The two of them padded their feet, making no noise as much as possible, and hurried through the rugged corridor like a cave.

Before passing by the room where the old witch usually rested, both Ochli and Sol were so nervous that they even stopped breathing.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen, and the two passed through the old witch's room smoothly.

Until Okili used potions to suppress the warning witchcraft circle at the entrance of the cave, and escaped with Sol, the old witch still did not appear behind them.

The two walked through the cave carefully without triggering the alarm, and finally left the old witch's stronghold.

It was late at night outside, and the starry sky overhead added a little splendor to the dim world.

Ahead lay several gentle hills and barren fields.

Seeing the scenery outside, and looking at the hole behind him, Sol felt a little emotional. They had been locked in a hole all this time.

When they left the burrow and looked back, they found that when viewed from the outside, the burrow had become a fist-sized rat hole. And there is no magic wave in it.

It seemed that the old witch used this method to avoid her pursuers.

They ran all the way to the nearest hill and hid behind a few solitary aloe trees.

Okay, let's separate now. Oukili said suddenly with his chest rising and falling.

Separate? But... Sol was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Now that you've come out, each of you has escaped according to your ability. Now is not the time to relax, the old witch is very good at finding people. I want you to improve your strength as soon as possible, not just to get out of the cage. What's really scary is the follow-up pursuit .We are together, the target is too big, and it is easier to be caught. I want to escape that way, you remember to change the direction. Oukili's lips collided quickly, and explained a few words to Sol.

Then his whole body was submerged in black mist, and he drifted away in the direction he said.

Sol looked at the afterimage of Okili's witchcraft, but stood still and didn't run away immediately.

He put one hand on his right arm which was just grabbed by Oqili, and said thoughtfully: So... which direction should I run?


When escaping, Oqili kept acting calm, but in fact his heart was about to jump out.

After being imprisoned by the old witch for three years, he longed for freedom all the time, and was threatened by the shadow of death all the time.

For this escape plan, he planned for more than a year.

The witchcraft materials he let Sol steal were only a small part of them. As early as a year ago, he had started secretly hiding materials for future needs.

It's just that some important materials are difficult to obtain. The old witch will always be watching him from behind. If it weren't for Sol and him to cooperate with each other, the last few materials would not be collected at all.

Now he finally managed to escape!

Oukili, who had been running for most of the night, stopped at a mountain depression, took out a plant rhizome that could restore magic power from behind, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

Ingesting such untreated material directly is actually toxic to a certain extent, but Oukili doesn't want to waste time now.

In the past three years, he has accumulated a lot of toxicity in his body, and he can only slowly resolve it after he regains his freedom.

And now all he has to do is race against time. He had to rush to the nearest wind demon's territory before the old witch used the magic mirror to find her.

As long as he finds Feng Yao's subordinates and reports the old witch's whereabouts, he will not only be safe from now on, but also get a lot of rewards.

It only takes three days to rush to the nearest territory of Feng Yao from here.

There are too many uncertainties during this period.

Fortunately, there is someone who can help him delay the time.

Oukili waited for the recovery of magic power, turned his head to look into the distance, and gradually revealed a distorted smile.

Sol, run quickly, try your best, try every means, run as fast as possible, and run as far as possible! This way, when the old witch is looking for the aura on your body, she can spend more time. A lot of time.

When Oukili prepared the potion, he actually prepared another material.

When this material is applied on the body, it has the effect of concealing the breath at first, but if it is not wiped off with special medicine within twelve hours, it will start to emit a very obvious smell of smoke and fire.

And the old witch who always used this material to avoid being hunted was naturally very familiar with this smell.

When she wakes up, she will naturally catch Sol who has a small tail first.

It also prolongs the time for Oqili to escape in a disguised form.

And Oukili deliberately put this material on Rathore's arm when he came out of the cage.

As for the stain on his hand, it was naturally washed off when he escaped Sol's sight.

As long as Sol can survive a day, Oukili is sure to be able to run to the territory of the wind demon!


three days later.

Oukili hid in a patch of grass, looking at a settlement in front of him.

There are no houses made of masonry and wood in the settlement. Instead, there are huge tents.

The tent in the center is the largest, and other tents are built around it.

Because Borderlands is a place where danger may occur at any time, all Feng Yao's subordinates will choose this kind of tent that is easy to disassemble and move as their residence.

This should be the territory of the wind demon. Look at the size of the tent in the middle... There should be a second-tier wizard stationed here.

Oqili was overjoyed. If there were only a section of wizards stationed here, it would at most make the old witch's pursuit of him more concealed, but it would not be able to stop her.

But if there are second-level wizards stationed here, the old witch will definitely weigh in before coming in, whether it will attract more enemies.

Now there are only the last 300 meters left. Oqili did not let down his vigilance, and moved forward carefully, while trying to cover his body with a gray-yellow robe covered in sand.

He was coated with the material that can mask the breath, and it would be washed off immediately when the time came.

Now that he has just applied new materials, there is still plenty of time.

Just wait until I meet that Tier 2 wizard...

Suddenly, two people came out of the settlement talking and laughing.

Oukili did not dare to show up immediately, but squatted aside and cast a concealment technique.

Those two people exuded the fluctuations of wizard apprentices. Perhaps because they were not far from the settlement, they didn't maintain their due vigilance at this time, and they were still talking about recent new things.

It also happens to be about the old witch.

I heard that someone has found traces of the old witch.

Ha, Master Feng Yao has already sent more people to catch her. When the old witch is caught, we don't have to worry about people around us missing if they don't understand.

At this time, the first person suddenly lowered his voice, Did you know that it is said that the old witch appeared last time and hurt Master Feng Yao...

The voices of the two were getting lower and lower, and Oqili could not hear clearly.

But just judging from the news he just got, he could definitely report the traces of the old witch here.

Maybe the second-tier wizard here will reward him for it!

Oukili's eyes lit up, and he was about to get up from the ground.

Suddenly, his legs went numb, and he couldn't use any strength at all.

Oukili's heart was beating wildly, and a bad thought came to his mind.

He opened his mouth, wanting to shout, but when he really opened his mouth, he only made a sound not much louder than breathing.

No way? No way!

No! No! No!!!

In the next second, the soil under Oqili's feet loosened, and he fell down.

Who? The two apprentices who were still talking in low voices suddenly noticed something unusual.

Hmph, it's not a good thing to be too alert sometimes.

A gloomy voice sounded, and then the flesh and blood on the two apprentices began to roll and fall, as if an invisible knife quickly cut their bodies, not even the skeleton was spared!

Soon, everything returned to tranquility.

Oukili lay on his stomach in a deep pit, feeling the warm liquid dripping down from his head, slowly soaking his face.

Are you running fast? The old witch pressed against Oukili's back.

She bowed her head, the little finger in her braid pointing right on Okeli's nose.

It's over! Oukili gritted his teeth tightly, desperate in his heart.

He lost the bet.

That bastard is really useless, he didn't even last a day!

He couldn't help but hate Sol, who was working with him, and felt that the little wizard could only do research, and was useless in other aspects.

The old witch heard Oquili's muttering, and slowly grinned, Hey, what, did you escape with Sol?

Oukili was taken aback, why would the old witch ask such a question?

The old witch's voice continued to ring in his ears, Then do you know... that kid didn't run away at all?

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