Different World Development Manual

Chapter 972: Purify the dead

The accident of the Fountain of Eternal Life immediately caused the Administration to finally. Located in the headquarters of the Time and Space Administration of Mobei Province, Xue Yang was listening to the video report of the staff from the Undead Branch and the Office of the Fountain of Eternal Life.

"Xue Ju, the general situation is like this."

After listening to the staff of the administrative bureau on the other side of the screen, Xue Yang asked: "That is to say, with a new discovery, the dead still have the ability to transform?"

The personnel on the side of the Undead Division nodded and said: "Yes, this is a new change we discovered.

There is no relevant record of the various forces in the Aghanim Continent and the information provided by the Magic Association that are included in the administration.

From rotten zombies, skeletons of bones, and wandering ghosts, they directly become "creatures".

This point, no matter whose information, even a biography, has not been recorded.

And I also asked the necromancers who served in the administration, and they also said that they had never met. "

"From undead to ‘creature’?"

Xue Yang murmured: "Doesn't that mean resurrection?"

The staff over there shook his head and said: "It's not a resurrection. Although they have a physical body, they are no different from normal people, but they are still undead.

It's just that the state of being in this world is different.

They are no longer dead bones and untouchable spirits, but new undead with flesh and blood. "

Talking about the staff, they showed videos and pictures. The mummies that were originally wrapped in dirty shrouds suddenly became extremely white. The "spiritual body" inside, Yue directly transformed into flesh. .

The ghosts that floated everywhere in the sky, without a physical appearance, seem to be translucent. Now they have become a humanoid "creature" that can float in the air and can touch and communicate, provided that the other party is willing. Case.

And those skeletons, the same is true, the white bones began to change into removable objects like armor clothes, attached to the body, behind the "white bones" is their skin, just like humans, like Nylon in "Reaper" .

The same goes for those zombies. The rotten skin on their bodies healed, forming something like a birthmark, which appeared on the skin.

All kinds of undead are changing towards the state of human beings or humanoid races.

But no matter what, these guys who became "creatures" still retain many of the original physical signs of the undead.

For example, their body temperature is still undetectable.

Of course, after becoming like this, these undead have added something new.

For example, you can speak like a living being, and utter the syllables of a living person, instead of being "buzzing" like the undead.

Xue Yang asked again: "Are there many new souls?"

The staff on the side of the Undead World shook his head and said: "At present, the undead of these changes are mainly concentrated on the fountain of eternal life.

Even if China belongs to other places in the Spring of Eternal Life, no more such new undead appeared. "

Focus on the fountain of eternal life?

Xue Yang pondered for a moment. If it was mainly focused on the Fountain of Eternal Life, it was probably because the Fountain of Eternal Life contained a lot of things in the living world.

Daily necessities produced in China may have a lot of vitality attached, and those daily necessities are also constantly changing the living conditions of the undead residents in the entire city.

According to the staff of the Necromancer of the Administration Bureau in the inner city of the Fountain of Eternal Life, the entire city has begun to become more vital because of the influx of domestic commodities.

If there are no undead changes elsewhere, then this inference makes sense.

Xue Yang asked, "Is it because of our influence on the Fountain of Eternal Life?"

The staff member said: "It's very possible.

Although I don't know why such a situation has not happened before, but based on the situation we have observed in the past few hours, it is inseparable from the Qingming Festival.

The paper money burned from above is like falling snow over the entire fountain of eternal life.

But once this snowflake falls on the undead, it changes into ashes.

At the same time, the undead with paper money will become the new undead we encounter now.

Perhaps before it burned down, after such a ‘conversion’ by the Naga-built horizon spacecraft, something new or a new ‘program’ was formed.

These undead in the undead world have undergone essential changes.

And we also found a crucial clue, all the undead who became like this, all because of our arrival, awakened the thoughts and emotions of the undead.

If the paper money floats to the ordinary undead, it will not bring a particularly significant effect, at most it will only accelerate them to become the awakened undead.

For these awakened undead, it is like purifying the last bit of'evil power' in their bodies, turning them from the'dead' to the'living', and the race should be grouped into the'undead' New creatures. "

The staff said that they were very excited.

After all, the lifeless place of the Undead World has changed little by little because of their arrival.

Starting from the fountain of eternal life, those lifeless undead began to become emotional and thinking "creatures" one by one.

Huaxia is changing the world. Can this not make the staff excited?

In their view, they are doing a sacred and great cause.

"According to our research, temporarily call these new undead as'purifying the undead'.

It belongs to the line of ordinary undead-awakening undead-purifying undead. "

Xue Yang nodded: "Just call it "Ordinary Undead", "Awakening Undead" and "Purifying Undead" in your obvious way."

If you want to say that these purified undeads are more like "monster women", it's just that these purified undeads don't only have little sisters, but also little brothers.

The appearance of purified undead is inseparable from ordinary undead and awakened undead.

To purify the undead, it is a real "person".

They have thinking and emotions, know how to think about the relationship of interests, and know the joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

And the staff on the Undead World also mentioned that the difference between purifying undead and ordinary undead and awakening undead is that they know fatigue and hunger.

Although many businessmen madly transported some food to the Fountain of Eternal Life, try it as a luxury snack for those awakened undead who do not need to eat.

But many of them have lost their roots, but with the emergence of the purification of the dead, these merchants have found business opportunities for a while.

Fortunately, although the fountain of eternal life appeared on a large scale to purify the undead, the number was not large, otherwise famine would have to occur.

Burning paper money and bringing modern handicrafts will make the undead change from ordinary undead to awakened undead, and then to purify undead.

If things from the ground world are brought down on a large scale, it will completely change the ecological environment and social structure of the entire undead world.

As the guardians of their respective continents or the overlords of their respective continents, the five countries face the threat of invasion from Udid Kuru.

The biggest trouble for the undead is the ordinary undead at the most basic level. They have no feelings and are not exhausted. Just like the little soldiers in the game, just box A and A will do.

If a large number of undead in the undead world turns into awakening and purifying the undead, then what else can those undead lord, the **** of death Udid Kuru, use to invade the living world?

Xue Yang raised a new question at this time: "If the ground world is man-made, large-scale, and continuous burning paper, will the undead awaken and purify the speed faster?"

If it is possible, then it will be completely cured of the undead world, artificially reshaping the ecology and structure of the entire undead world.

The staff member shook his head noncommitantly: "Xue Ju, the change of the Fountain of Eternal Life started this year's Qingming Festival, and I have never seen it before.

Perhaps it is because the awakened souls have accumulated a lot of anger, or because the daily necessities we brought have changed a lot of their way of life, which caused it.

Although we are not sure whether it was caused by burning paper, we can give it a try if it succeeds.

This is the opinion of the Undead World Branch. "

Xue Yang nodded: "I will make arrangements now."

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