Die on Mars

Chapter 257 Day 342 (7) Don’t die on Mars

3:15 p.m.

Tang Yue and Lao Mao couldn't remember how many falls they had. Lao Mao was too short, and his center of gravity was too high while supporting Tang Yue. Tang Yue slipped and pulled Lao Mao down as well. They stumbled along the way. After falling, Tang Yue could no longer tell the difference between east, west and north, but fortunately, the old cat could still tell the direction clearly.

"Five meters! Four meters!"

"Three meters!"

"Two meters! Two meters!"

"One meter...here it comes!"

Tang Yue and Lao Mao both collapsed on the ground.

Tang Yue gasped and opened his eyes. His eyes were still dark and he couldn't see anything.

"We walked a total of 6,475 steps. This is the effective number of steps. Rolling on the ground and stumbling do not count." The old cat lay next to Tang Yue, covered in white snowflakes. "According to the distance Forget it, this is it.”

Tang Yue struggled and turned over, facing up. He rested for half a minute before he had the strength to speak.

"But there is nothing here..."

They arrived at their destination, but there was nothing here, no court with tall Roman columns, no little green men, not even a simple circuit court, no light, except for the howling wind and snow, it was endless sand. .

"Yeah...there's nothing here." The old cat said.

Tang Yue was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed out loud, coughing while laughing.

"Old cat, tell me, since these damn alien bastards are so advanced and advanced, why do they bother us like this? Why don't they just send a spaceship to pick us up? Get on the spaceship and go to the court to file a lawsuit and hire a lawyer for one-stop service. So neat...why do you have to make us travel so hard?"

"Maybe because they are insurance companies." Old Mao said.

"What happened to the insurance company?"

"Insurance companies all over the world probably have the same moral code: pay less if they can, and don't pay if they can't." Lao Mao said, "They will find room for manipulation in the numerous articles and articles, and try their best to do what is allowed by the regulations. Minimize your losses as much as possible and shirk responsibility. Do you think that as long as you die on the way, the lawsuit will be gone? They won’t have to pay you anything, and they won’t even have to bear the responsibility. , you are the last person on Earth, if you die, no one will remember Earth."

"So dark."


Tang Yue sighed, "You are thinking about the problem with the thinking of people on earth. In fact, who knows what they think?"

"Yeah..." The old cat nodded, "Who knows what they think?"

Tang Yue and Lao Mao fell into silence again, and after a while they laughed in unison.

Sure enough there was nothing.

The letter was a joke, a hoax, it gave coordinates to nothing.

For Tang Yue, this was an expected result. He saw the scene at this moment when he left Kunlun Station. Tang Yue had long ago not cared about the authenticity of the letter and the coordinates. He just wanted to find a destination in the confusion, and The letter gave him a direction to go.

The surroundings were very quiet. I don't know if the wind was too weak or there was something wrong with his hearing. Tang Yue lay on his back on the sand. He once thought that he might die under the stars. That would be considered embracing the universe, and his soul should be able to We were with the stars, but it was a pity that the weather was not good at this time. There was flying snow and dust storm, and it was as dark as a coffin board.

Tang Yue took out the photo frame from his pocket and turned on the bright armored headlamp.

He stroked the photo with his hand, brushing away the snowflakes and sand that fell on it, and scanned the faces of those people one by one. This is the only group photo in Tang Yue's hand. Lao Wang, Lao Tang, Lao Zheng, Maidong, they, and the earth once existed The only evidence that Tang Yue had passed before he could take a closer look was that his headlight flickered and went out.

Tang Yue patted his helmet gently, and the lights did not turn on again. He was a little regretful that the look he just took was his final farewell to the bright world.

Mingguang Armor's battery power has dropped to the red warning line. In order to ensure Tang Yue's life safety, Mingguang Armor has given priority to supplying power to the life support system. Other power consumption has been cut off. No matter how hard Mingguang Armor tries to heat up Raising the temperature didn't help. Tang Yue's body temperature was constantly losing and he began to show symptoms of hypothermia.

"Did you bring the shovel?" Tang Yue pressed the photo frame to his chest, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"No," the old cat replied, "it was too heavy and I threw it away halfway."

"forget about it……"

Drowsiness gradually increased, and Tang Yue was too lazy to worry about the shovel. To be precise, his brain had lost the ability to think about problems. Tang Yue no longer even felt cold. Instead, he felt warm all over his body, as if he was shrinking. Being under the quilt at Kunlun Station is like soaking in warm water, quiet and peaceful.


So comfortable...

Tang Yue slowly curled up and closed his eyes.

"Tang Yue! Tang Yue!" The old cat crawled over and patted Tang Yue's mask.

"Ah... what are you doing?" Tang Yue opened his eyes and saw the other party's big cat face pressed against the glass mask, "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, don't disturb my sleep."

"Tang Yue, let me tell you, we are slightly off the right direction! I just discovered that we need to walk another fifty meters to the east! Do you hear that? We need to walk another fifty meters to the east!" The old cat yelled, Shaking Tang Yue's shoulders vigorously, the latter stared at it blankly, with blank eyes. He only felt that its voice was vague and distant, as if separated by thick walls and glass, "Did you hear it? Tang Yue!"

"Okay, I get it now."

Tang Yue nodded.

"You know, then get up! Get up and keep walking! Fifty meters!"

"I'm not going. I won't go even five meters. If you deviate, just deviate. I don't care." Tang Yue muttered and turned over, "I'm so exhausted that I can't walk...here comes the King of Heaven." I won’t leave even now, I don’t want to move in this life.”

"Let's go! Get up!"

"I want to sleep……"

Tang Yue's brain refused all instructions, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

"Don't sleep!" The old cat tried to help Tang Yue up again, but his efforts failed several times. Tang Yue's body lay on the ground like mud, lifeless. In desperation, the old cat had to lift him up. With his upper body pressed on his hind legs, he used individual soldier tactics to crawl forward like transporting the wounded under the fire line, dragging Tang Yue on the ground, "Don't sleep! Tang Yue! Don't sleep under any circumstances! If you fall asleep If you do, I will strip you naked and place you on Mount Olympus with your butt stuck out!"

Tang Yue woke up slightly.

"But I'm too sleepy..."

"Recite poems when you're tired!" The old cat crawled forward and then dragged Tang Yue forward. "Recite after me! You can memorize whatever I recite!"

"Okay...whatever you carry...I will carry..."

"Heaven will grant a great responsibility to this man!" The old cat grabbed the back of Tang Yue's neck with one paw, and dug its other paw deeply into the sand, crawling forward with all its strength.

Tang Yue's whole body was limp. He pulled his arms twice to help the old cat. Unfortunately, his arms were like noodles and couldn't be used at all. To describe it in one word, it was soft and boneless. It's a pity that this word is not used. To describe a man, otherwise it is extremely appropriate.

"Heaven... will... confer a great responsibility... to this people..." Tang Yue murmured.

"You have to work hard first!" the old cat yelled.

"You must...suffer first...in your heart and mind..." Tang Yue read after him.

"Work your muscles!"

"Work your... muscles and bones..."

"Hungry for its skin!"

"Hungry...hungry...I'm so hungry..."

"Hungry for your skin! Do not go gentle into that good night!"

"You cheated on the old cat..."

"Do you still remember what Miss Maidong told you? If you only have three days left to live! Dark night and death will inevitably come on the night of the third day. You should face it angrily, roaring, and holding a torch high! "The old cat dragged Tang Yue and roared loudly through the wind and snow, "Listen Tang Yue... No matter what, no matter what happens, don't die on this damn Mars——!"

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