The movement of the undead these days also attracted the attention of the Red Moon Knights, and the Red Moon Knights naturally knew that these humans from the ground world planned to advance to the southeast.

And after this Long March force from the ground world helped the Red Moon Knights solve the undead entrenched in the southeast, the Red Moon Knights felt even more profound about the mysterious and powerful power possessed by this force.

Gundaluf also knew that these guys would go to the underground world portal in the southeast direction after clearing the dead.

The Shouling Pavilion was attacked by these compatriots from the ground world, which confirmed that Guang Shixin was no different from the marching route he said.

It's just that the strange things that made Gundaluf think were also appearing one after another after the attack on the Guarding Pavilion.

It stands to reason that the power of the undead in the Shouling Pavilion is not as good as the undead entrenched in the southeast of the Red Moon Knights. The Chinese and Lucias can easily deal with the undead in the southeast, but they hit a wall in the Shouling Pavilion further east.

Did you meet the undead gourman in the Shouling Pavilion, or did you meet some high-end combat power?

The intelligence that came back immediately showed that the Long March troops had begun to move north.

He conquered the Nether Fort and destroyed the entire Nether Fort in ruins, and then continued to move north.

This also makes Gundaluf unable to read, why go north?

The undead lords to the north of the Red Moon Knights also began to assemble and form a line of defense to resist the setbacks of the Long March troops in the Shard.

The pressure on the north of the Red Moon Knights was also reduced because of the actions of the Li Long Corps.

However, it didn't take long, just when Gangdaluf thought that the Long March troops were going to break through the blockade of the undead lords, and then went north.

Another news came that the Long March troops had completed crossing the river and reached the east bank of the Huding River.

Even Gundaluf, like the undead lords, believed that the Long March troops would go east again according to the previous plan.

Going north to attack Nether Castle was probably just to demonstrate against the undead lord coalition forces going south, so that he would not venture in.

However, the Li Long Corps made a false shot, and immediately went north along the Mingshui, waiting for the opportunity to cross the river, and returned to the west bank of the river again.

Now the undead lords panicked. These humans came around to their back. The undead lords quickly moved the troops in front of them back, and even transferred the troops monitoring the Red Moon Knights to the front line, preparing to encircle the Long March. force.

Faced with the decrease in the number of the undead army to the north, Gundaluf said at the knights' meeting: "The entire Skoddingbei chaos has become a pot of porridge, and all the undead are moving.

We also don't understand the intentions of those compatriots from the world on the ground, whether they are going east or north. "

The other commanders of the Red Moon Knights also felt very inexplicable and could not understand the intentions of the Long March troops.

Gundaluf continued: "However, it is precisely because of the actions of our compatriots that the number of undead in our north is greatly reduced.

Therefore, I propose that all the knights of the Red Moon Knights be dispatched to counterattack the undead stationed in the north, and cooperate with the actions of the compatriots. "

Gangdaluf discussed with the leaders of the knights for a while, but made a decision.

Everyone has a common enemy, and that is the undead.

Whether dealing with the undead or helping this group of compatriots from the ground world, the Red Moon Knights should join the battle.

To the south of the Red Moon Knights is the Minshui Skull Dinghe, which can be regarded as a natural barrier for the Red Moon Knights.

The undead in Henan don't need to pay attention, just send some patrol teams to patrol along the Ruding River.

Although the west side of the Red Moon Knights faced the undead directly, relying on the complex terrain of the death forest at that time, the Knights were able to withstand the invasion from the east.

Now the east and north sides of the Red Moon Knights were caused by the faintness of the Li Long Corps, causing the undead to return to defense, pulling out the activity space.

Now the undead in the east and north are weak, so Gandaluf felt that the Red Moon Knights should counterattack east.

Not only can it destroy the undead in the east, it is also possible to join forces with the Long March troops and then destroy the undead in the north together.

After determining the battle plan, the Red Moon Knights also dispatched.

