Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 115

Kiana suddenly sneezed, causing Meiko, who was on the other side of the room, to quickly become concerned.

"What's wrong with Kiana? Did you sleep at night without a blanket again? How many times have I told you that you'll catch a cold that way, and to take care of your body, you know?"

"Ahhhh! Meiko is so long-winded!" Herb complained, then hugged Budgie happily and smiled, "I want Budgie's girl juice tonight!"

Ling Yu: "......"

Hiko: "......"

Zhang Forgetting Chuan: "......"

The scene was quiet for a moment.

Young lady, did you say something particularly remarkable.

Is it that exciting?

Can you bring me one? I want one too ......

Meiko's white face reddened at once.

"Kiana!" Pushing Kiana away with great force, she then quickly apologized, "Very sorry! Kiana said something very strange. But it's not really like that."

It's okay, maiden, I know that.

"Ahem, it's okay, I don't mind." Rinoa said.

Meiko's little face blushed even more when she saw Ling Yu's teasing look.

Although she didn't notice it, Himeko saw it, and her heart quickly trembled for some reason.

Could it be?

"Well, if you guys don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first." Ling Yu looked at the time and said.


"So, why is it like this!?" Ling Yu took a sad look at the crowded street.

"How rude! As the controller of this area, isn't it only right to familiarize ourselves with the world for us?" Himeko looked at Ling Yu and smiled.

"I hate shopping, I want to go home, I want to live the salty life of a geek."

"That, why don't you go home first and we'll go shopping by ourselves?" The gentle sprouting clothes couldn't help but say when she saw Ling Yu's sad and angry expression.

Hearing Meanyi's mature and delicate voice, Ling Yu suddenly felt as if he wasn't that tired all of a sudden, staying at home all the time would also be moldy, so he might as well go out and get some sun.

"Meanyi come over quickly, I want to eat this!" Grassworm was standing in front of a food stand yelling at Meiko.

"Sorry, I'll leave first." Meiko said with a polite curtsy towards Ling Yu.

"Budsuit! Come on, come on!"

"Here we go! Alas! Kiana why did you eat it without paying again, you can't do that next time!"

"Got it, Meiko is so long-winded."


The corner of Ling Yu's eyes twitched, the grass crawler was worthy of being a grass crawler, facing the human wife with all her attributes gentle to the core, Kiana wasn't afraid at all, but instead intensified.

"Alright, Himeko, go ahead." Ling Yu regained his bland expression and said.

"Mr. Ling Yu, I want to know who the Fourteenth Lawgiver really is!" Hiko asked with a firm face.

Ling Yu sighed slightly, didn't you already know in your heart?

"The Fourteenth Lawgiver, the Final Lawgiver, had a similar appearance to Kiana in the last civilization."

"And the Kiana in front of us now is actually Experiment K423 - a clone of the real Kiana Caslana."

Himeko's pupils shrank and she looked at Ling Yu incredulously.

How did he know that?!

"So, you don't need to worry at all, although the Final Lawgiver is very strong, it depends on who it is, and if it's a fool." Ling Yu said with a smile.

"Not to mention that in our world, the tenth step isn't the only one."

"Ah cut, ah cut!" In the distance, Kiana suddenly sneezed a few times, making Himeko laugh out loud.

Yea, how could this idiot do something that would destroy the world?

"Yes! Brother, you're actually here." The voice that suddenly came from behind him made Ling Yu's body shake.

Damn, too complacent and forgetful. I forgot that my sister was one of the cadres of the Central Reincarnation.

That intelligence ability is a bar, and it's hard not to be suspicious when you appear on the street so radiantly and with three women.

When Himeko curiously turned back, she saw a young girl wearing a pale white dress with slender black hair left to her waist in denim shorts.

Ling Yu turned around awkwardly.

In the meantime, looking at her sister's eyebrows, she said a greeting, "Hi ......."

"MASTER ......" the soft voice recalled behind Ling Yu, and the guilty Ling Yu was momentarily startled, and if it wasn't for the familiarity, he almost would have been tempted to do it.


Seeing the familiar pink hair and the two ponytails fluttering behind it, Lynx said.

"MASTER, LIE, said you wouldn't leave Icarus ......"

Chapter 87 - Guardian Angels

For some reason, looking at Icarus, whose gaze was still flat, Ling Yu actually took a step backwards in fear.

But it wasn't a good idea to retreat, as soon as she retreated Icarus completely exploded.

Turquoise green eyes instantly shrank slightly, scarlet replaced her eyes for an instant, and calmly handed the watermelon held in her hands to Ling Wei.

In the time Ling Wei was stunned, the wings behind her suddenly quantumized and the wind blew past.

By the time the wind died down, both Ling Wei and Icarus had already disappeared.

Ling Wei blinked, what had happened?

"Aunt Himeko! What's going on?" The grass-trawler walked happily towards the Infinite Tower Himeko, its mouth full of grease.

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