Who are you?"

Suddenly a dull male voice blinded him.

"I and even the High Magician, one of Solomon's avatars!"

"You wanted power, didn't you? I'll give it to you."

In the next moment, the terrifying temperature that burned hot enough to evaporate the surface of the earth directly came out, as if it was a flame from the very core of the sun, and the land around it began to turn red and sticky, and countless little golden glowing butterflies flew out of it, dancing wildly around Ukyou.

"I don't know what you are, but it's already at such a point that I can't think about it that much."

The snake-scale skin on his body began to gradually transform into red, emitting a glow like the sun, and the whole man flew towards the sky.

The scorching breath could dry a person out in an instant.

Looking at the figure that was like a sun god high in the sky, gazing over, hot springs appeared on the surrounding ground one after another, constantly tumbling with foam.

Some of the stunned ninja allies were forced to wake up from their unconsciousness due to the heat of the air and their dry throats.

Forcing themselves to endure the discomfort, they looked to the sky and their entire bodies were set like stone statues.

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