Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 525: Three Days

Upon hearing that it was an allergy, the old witch's frown relaxed a lot.

His body is too weak, and it's normal if he can't bear the transformation. The old witch touched her bright red mouth, I'll go and bring the giants and barbarians over. I hope their innately strong bodies can resist allergies.

After the old hag left for the second time, Okeli came to help Thor move the dead wizard to the junkyard.

It turned out that Saul was collecting the skin, blood and some bones of the dead.

What are you doing?

I want to check for allergens.

Oukili pressed Sol's wrist and whispered, Why, do you really want to help her complete the experiment?

Sol broke away from Ochli, Since you want to play, please do the whole set.

Oukili was stunned, he suddenly felt that Sol in front of him seemed not as naive as he thought.

Was he just... teaching him a lesson in turn?

A surge of anger suddenly surged in Oukili's heart. This anger was more because he was not as thoughtful as a child, but the final object of venting was still the young wizard in front of him.

You should be more concerned about your own progress! Oukili snorted coldly and backed away.

Saul noticed that he had gone to actively dispose of materials in the scrap area after he walked away.

Oukili doesn't pay much attention to experiments recently, but he is proactive every time he disposes of waste products.

Sol moved the magic mirror slightly, and observed Oukili's movements with the help of reflection.

After a while, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. Smiling slightly, he quickly restrained himself.

Soon the old witch brought the giant and the barbarian.

When they came in, they saw the corpse on the test bench at a glance.

The giant's first reaction was to turn around and run, but the old witch took out her wooden stick and hit the giant's ankle.

The old hag hit her hard this time. The giant's ankle was completely broken, and a piece of it was missing, as if it had been eaten by a stick.

With one foot broken, the already weak giant fell to the ground, no longer having the strength to escape.

The old witch dragged the giant into the laboratory with the giant's intact leg.

The giant is more than three meters tall, but in the hands of the old witch, it looks like a struggling baby.

The barbarians on the other side did not escape. He has been in a daze, as if he has lost his mind.

After the giant screamed and was thrown onto the test bench, and died screaming from an allergic reaction, the barbarian suddenly started dancing.

He raised his left and right legs high in turn, clapped his hands above his head sometimes, slapped his chest at other times, and yelled wuwuwu.

Only then did Thor realize that the savage had no tongue in his mouth.

Barbarians often worship ancient gods. These gods are not the omnipotent beings in the storybooks, but the strong ones from the previous era, or even earlier. Exactly how powerful it is is no longer possible to test, anyway, it has disappeared in the long river of history.

It is estimated that when the tongue of this barbarian was caught by the old witch, he sacrificed it to the god he believed in.

When the old hag approached the barbarian again, the latter finished his dance at last, then tore off his right ear abruptly, and threw it into the sky.

However, before the bloody ear fell off, it was crushed by the old witch with witchcraft.

The ceremony was not completed.

Although even letting the barbarian finish it won't help.

The old hag threw the savage like a deflated balloon onto the bench.

Sol looked at the lines on the barbarian's body, felt familiar, and wanted to write it down, but the old witch was already impatiently tapping the experimental table with her fingers.

Hurry up! Go on!

Solmer remained silent, and began to introduce the dough into the barbarian's body.

Soon the barbarian also had an allergic reaction, but unlike the first two, he did not die soon. Only after the most severe erythema reaction appeared, he fell into a coma.

Such a change brought the old witch and Oukili together.

Is this a success? The old witch was a little excited.

But Saul doesn't think so, At present, it seems that there is only a possibility of success. But it is not high. It depends on whether he can survive in the end.

A smile finally appeared on the old witch's face, Pay attention, if this barbarian dies, let Okyli go up next.

Oqili's legs went limp behind him, and he almost didn't sit on the ground.

Because of the need to observe and maintain the lives of the barbarians, after the end of the experiment today, Thor and Ochli were allowed to stay outside again.

The old witch went to rest next door.

Okeli continues to process the scrap.

But halfway through the process, he suddenly looked at Sol with red eyes, How long do you need?

Sol was checking his other petri dishes, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry, as if he was already immersed in the research, and completely forgot about the next one, it was his turn to be on the laboratory table.

Three days.

Oukili lowered his head, his body trembling slightly, You don't have three days. Neither do I.

Sol took out the most allergic body tissue he had collected from the savage. No, we have.

After the old witch rested, it should have been the next day.

She still had a gloomy face, and the severed finger behind her head was trembling.

As soon as she came in, the old witch pointed at Ochli with a stick in her hand without hesitation, You, go up!

Oukili shuddered and looked at Sol.

If it wasn't for Saul's vowed promise last night that he could fight for three more days, he would have acted last night.

Fortunately, Saul stood up as agreed.

Old witch, in the experiment of the previous three people, I found that the perfect body still has room for improvement...

Then improve directly on Oukili. I don't have time to wait for you to study it slowly.

After a night, the other party seemed to be more anxious.

Sol took out a test tube and held it in front of him, It is meaningless to repeat the failed steps. Multiple experiments are to help us correct mistakes, not to increase the success rate.

Before the old witch was about to swing the wooden stick at herself, Sol immediately said: I only need ten days to complete the improvement of the plan. Although Ochli and I are on the test bench this time, you are the one who will transform the witch body in the end, right?

Seeing the old witch hesitate, Oukili quickly shrank his neck and prayed, We only need three days. Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in Sol. He is a genius in this area! He can definitely increase the success rate to a level that you can accept.

The old witch had a gloomy face and narrowed her eyes to look at Sol, What's in your hand?

It is the body tissue with the most severe allergies among barbarians. Through analysis, I have found a way to relieve allergies, but several experiments are still needed. If possible, I also need to establish ten data control groups to ensure the accuracy of the experiment.

The room was quiet, and Ouki's strength was like a year.

After three extremely difficult minutes, the old witch finally said, You don't have ten days, I only give you three days, and the control group...up to five groups, I will arrest people now.

The old witch walked away.

Oqili breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly supported the table, almost falling down.

Sol turned back and patted Ochli on the shoulder, Now is not the time to relax, let's continue with the final experiment.

Changed dwarves to barbarians

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