In addition to several major knights, the civilians in the Red Moon Knights were also mobilized.

Everyone is the descendant of the Red Moon Knights, and everyone has good accomplishments in divine arts.

In addition, under the high-pressure environment of the Undead World, every civilian who is pulled out can immediately plunge into the battle of the Knights.

The undead in the eastern part of the Red Moon Knights are still rushing back to the northern lair. Who would have expected the knights of the Red Moon Knights to come out.

Although the number of undead is far more than the humans of the Red Moon Knights.

However, the magic arts that the Red Moon Knights have practiced for so many years cannot be resisted by ordinary cannon fodder souls.

In a knight group of thousands of people, all kinds of sacred spells such as holy light, divine art, holy fire, and purification were cast by the knights, and the dark sky suddenly burst into light and shined down.

Under the holy light, ordinary undead were burnt to ashes instantly.

And those crazier Red Moon knights, holding the sledgehammer and giant sword in their hands, entangled various divine arts and rushed into the pile of undead, directly driving Wushuang.

Divine spells and other sacred spells have a considerable bonus to the damage of the undead.

This is also the reason why the Red Moon Knights have been able to rely on the Death Forest to continue to this era.

The participation of the Red Moon Knights made the northern undead lords panic again, and the undead lords realized that their old rival, the Red Moon Knights, had united with the Lucias.

The undead army that had withdrawn from the south was attacked by the Red Moon Knights, plus the Lucians from the southern foot of the Forgotten Mountains.

Let these undead lords think of a question, this is probably the battle plan reached by these Lucias with the people of the Red Moon Knights.

Lure the Undead Legion to the east of the Red Moon Knights, then the Lucias detoured to the rear, the Red Moon Knights went east, and the Lucias formed a combined attack against the Undead Legions that had not had time to return to defense.

The more the undead lords thought about it, the more they felt it was possible. These human beings are really too despicable and not aboveboard at all.

In order to preserve their respective strengths, the undead lords also urgently ordered the encircled undead army to jump out of the attack of the Lucias and the Red Moon Knights.

It was precisely this misunderstanding and order that caused the Red Moon Knights to face a low level of resistance when they marched eastward to suppress the undead.

The news of the Red Moon Knights' dispatch also reached the Li Long Corps. Li Long Yixi: "The entire Skull Dingbei chaos has turned into a pot of porridge. We go north to the north to mobilize the forces of the undead.

The Red Moon Knights came out from the east.

The undead fled northward, and could not escape into an army, so the Red Moon Knights slaughtered a lot.

"Friends" of the Red Moon Knights, this is uninvited. "

Li Long looked at the map and said, "Since the Red Moon Knights went out to suppress the undead from the east, and the undead fled back to the defensive territory from the north, then we might as well cut off the retreat of the undead and let the Red Moon Knights help us and The undead fight together."

At this time Ding Wei intervened and said, "Lao Li, it's not good for us to drag the Knights into the water like this.

We were just to mobilize our troops, and we didn't even think about bringing the Knights together.

Now that this is the case, I am afraid that it is not the Rhine's pursuit troops that will clean up with the Knights.

We don't care, when the time comes, we will run to the stronghold of the undead world to the east, leaving the knights alone to deal with the undead, feeling a bit unjust. "

Li Long was silent for a while, and then said: "This is no way, they got involved themselves.

The people who die are better than the people on earth.

The only thing we can help them now is to wipe out the undead around them as much as possible before continuing the Long March. "

Kong Jie also seconded: "I think Lao Li is right. This is a war with the world of the undead.

They knew our intentions of the Long March, and since they chose to help us, then they were ready to face the attack from Mingjun's pursuit troops.

What we can do is to return to the stronghold as soon as possible, and then move a large force to rescue the Knights. "

The Red Moon Knights did not expect that their destiny would be changed because of these humans from the ground world.

While the chaos in the northern part of the Huding River became a pot of porridge, Guang Shixin also made quite good progress on the underground world side.

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